Comments on: Shy Love aka Sheelagh Blumberg Wants Everyone To Know The VIP connect Is Licensed. LIE The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 08 Jul 2023 11:44:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: common sense Fri, 21 Nov 2014 18:06:56 +0000 In reply to CPanzram.

like I said , the fact that you are defending Deen and saying he did nothing wrong SPEAKS VOLUMES ABOUT YOU! The fact that you defend kink and say that vile company that treats women like shit but gets away with it because the performers consented? SPEAKS VOLUMES ABOUT YOU!
and it’s pretty obvious that acworth pays people off to keep their mouths shut about what REALLY goes on and of course he covers his ass from lawsuits because of those ridiculous BULLSHIT before and after interviews…

Now if any of the performers actually has the balls to speak out against kink…kink desperately tries to discredit them by attacking them.

So for you to defend all of this shit and say that kink doesn’t promote violence against women even though sane people in the real world and countries like England say IT DOES! SPEAKS VOLUMES ABOUT YOU! And I know this isn’t a “politically correct” thing to say because it’s true! But stoya IS a very sick woman to think it’s ok for a guy to treat her like that so i am wondering what kind of childhood she had… I know that she did an interview where she said that her father watched one of her porn scenes.. THAT’S SICK… That statement alone tells ya about what kind of background she comes from…. EH?

So To sum up this conversation….sane people that live in the real world KNOW THAT no matter how much politically correct spin or feminist BULLSHIT you put on it.. defending ABUSE? Defending Deen? Defending kink? IS sick and anyone who does needs help!

By the way, the only people who seem to defend kink other then you and Harris are people who work there. 😉

By: mharris127 Fri, 21 Nov 2014 17:33:10 +0000 In reply to common sense.

Huh? Hop/Rob Black, let me make this clear: I have never posted at PWL!!!!! If someone is using my screen name over there than those posts are on him/her, not me — even if it is a satricial attempt at humor by that person. Hop/Rob, you were in prison (probably getting assfucked nightly by some Aryan Brotherhood gang members) when the PWL scandal went down so you may not know this but Mike South and I both hate Donny “Donkey” Long with a passion and would not lift a finger to help him. If Mike thought I or anyone else participating here were also posting at PWL he would ban that person from here immediately. However now that you have posted here regarding my username and PWL for the hundredth time I will do that Google search so I know whether you are just a liar or if (since I last checked a few months ago when another poster here made a similar comment — which came up bupkis BTW) someone over at PWL has come down with a sick sense of humor.

I just did that Google search — three posts come up, obviously not made by me and made to insult me.

By: LurkingReader Fri, 21 Nov 2014 17:04:59 +0000 In reply to common sense.


Stoya’s articles are always a joy to read because they provoke thought and offer insight beyond my experience…even when she is promoting BDSM or no condoms in a commercial work setting as a performer right …this is my favorite article so far.

She makes it clear she doesn’t want to be ‘fixed’, diagnosed or rescued and embraces her muckraker ways then goes on to say

“The prior night I had asked for these bruises, said yes and please. My hands pulled the person giving them to me closer. I said thank you because I wanted them. None of the pleasure/pain spectrum activities we engaged in were unexplored for me, but my thoughts around them were.”

HER thoughts had been unexplored…

She makes no promise to change and offers no self condemnation for her choices yet she is advocating and encouraging her readers …women and men, peers and fans to explore their thoughts as well as their usual activities. Her message of embrace yourself ‘warts and all’ is powerful because when we accept ourselves ‘good bad and ugly’ it’s much easier to accept others.

This seems much more productive to me than trying to prohibit or ban

By: common sense Fri, 21 Nov 2014 15:49:20 +0000 In reply to common sense.

Oh, and I’m glad you used the word ABUSE because that is what this is. They are just hiding behind the word BDSM.

By: common sense Fri, 21 Nov 2014 15:42:37 +0000 In reply to common sense.

@lurkingreader: temper temper! Lol keep on spinning!
Ps.. You have been insulting to ME because I refuse to jump on YOUR politically correct agenda. the fact that you are even defending this speaks volumes about YOU! But, you have the right to feel the way you do just like I have the right to feel the way I do.

Oh, lurking? One of my points is that this is PROOF that the men who work for places like HATE women….and the women need psychological help if they think this behavior is ok

By: LurkingReader Fri, 21 Nov 2014 15:05:24 +0000 In reply to common sense.


No one disputes that people with a predisposition are prone to monkey see monkey do. Since I have raised over a million dollars and spent over twenty years advocating for women and children I feel qualified to say …your approach is dead fucking wrong!

I also grew up when porn was filmed on 8mm, before Stoya was a glimmer in Gods eye and know plenty of women whose abusers never had access to I’m saying it’s time for you to get help to deal your unresolved issues.

In 1970 my class mate survived being stabbed 17 times, her sister 28 times her brother was shot defending the sister and shielding three younger siblings trying to revive their dead mother….while I hid in a fucking closet with four more kids….you have no clue how insulting you have been to me because I refuse to jump on your judgmental wagon and choose to respect mharris bedroom privacy even of he shares it publicly. Because I choose to respect Stoya’s freedom to choose a relationship with an asshole who hurt her.

I’m insulted because you have no clue how many girls I’ve held and arranged STD & pregnancy testing for when they got it in their head ditch their restrictive & over protective parental guidance for a thrill that landed them in their first flick….you have no clue how many were sent to counseling to address years of verbal abuse that ‘didn’t count’ cuz it wasn’t physical or sexual yet it still undermined their esteem and coping skills….you have no clue how many cards I’m looking forward to again this year from girls grateful for the hugs and acceptance that helped them choose a different path than porn to find the love they craved.

To sum up fuck you and the horse you rode in on! And goddamn you if you call this politically correct cuz I’m not editing or filtering a fucking word!

By: common sense Fri, 21 Nov 2014 13:54:50 +0000 In reply to common sense.

By the way, here is a post that stoya wrote about a “bruise” she received from her ex boyfriend.

It’s pretty obvious she is talking about that scumbag James Deen. This is a guy that not only works for but constantly sings their praises..HE LOVES THEM, IT’S HIS FAVORITE COMPANY TO WORK FOR! THEY BE AWESOME! So it shouldn’t be a shock that a a guy who works for kink would do something like this To his girlfriend in his “real life!” HELL NO!

Well, I believe that Not only does this prove that Stoya needs psychological help but it also proves what a WOMAN HATER Deen is. But wait? It appears she gave Deen permission so that means that lurking reader and mharris thinks this is OK! This is just an awesome fetish! Deen was just born this way! He can’t help it! That’s just the way his brain is wired! I mean Deen shouldn’t be in jail or anything and how dare I say that stoya needs help. why that is downright bigoted of me! And to say that Deen HATES women? Say what? He LOVES them. I mean stoya gave permission he was only doing what she asked! He is an awesome guy! Sooooo sweet and caring! I mean no guy would think this is wrong…. Hell no! Does my bigotry NEVER end!
Ps… You can jerk off to the photo Harris… She consented so it’s ok and so are you! 😉


By: common sense Fri, 21 Nov 2014 13:26:46 +0000 In reply to I am The Man from Nantucket.

@I am the man from Nantucket: Yeah, we wouldn’t want to judge by stating the obvious truth because that would be politically incorrect! And you’re right. Sometimes something surfaces where it is DIFFICULT to stay silent. Glad you agree!

By: I am The Man from Nantucket Fri, 21 Nov 2014 02:10:30 +0000 In reply to common sense.

Well Well. What yah know.
I agree with this..
I try not to judge but ever so often something surfaces in which it is difficult to say silent.

By: I am The Man from Nantucket Fri, 21 Nov 2014 02:07:05 +0000 In reply to common sense.

“All the agents are corrupt scum” ? That is quite a bold statement.
Not all are I am very certain of this . I imagine a talent manager is a difficult task as a day to day operation. It is obvious to me there are many agents about these days. Some licensed while others are not and hide under the cover as a “manager” I bet some are indeed improperly licensed in accordance with the law as it was intended.
Form some who states Shy Love is Licensed in Nevada, and all fees are improper if a talent was booked in California, Well this is a double edge sword for some, I say this because That would make her legitimate to book there in Nevada and Not in California as some say, Including one Attorney on twitter. Here is the problem.
This would make the other agents licensed in California and scheduling scenes in Florida and Nevada Illegitimate or an improper act and thus not entitled to a fee, These Agents maybe very well be your Friends. Common Sense “yes you” or the lack thereof. I trust you do have some friends here. Perhaps My Platinum Provider or your friendly Review Board.

In your Opinion are there Legal Escort Agencies or in General is there in existence Legal Escorting going on about that is Legal ?
I ask this because of your own words or phrase
“a dirt bag who runs an Illegal escort agency”
Implying One Derek Hay could be doing this Legally and in his case He elected not to be in compliance.
