Comments on: Assemblyman Isadore Hall Releases A Statement On the Current HIV Situation The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 08 Jul 2023 14:39:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: erik2690 Wed, 11 Dec 2013 05:27:28 +0000 In reply to jilted.

Thanks for the explanation. The inside joke was the confusing part once I understood that you wrote the piece.

By: jilted Wed, 11 Dec 2013 04:51:52 +0000 In reply to jilted.

You asked, “What am I missing?” I wouldnt know where to begin answering that question(just kidding, couldnt resist), but the comment was meant to be an inside joke to Mike. And this post here is not the first time I have credited myself with that article. I sent it to Mike in an email, he printed my email, word for word. And before the Kazoo took over Adultfyi I wrote about 20 articles that appeared there over the past 2 or 3 years, I am also the person who got TTS to start Hep C testing, I have also written the IIPP plans that several companies use today.(Injury Illness Prevention Plans/OSHA mandated)

By: erik2690 Wed, 11 Dec 2013 04:45:44 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

“What do you hope to get asking/posting this?
What is your agenda? Purpose or objective?”

*** To question and challenge stringent opinion and question factual claims that don’t have evidence.

“Advocating …doesn’t mean petty ass bullshit …throwing every damn thing on the table hoping something gets picked also doesn’t mean applying a question asked of you in one context to try and fit it to your cause…”

*** This sounds like your OPINION of what I am doing. I have opinions too.

“I asked you if you if you not picked the sites you are aligned with in make my point …you aren’t picking on WHAT is being’re picking on it merely to be adversarial, contrary and annoy your opponent.”

***Very oddly worded. I read from several sites. Reading and responding to things you don’t agree with is a good practice. If you are advising I only read what I agree with, I humbly say that is silly advice. I am being contrary to many things here, that is correct. If I am annoying you:1. Don’t read my comments, scroll past. 2. Certainly don’t respond to my comments if I am annoying you, make a logical choice there.

“Asking if mike south has been adversarial to Hall is just plain nonsense. It has no context or content. What point do you hope to make by asking this?”

*** “I believe we can accomplish more working together than we can being adversarial”, that is the context. I thought maybe Mike was implying he had at one point been adversarial toward Hall and it hadn’t worked well.

By: erik2690 Wed, 11 Dec 2013 04:35:29 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

“the big ass deal you’re making out of him using this opportunity to push his bill…that’s his job.”

***Never made a big deal about Hall pushing his bill. Again please find a quote. You keep making me repeat myself. My negative opinion was of Mike’s posting not of politicians doing what they always do.

“The weather isn’t new either…it is daily news to update and inform.”

***So in your experience this site is more of a weather report than an opinion piece? If I was used to seeing PR statements here with no commentary then this post would seem normal.

Lmao…issue doesn’t have to be ‘moral’ just has to matter to the ones pushing it..lots of big fights have no MORAL implications.

***I didn’t say all issues have to be. Issues involving porn inevitably become moral issues for many voters. Whether they should be or not.

Don’t know where I brought up OSHA? I know for a fact I never have because I know almost nothing about that organization.

By: LurkingReader Wed, 11 Dec 2013 04:26:07 +0000 In reply to erik2690.

What do you hope to get asking/posting this?
What is your agenda? Purpose or objective?

Advocating …doesn’t mean petty ass bullshit …throwing every damn thing on the table hoping something gets picked also doesn’t mean applying a question asked of you in one context to try and fit it to your cause…

I asked you if you if you not picked the sites you are aligned with in make my point …you aren’t picking on WHAT is being’re picking on it merely to be adversarial, contrary and annoy your opponent.

Asking if mike south has been adversarial to Hall is just plain nonsense. It has no context or content. What point do you hope to make by asking this?

By: LurkingReader Wed, 11 Dec 2013 04:11:45 +0000 In reply to erik2690.


Let’s get this straight..@LurkingReader: Please find where I was surprised that Hall made a comment.

Duhhhh….the big ass deal you’re making out of him using this opportunity to push his bill…that’s his job.

That was never my complaint. I didn’t say Hall didn’t have a right or shouldn’t make a statement. That doesn’t make his statement new or news to people.

The weather isn’t new either…it is daily news to update and inform.
Pushing the bill means getting the info out there…if they didn’t tune in last time they might be listening today…the HIV incident provided an opportunity, Hall took it and used it. Why not take advantage of free advertising of your cause vs an expensive media buy

It’s the same position and agenda he has held previously.

Yep…till this bill goes to a vote he’s gonna use every opportunity he gets to send his msg out…that’s how the winners operate…FSC does the same thing with their agenda…kinda how it works.

“doesn’t matter if those voters are in or out of industry..they are the ones who tell politician what to do.”
Maybe at this lower level of politics that is true.
At every level…works the same in non governmental politics too…check out some of the lobbying going on for nominated FSC board members. It isn’t mainstream news is industry news.

Let’s not pretend that most of these things don’t come down to money though. Politicians will defy constituents wishes if they think it could impact them negatively.
And you think non-profit boards don’t do the same…it’s called parliamentary procedure 🙂

Let’s not pretend voters are in control in many cases. Anything to do with restricting or regulating porn is an easy “moral” issue to get people riled up about.

Lmao…issue doesn’t have to be ‘moral’ just has to matter to the ones pushing it..lots of big fights have no MORAL implications.

Porn thinks everyone is picking on porn…uses excuse that people don’t like them to abdicate responsibility. OSHA is an equal opportunity pestilence they don’t care what you do or make as long as you don’t negligently or willfully disregard industry appropriate ways to keep workers safe…or ignore OSHA completely with…we are unique..people pick on us…yeah so what..that’s got jack shit to do with keeping the people who work there safe…if you’re saying you can’t do it…fine see ya later..if you work with us we will help you create a way…where are they singling porn out? Go look at OSHA check out all the INDUSTRY specific stuff they got for how many different industries they said..get safe or get done. They don’t even say guarantee safety..they say prevent the shit happening to lowest possible risk level ….porn refuses…they get picked on.

By: erik2690 Wed, 11 Dec 2013 04:02:03 +0000 In reply to jilted.


You seem very legit, but I would love an explanation here. In the article that you wrote: Mike says he got a “tip” (from you) as you said you didn’t want to be cited. Here’s what I don’t get. This comment from you on that post:

“Looks like Mike had the scoop again. Any more info from this source Mike? This looks like it will get very interesting. I will need a large popcorn and cherry soda to watch this on unfold.”

Is this you trying to make it see as if you aren’t the source? Is it like an inside joke? You are lauding Mike’s ability to get a scoop, when in actuality you wrote this and he just pressed ‘Enter’? What am I missing?

By: jilted Wed, 11 Dec 2013 03:38:51 +0000 In reply to jilted.

At the time it did not suit my agenda to take credit for the article.
That being said, believe me, theres alot more where that came from. A while ago someone asked me, who is your source for your information? I told him/her,” I am the source for this information, if youre hearing it anywhere else you’re hearing it second hand.” Lacey, how do ya like that one. Please stroke my ego some more.(lol) Again, thanks Lacey, nice to know youre appreciated.

By: erik2690 Wed, 11 Dec 2013 03:12:16 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

@jilted: Please clarify, did you write that post? Why are you not credited?

@LurkingReader: Please find where I was surprised that Hall made a comment. That was never my complaint. I didn’t say Hall didn’t have a right or shouldn’t make a statement. That doesn’t make his statement new or news to people. It’s the same position and agenda he has held previously.

“doesn’t matter if those voters are in or out of industry..they are the ones who tell politician what to do.”

Maybe at this lower level of politics that is true. Let’s not pretend that most of these things don’t come down to money though. Politicians will defy constituents wishes if they think it could impact them negatively. Let’s not pretend voters are in control in many cases. Anything to do with restricting or regulating porn is an easy “moral” issue to get people riled up about.

By: LurkingReader Wed, 11 Dec 2013 01:49:15 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.


In awe of writing ..great piece. Assuming steamray got hit with hefty fine?
