Comments on: Is Riley Reynolds using Hussie Models as a front for low end prostitution? The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 04 Jul 2023 06:55:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Danzig Tue, 11 Jun 2019 08:43:51 +0000 Sorry for the double post but I hadn’t seen the post by porn news and since I can’t edit mine all add this. Steph if you have actual evidence of a crime and want to see Brian be held accountable for his actions then I advise you to go to the proper authorities not the porn blog press. I’m sure any rational person would say the same thing. Hopefully someone comes though with a more suitable contact then Brandon. Either way just be careful with holding evidence that could be used in an already ongoing criminal matter. I say again, good luck.

By: Matt Danzig Tue, 11 Jun 2019 08:20:14 +0000 I know a few agencies have been looking into Brian but as far as contacting the right individual, i’m unclear. Also if I said the FBI or the county sheriffs office you may end getting a huge run around. This may be a long shot but Jaymie’s lawyer has been looking into O’Malley’s life for the past 9 months. He may not be interested in what you have as it doesn’t effect his client but if anyone knows who’s after Brian or would be interested it would be her lawyer.
Brandon Kolb
Make sure you reference case number 522018CA005892XXCICI
If you prefer an email address let me know at [email protected] Please look into an encrypted email service like protonmail if you don’t have one. It is a must when/if sharing any sensitive material. Good luck either way.

By: porn news Tue, 11 Jun 2019 03:30:27 +0000 Stefanie, you can email Mike South directly at [email protected]

By: stefanie m Sun, 09 Jun 2019 00:02:52 +0000 Who do I contact to give information on Riley? I have footage, emails, his financials, and texts.

By: Hussie Models' Roxy Nicole Dies from Overdose, Where is Riley Reynolds? - Mike South Tue, 02 Oct 2018 14:40:54 +0000 […] When it comes to Hussie Models, most of us no longer maintain the ability to be shocked. Hussie and its owner Riley Reynolds have faced numerous credible charges from models relating to allegations of coerced sex, and the use of illegal substances at the model house; Reynolds’ own questionable past; his use of an invalid model contract (one that is not approved by the state of California); and claims that Hussie has booked shoots during production moratoria and sent models out for “privates“. […]

By: Lisa Gandolfo Fri, 21 Sep 2018 02:10:24 +0000 Riley Reynolds “personal assistant” as she calls herself, Teresa Hardman just changed her social media name to Hardman Productions, LOL @xteresahardmanx

I guess she lost her “Le Sheriff” badge! She certainly collected more transporting models fee than an Uber driver on Hussie Models billing! She is just as guilty with possibly cooking the books!

The lawsuit against Hussie Models, LLC just posted in public records in Pinillas County in Tampa and have listed the exhibits and they are very damaging.

Samantha Junker is now the announced manager for Hussie Models according to a posting I just read? Is she managing long distance out of Toronto where she lives and works? How is that possible?

By: Lisa Gandolfo Thu, 20 Sep 2018 14:03:46 +0000 I love it that a Florida lawyer is using this posting in a demand letter to Hussie Models, LLC lawyer and who is the personal representative to the corporation to go after Riley Reynolds aka Brian Omally in a filed lawsuit in Florida on behalf of a new 18 year old porn talent.

The porn industry drama is better than any mainstream soap opera! Maybe other victims will come forward to collect the money he fraudulently stoke from them!

How does he get away with this? He is using the performers write offs for his benefit in taxes because they don’t know any better that they should be getting the benefit!

Plus he is doing deductions from scenes that he books in Florida in his invoicing. Charging them top dollar for an illegal model house to boot and deducting their income!!

What a complete fucking idiot this man is and his trusted assistant Teresa Hardman. She is aka Le Sheriff on Social Media. Talk about exploitation and she too has her own daughter shooting porn for Riley. It is sick and completely dysfunctional!! Hopefully they will all be going down for the count.

By: fbihasyoutoo Tue, 28 Aug 2018 23:35:00 +0000 Nicky Rebel will soon meet the same fate.

By: mharris127 Sat, 25 Aug 2018 02:29:34 +0000 Lurk, IMO whether the producers were prepared to deal with the situation they didn’t do so morally or properly. Also, IMO the girl didn’t have the capacity to properly consent to what she was doing. However, the producers probably didn’t know how Riley tricked her into performing in porn scenes. They had to know that she was blitzed out of her fucking mind when she arrived on set. I have to go on what information the producers reasonably should have had when laying blame on them. Riley is a scumbag, pure and simple. However, if she was as drunk as she claimed and on a four week bender, the producers should have known just based on how she was walking and talking — and let her perform anyway. Not all producers schedule scenes for 10am and she admits she was drunk before noon! There is also the legal concept of capability to consent and if she had a fifth aboard before even leaving the model house for a scene I don’t know how she could hide her impairment from the producers. Most of the barely legal chicks are barely 100 pounds, alcohol’s effects are mostly based on the size of the person drinking and at that size and likely tolerance level she was probably blitzed well before she got through a fifth of booze. Yes, I do expect producers to be scrupulous. However, evidently they weren’t in this case.

By: LurkingReader Fri, 24 Aug 2018 15:45:41 +0000 @mharris

Once again you’re trying to make this all about you including responses to the relevant topics you placed on table.

Saying it again…You’re living in some fucking utopia if you think the producers/clients Riley booked her with don’t know and weren’t prepared to deal with the situation.

Do you think Riley only took this girl’s ID & cash? hmmm how did the booze get into the model house?

Pointing out that you never mentioned personal experience using stimulants to counteract booze was a nudge to widen your horizons beyond your experience.

“However, assuming that call time was after noon if this girl was drinking during all of her waking hours a producer should have been able to tell from her behavior that she was smashed/bombed/pissed/drunk out of her mind and cancelled the scene”

Applying the “should” above to Riley or the producers/directors/clients he is working with conveys expectation they are scrupulous and the IF applied to the girls conveys idea that she is lying.

“was this girl so drunk that she couldn’t even make informed consent? ”

CONSENT??? surely you jest…..Riley has her cash & ID and says she has to pay for the ‘free trip plane ticket’ BEFORE they even got to the model house.
