Comments on: Over the Rainbow: Exploring the Gay Agenda, Its Conduits and its Profiteers – Guest editorial The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 12 Jul 2023 10:43:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: LurkingReader Wed, 18 Jun 2014 06:14:31 +0000 In reply to CPanzram.


Not using my age for an ‘in’ with any group. Using my age to give you perspective of where my attitudes were formed.

Frankly it doesn’t matter to me what fucking label you put on it, if it treats that population as less than merely for the label, it’s an issue for me.

As for your money is THE solution…perhaps you haven’t spent enough time working with or volunteering at those NGO NPO to know that it takes a whole lot more than money and marketing to make change happen.

1.getting a ballot initiative doesn’t mean jack shit if voters don’t vote for it.
2. Setting up a NPO doesn’t mean jack shit without volunteers to support and supplement the orgs activities/goals as defined by the board and directed by paid employees.
3. This list could go on all night.

People are removed from jobs and organizations everyday for oppositional opinions expressed on the clock…as it should be to protect the group image. What you do off the clock is your own damn business.

Where the fuck are you getting the crap you’re attributing to me…
“If you want to believe that black gays have cults that kill other blacks for not fucking them then you can do that. I’m going to call you an “idiot” though. I don’t care if you think that. Please let me know if you think like Griff does. I will be sure to put you up there with the Juggalos. They are a ball of nonsense. Very funny too. They can’t comprehend magnets.”

Talk about idiotodic…you got some crazy ass shit running through your head. As for Payne…he is the same to me as you…people using the internet to express their opinion. Frankly there’s a bigger world than what porn does or doesn’t think. As for griff..never heard him but wouldn’t dream of telling you who to or not to listen to, read or watch. Your statement to leeloo is as offensive to me as Lubben or Dines promoting their anti-porn agenda.

“You can sew all of the dresses you want. Just cut a check. Let them give that money to a gay seamstress.”

Not sure if I should ROFLMA or say FUCK YOU!!!! Sew all I want…what..for white privileged folks like me keeping gay seamstresses out of work cuz that’s exactly how that sounds. FYI I don’t have to be gay to be qualified.

Lastly saying you bear me no ill will is negated by the denigrating crap you attributed to me.

By: CPanzram Wed, 18 Jun 2014 03:56:02 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.


Sounds to me like you are overly giving yourself a good position with gays based on your age and what you witnessed. Methinks she doth protest too much.

Professor Griff was removed from Public Enemy for stating that “Jews are wicked” in the early 90’s. You can find the interview. Griff has a long history of not being the best source for information.

If you want to believe that black gays have cults that kill other blacks for not fucking them then you can do that. I’m going to call you an “idiot” though. I don’t care if you think that. Please let me know if you think like Griff does. I will be sure to put you up there with the Juggalos. They are a ball of nonsense. Very funny too. They can’t comprehend magnets.

I can say I am for the gays as much as I want and it won’t make a difference. I am totally for the women that get breast cancer too. Without a doubt. Buying a can of soup with a pink ribbon on it during a certain time of the year doesn’t make a difference. Simply writing checks to breast cancer organizations does much more. The soup companies know this and use breast cancer to further their agenda of selling their product. Writing a check always does more regardless of the cause. You can sew all of the dresses you want. Just cut a check. Let them give that money to a gay seamstress.

Michael Payne is a nobody in this business. Read the lukeisback interview. The guy is an egomaniac and delusional. Why did this need to be posted aside from having an agenda behind it? I still can’t figure it out. We know people think like this. We’re not morons.

I harbor no ill will towards you Lurker. I just don’t understand why this was posted. I want people to post whatever they feel they should. Given the anti-Semitic comments we often see what good would posting this do aside from enabling the true feelings of losers? When seeing this we don’t only question the views of Michael Payne, but we also question the views of someone else.


“Do you really need a piece of paper from the state to prove your love to your partner?”

Well, if you want healthcare and the ability to be present in the will of your deceased partner that you were with for 20 years, then yeah. Yeah you do. Should we just bus gays to different areas like blacks were when they simply wanted to attend a local school?

If your bro does not need paperwork then send his info my way because I know some people that would love to take his house along with the rest of his assets.

Who is chugging down AIDS loads and celebrating it on camera? TIM? They’re porn. WHO THE FUCK CARES? Not all gays do what happens in gay porn. Do all straight people take part in what happens in straight porn?

Yeah, the gaper guy you mentioned was an idiot. It is obvious as to how to get the butthole to do that. No need to ask a porn performer on that. Hopefully, you ignored his question. The person that can’t figure that out shouldn’t be having sex.

“Win a date with a pornstar” is a terrible idea for an award.

That’s like a euphemism for “Get a nasty infection”.

By: LurkingReader Tue, 17 Jun 2014 17:44:06 +0000 In reply to leeloo.

Lol OSHA stays out …till someone complains then they come in. The old sweatshops aka garment factories thought they treated their people well by giving them a lunch/bathroom break cuz the guy down the street didn’t give that.

By: LurkingReader Tue, 17 Jun 2014 17:35:14 +0000 In reply to leeloo.


“Do you really need a piece of paper from the state to prove your love to your partner? In my opinion we as a society put way too much faith in bureaucracy.”

YES the document is needed. The flip side to faith is fear and there is also a not so neutral middle ground of reality. Reality is that the document doesn’t prove love but it is necessary because we live in a hypocritical entitlement bureaucratic society…aka as long as I have mine who gives a shit if they have theirs.

Many states that prohibit or limit civil unions also recognize man/woman common law marriages where no document or ceremony has taken place.

In essence LGBT couples are forced to form legal corporate partnership entities that still limit protections routinely offered to man/woman couples. IG they aren’t “family” they are “buddies” or roommates and can legally be excluded from all the places a spouse is most wanted. Living quarters, hospital rooms, group health benefits, survivor benefits, auto insurance, etc. courts even grant the equivalent of a divorce process for common law man/woman marriages but refuse to mediate LGBT break ups. IG man/woman together for eight years is automatically granted the right to a dissolution process but LGBT couple together for over 10 years is told deal with it as a civil law suit for your stuff like their breakup is equivalent to getting scammed by a water softener salesman.

Domestic violence laws …are moving forward but many states still have ‘spousal’ laws and take the attitude that LGBT ought to find a new roommate totally ignoring the complexity of that spousal relationship.

As a woman I’ll just ask you too look at all the places you expect your spouse to be at your side as you hope, dream and fear about your future together….then consider the attitudes of those around you if that man…were a woman.

In Florida lesbian friends of mine were each certified as foster parents…but couldn’t adopt the nephew they went through the process for. He remained in the system until he went away to the college they scrimped and saved for.

By: leeloo Tue, 17 Jun 2014 12:11:18 +0000 In reply to leeloo.

When I was in porn I came up with a great idea. I wanted to open a stall at the AVN convention to raise money and awareness on HIV. “Win a date with a porn star to the AVN awards”. All the money would be donated to aids healthcare foundation. All I needed was sponsorship off Aids health care foundation and AIM. I went to Santa Monica and met with AIDS healthcare foundation and explained my experiences in the adult industry and my idea to raise money and awareness, to educate people in the industry to be more responsible. Aids healthcare was on board and willing to sponsor me, but AIM healthcare refused and shot down my idea, they didn’t care not one bit. I realized I was in an industry that really didn’t give a shit about its own health and well being. If the adult industry showed that it cared for the health of all workers then organizations like OSHA would stay out of it.

By: leeloo Tue, 17 Jun 2014 11:46:11 +0000 In reply to CPanzram.

Do you really need a piece of paper from the state to prove your love to your partner? In my opinion we as a society put way too much faith in bureaucracy. My bro does not feel the need to have signed paperwork to feel secure in his relationship. If gays want to shout it out loud and proud yeah they can do that, but they should’nt feel pressured to do so just because they feel the need for equality amongst society. why on earth do you have to fight to be gay? Be gay or don’t be gay, its that simple. When it comes to HIV testing and safe sex, I do think they should educate all people of different race and sexuality. Yes i am aware that swingers present a risk, of course they do. Whether you are straight, gay, bi, swinger, you are either responsible or irresponsible. I’m sure HIV statistics have risen in straight people too, its all about whether you have sex responsibly or not. Chugging down HIV semen and celebrating it on camera in front of the world wide web is not responsible at all. When I used to be in porn I felt disgusted with myself when a fan emailed me to ask me “How do I make my girlfriend gape and have sex like you did in that scene?” I felt so sorry for his girlfriend because her boyfriend had obviously watched a movie and wanted to do this to his girlfriend, and she probably feels pressured to do these acts because her boyfriend thinks its hot. It dawned on me that I was responsible for that. Feeding the population with extreme acts of sex and violence, when guys see that they want to copy it by doing it to there partners. So if gays are watching this particular HIV spreading movie, its inevitable people will want to copy. Like attracts like. This particular movie is irresponsible and I think mike wanted to highlight that fact by writing this article. Its not a gay, anti gay issue. Its a responsibility and irresponsibility issue in both gay and straight population. By the way I am a woman not a man.

By: LurkingReader Tue, 17 Jun 2014 03:43:22 +0000 In reply to CPanzram.


Where were you when my classmates had no options in the world to get a document? When they traveled internationally for a document that didn’t mean jack shit no matter what US state they lived in…when my classmates had to move to Sweden for years or Brazil and had to head to Mexico when they needed anything beyond basic medical treatment for a common cold? Where were you when my friends moms were dying because that was better than the abortionist (MD or not) going to jail? When an MD knew calling an ambulance wouldn’t matter because it would be too late …and if it wasn’t no doc at the local hospital was willing to patch her up.

Did it ever occur to you that folks who lived through the routine 60’s-70’s US riots, marshal law, & curfews were comforted by those who lived through WWII, the depression, black out curtains, rations and more.

When you assume I’m merely “okay” as in begrudgingly tolerant of my neighbors…I assume you can’t see past your agenda. When you tell lee loo he shouldn’t listen to griff, I see fear that he can’t be objective enough to overcome a perceived threat to your agenda.

We are just two people among many that get told everyday we couldn’t possibly understand ….fine I don’t understand …does that mean our support and votes are tainted or won’t count. If you really believe money is the only help a heterosexual can give the gay cause then good luck getting that money.

BTW in addition to those 25 states where no civil union is recognized many more grant man/woman unions more rights as in OHIO where I’m a voter.

By: CPanzram Tue, 17 Jun 2014 02:10:33 +0000 In reply to leeloo.


When your brother got married did he have to drive to a different state in order to do so? Those in at least 25 states still do and some won’t recognize marriages done in other states. I’ll be sure to tell all of my gay friends that get married to “just go on with it”. The last thing we want is for people to be bothered about them being together. Are you saying that gays that get married shouldn’t be proud and want to shout that out to everyone? There are some that don’t, but why shouldn’t some be able to? In the end, who cares?

When the Kings won there were some that went crazy in celebration and others stayed totally quiet while still celebrating victory. Some gays quietly get married and others make it huge productions. Straight people do the same. Straight people were always accepted. Therefore, the need to scream heterosexuality from the roof tops sounds like a goofy concept which is why we probably see so few doing it. Everyone is the same, but different at times. That’s a thing of beauty.

The “agenda” aspect is so humorous to me. If there is an agenda the only agenda is to try to get straight people to view gays as everyone else. It is happening too. As a result, a lot of people stop fighting being gay and that’s what people like the Minister of Information (Griff) don’t like.

I’m sure Griff means well, but he is part of the problem. Whites in America have accepted homosexuality as a common practice more than the blacks in America have. Gay black men face huge social stigmas in their communities. That’s why a place like Washington DC is known for “the downlow”. That’s where people regularly have sex with men, but totally aren’t gay. Look at the HIV rates in DC too.

Here is a quote from the CDC:
“Stigma, fear, discrimination, homophobia, and negative perceptions about HIV testing can also place too many African Americans at higher risk. Many at risk for HIV fear discrimination and rejection more than infection and may choose not to seek testing”

Griff is inadvertently increasing the fear that a lot of gay black males have. As a result, they act as straight as possible, marry, have kids, and fuck guys on the side that also fuck guys on the side. Guess what? Those guys being fucked on the side are fucking guys who are getting fucked (by guys) on the side.

(Those people are simply called “swingers” in the straight population. It is a totally different thing. We’ll ignore swingers due to the total lack of risk they present. No need to worry about their children. They’ll turn out fine.)

When the guy goes and gets HIV or Syph and brings it home to his wife and kids then we have a problem that most-likely could have been avoided. Getting rid of gays or asking them to keep quiet isn’t the way to avoid that. Acceptance will do a much better job.

A gay man that can feel safe in a monogamous gay relationship is much less likely to get HIV. The CDC would agree with me.

It may take a nation of millions to hold Griff back, but one disease can kill him and those whom he thinks he is protecting.


By: PornWarn Mon, 16 Jun 2014 22:57:24 +0000 RT @mikestabile: @MikeSouth1226 publishes hateful rant against gay people “infecting and destroying American Society”

By: leeloo Mon, 16 Jun 2014 11:43:05 +0000 In reply to leeloo.

When my bro came out he didn’t scream it from the roof tops, he didn’t feel the need to prove himself by celebrating his sexuality in a parade or anything, he did’nt even feel the need to sit down with his family members and explain it. He fell in love with a man and just got on with it, he knows he has a right to choose to be with who ever he wants to be with, so feels no need to fight for rights he already has. We are fed a contradictory message, gays should have rights(thesis) gays don’t have any rights(antithesis) when people are fighting over this, its exactly what the establishment wants. Divide and conquer tactics through sexuality, race, religion, or any other means. When we grow up and stop demanding to be who we already are, then maybe we can live in peace inwardly and outwardly. When you stop the war inside you are peace outside.
