Comments on: Reader Mail – We Need Tough Love The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Mon, 09 Dec 2013 03:11:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: mdxxx Mon, 09 Dec 2013 03:11:01 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

If you wanna try and take escorting out of Porn, good luck with that. I think the United States has a better shot at legalizing Cannabis than Pornstars deciding not to escort. Do you realize how much some of those escorting gigs net the girls? It’s honestly none of our business, but when you have some girls out there like Kacey Jordan tweeting about her escorting rates and escapades, it paints a pretty easy picture for me at least.

This is America. And in America we are protected by this thing called the 1st Amendment. If Porno Dan or any other producer wants to shoot right now and CHECKS updated STD tests good as of Dec. 7th, then why not shoot? Now he uses condoms. If another producer does the same thing and doesn’t use condoms, I can see your beef. But what Porno Dan is doing is no more sinister than the guy that goes on backpages or craigslist and finds a hooker to hook up with for the night. Heck I would say its one step better because none of those hookers on bpage or clist ever test 2x a month!

You all need to get your heads out of your collective asses in Porn Valley and just form your own little Group a Co-Op, or a Union or whatever it is considered in the USA. One director needs to stand up and set his guidelines and have the entire industry follow suit. If directors want to go rogue, than so be it.

Trying to compare the Porn industry to any other industry is impossible. There will always be seediness behind the scenes, because we are dealing with sex work here folks. Okay. Pimps who are glorified as “agents” and Pornstars who are nothing more than advertising their future escorting services.

I don’t hate what porn has become, but I have accepted it. And I think the best thing to do at this point is sit down at the table as a Community and talk out all these issues. Not deal with them via online chats and message boards.

By: LurkingReader Mon, 09 Dec 2013 01:25:58 +0000 In reply to BT.

Imagine that…some stakeholders aren’t willing to give up a potential buck so they say it’s okay to fuck.

Anyone gonna sing the is safer than bar hopping…song today? How about nasty performers choosing risky behavior in their PRIVATE life spreading disease?

Someone…anyone please explain how off set somehow equates to non-industry disease when agents/producers (aka the industry) book escort gigs and take a cut?

Why is it the gays and crossovers did it to ya? Who booked and paid those gay/crossovers to work on/off set with straight folks? Who booked and paid the straight folks the disease chose as it’s new host?

Yes MSM is riskier than MF, so if you won’t do gay/crossover do you refuse anal too? Anyone ever explain that it’s the nature of the hole MSM are limited to that makes it riskier or that disease doesn’t care who’s catching as long as it does it’s job of finding a new host to feed it before it’s onto the next home?

By: BT Mon, 09 Dec 2013 00:14:39 +0000 If this is accurate – that producers are saying, hey, it’s OK to shoot a condomless boy girl cam show because it’s not technically a scene – it illustrates the reason the industry cannot regulate itself and needs outside regulation.

A disease does not care about the format. HIV does not discriminate between cam shows, onset shoots and privates.

Porn is its own worst enemy.

By: MikeSouth1226 Sun, 08 Dec 2013 23:48:02 +0000 Reader Mail – We Need Tough Love
