Comments on: APHSS Medical Board Doesn’t Exist and Informed Consent The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 12 Jul 2023 10:45:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: RiccoMarin Wed, 26 Jun 2013 16:47:33 +0000 If your a performer, why would you work for EA and Man win?
That should be the question.
Sounds like the agents in that industry got their noses up both of their asses deep!

By: jilted Tue, 25 Jun 2013 18:12:57 +0000 In reply to jilted.

Integrity check. There are comments on both Lukeisback, and Adultdvdtalk that are under the name Tricia Devereaux. I have no way of knowing if this is actually her, but I believe it is. These are quotes from those commenters.

LIB June25, 8:04pm “I have never commented on whether or not John believed she knew his status. That will be something for a judge to hear at a later date.”

Adultdvdtalk June 19, 1:42am “And John beleived Katie knew too.”

Jaimie, I see you also comment alot on Adultdvdtalk. Perhaps you can ask Tricia to explain this, seeing as how she has so much integrity. Or perhaps Tricia just needs time to finish her investigation.

Yes, something for a judge to hear at a later date. Anything you say can and will be used against you.

Jaime, please get back to us when Tricia clears this up, her integrity is on the line.(LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)

Going to be interesting to see how Jaime tries to spin this one to make Tricia look innocent.

By: richard373 Tue, 25 Jun 2013 00:13:15 +0000 Final: Rob Black to Christian Mann; “There’s No Way You Can Stuff All That Stagliano Shit Back in the Horse”

your tombstone will say you ran companies shitty


Enough is enough was the theme of Rob Black’s, first 90 minutes Monday afternoon.

Describing the Harrison Ford movie Witness and the climactic scene where an exasperated Ford yells, “Enough!” Black said it was the duty of Evil Angel general manager Christian Mann to go into John Stagliano’s office and demand a cease of the activities that are miring Evil Angel in the worst scandal ever to hit the porn industry.

Black also talked about the secret apartment that Stagliano was known to have kept where he brought women for secret kinky sex sessions.

In starting off the show, Black said he’d love to ask Kelly Divine some questions about her participation in a Buttman’s Stretch Class.

“She was in a recent Stretch Class where Mr. soon to be in prison and exiled to Brazil, jammed her bare foot in his mouth. If you watch the video, Stagliano takes her foot, the criminal that he is, he grabs her foot and jams it in his mouth like a 13-inch cock. Like he’s Little Oral Annie taking John Holmes to the balls.

“I don’t have to tell you how dangerous it is with the toenails,” said Black.

“There’s so many aspects- a dentist would never put his hands in your mouth without wearing gloves. Stagliano takes this poor girl’s foot and paddles her unto he breaks capillaries on her ass.

“And he sticks his face in there; he’s licking that asshole. These girls go to these shoots under the pretext it’s a solo anal.

“It’s a shame. Kelly Divine should be seen as a sexy woman, not as a scapegoat.”

Black said he would like to ask Divine if she told APHSS that she worked with an HIV performer.

“But all of these questions will eventually be answered by lawyers, law firms, and depositions,” he confirmed.

“They will all be answered in the upcoming months. Unless John Stagliano disappears and goes into hiding. But he doesn’t have the balls to come out, so he’s letting others expose the truth about him and the basically criminal acts they do.

“There’s a conspiracy from agents on down that there’s some twisted sex game he’s been playing his entire life,” Black continued.

“There’s no other word for it- these girls were lied to abused and betrayed. Every single day, performers put their lives on the line. This is our business and what we choose and girls choose to be be performers. All of those things are true when they talk about the business.

“But when you get into this business, you are preached to and told that the talent system and way of life is right, not flawed, that it’s perfect and you will not die. That’s what we’re told and we assume that when we go into the business.

“We get that information and make important judgments based on those facts. Now all of a sudden someone who’s covering up HIV and has an extensive network covering it up, we’re faced with a performer, an owner who’s all of those things playing in this game where he has a dirty, dark secret and that it’s alright to cover up his disease because he gives millions to everyone.

“Stagliano is the joker card in a game where you go- oh shit you didn’t take the jokers out and you fucked up the deck.

“We have a system we set up and we preach that to whoever will listen, the media, all of the above. But we have this awesome little secret the, 75,000 pound gorilla no one talks about because he oils the wheels of the adult business establishment.

“We got lawsuits coming in to a system that John Stagliano created.

“It’s unfathomable that AVN would review Stretch Class and never talk about his sticking his penis out and into Monica Aanthiago’s butt,” Black observed.

“They reviewed a movie and nobody talked about. Or they reviewed it and hid the fact what John did.

“So we have a system that’s set up by John Stagliano and the higher ups,” Black continued.

“Christian Mann is one of the first people who trotted Mr. Marcus out there in a cover up of lies. Christian Mann, the secret keeper of Evil Angel.

“You would think somebody with a limited amount of time left might step up to the plate and do something good instead of perpetuating a lie,” Black considered.

“Christian Mann, that’s what you want to leave your legacy of? Christian Mann is one of the main players in this. Christian Mann was aware of this and never stopped it. Christian Mann, this is your time to step up and do something good with your life. You’ve got remission. Instead of figuring out the next Lexington Steele release, do something good.

“You’ve always been the fourth wheel flunky in that group of yours [Steve Hirsch, Paul Fishbein and Frank Koretsky].

“You brought that money into Evil Angel so John Stagliano could replenish the coffers from that Las Vegas review and the court case he got lucky on. You were the architect of the rebuild. Do some good for the business and take a stand – tell him, John, what you did was wrong.

“Take your time left on this planet and take a stand.”

At the same time, Black also compared Mann to Fredo from The Godfather.

“Every company you owned you destroyed and threw in the toilet. All of your peers went on to huge things, and you’re the flunky out of that group. You worked for Italians. Every aspect, you worked for somebody and ruined their company. You’re the company killer. If he doesn’t help you destroy your company one way, he’ll help you destroy it in another. Christian Mann, the company destroyer.

“Take that precious time and do some good with your life and help change this business. Say, ‘I’m going to march into John Stagliano’s office and say enough is enough.’

“You are the key – tell him enough is enough of the lies, the deceits, enough at putting performers at risk. Christian Mann, I can’t fathom this- enough of living like cucarachas- we are legitimate actors and legitimate claims must be met.

“I could not imagine living my last year on earth working for Jerry Estrada,” Black mused.

“I can’t imagine battling life and death to deal with Karen Stagliano and John Stagliano. Seriously, that has been your legacy. You have a chance to make a difference to look at Hirsch, Fishbein and Koretsky and step out of the shadows of being a nobody and being something great- not trying to make some anal butt plug deal.

“Seriously. You’re knocking on heaven’s door and you spent the last six months on a t-shirt deal with Justin Rich?”

“Karen Stagliano is a lying, lying, lying human being,” Black continued.

“Deep down inside I think she wants John to be jammed up on this. She told us of his secret apartment where he goes to get away and has girls come over. Does he fuck them? Well he does fucked-up shit. She hated it.

“Christian Mann, you sit there and operate with impunity- all you directors- Sean Michaels- your fucking boss, this is fucked up. You’re cool with that? It’s amazing.

“This is the turning point in the business,” Black predicted.

“Christian Mann, it’s time for you to step up. This is something you’ll have to live with forever. This is the biggest scandal ever to rock the adult business, ever. Traci Lords was a dumb cunt piece of garbage – that was a porn chick famous for being 15 years old. At the end of the day, she’s a human piece of dog shit.

“But I would say this is the biggest scandal to rock this business. You’re talking about an owner who sits at the top as one of the elite kings. And you have an elaborate conspiracy to cover up some repugnant shit.

“Christian Mann, you are the guy during the syphilis outbreak that paraded Mr. Marcus around like a victim. That was your first legacy; the second is the Stagliano cover-up and the evidence is mounting.

“You fucking know in your fucking heart and whatever else that hasn’t been radiated by chemo – you know what he did is wrong. You know everything. You sit there and do nothing. There is no way you can stuff all the shit back in this horse. It’s done.

“This is not an isolated incident that I’m blowing out of proportion, either. All of Stagliano’s supporters are now going, ‘oh fuck’ with more and more evidence coming to life. It’s a strategic, and knowingly malicious- every aspect of wrong doing is represented by the facts.”

Black suspected that Stagliano didn’t go further with Katie Summers in their scene because he got a vibe from her that, to do so, she’d scream bloody murder.

“But he knew it would be alright with a Brazilian woman who would steal French fries to feed her five kids.

“Stagliano’s defenders are so blinded by the Santa Claus factor,” continued Black, “that one bad act is not as bad as the other bad act.

“The rationale of Stagliano supporters is amazing, but the supporters are diminishing because it’s hard to defend Santa Claus when he doesn’t come through the chimney with presents, but rapes the children under the guise of giving them presents.

“And he leaves and nobody says anything. Being butt fucked once a year doesn’t warrant squawking to ruin presents for everybody. But John Stagliano brings everyone presents, but it’s alright in the form of a butt rape.

“Christian Mann, you have the power to stop Santa Claus, dirty old Saint Dick.

Comparing the imminent Stagliano lawsuits to mob indictments, Black said, “I’m telling all the pimps- those indictments are coming down.”

“Christian Mann, tell John Stagliano enough is enough. Do the right thing on behalf of your children, yourself and the talent in this business.

“They look to you as somebody that is watching out for them. Why don’t you do what people have done for your brother? Your brother was in that same situation. Put yourself, your family members, your brother in that position. If you can’t do it for your children and yourself and the talent, will you do it at least for your brother, somebody in the past who has needed help and isn’t able to help himself?

“Imagine someone like John Stagliano taking advantage of your brother. It needs to be done. John Stagliano needs to be gone. You can be a voice in this business. Your tombstone will say you ran companies shitty and was in charge of the company most marred in scandal and it will end all bad. That is your legacy.”

By: jilted Mon, 24 Jun 2013 20:33:52 +0000 In reply to Jamie Gardner.

And you actually believe that Jaime. Yep, the industry can do no wrong. “Cut short their investigation” LOL.

“Knowing that he never intended for himself or the company to cover this up,” you mean like his HIV status?

Jaime, should the Stalianos be making the decision on behalf of performers booked to work with John on whether they should know of his HIV status, or should the performer be told before hand so they(the performer) can make an informed decision?

“Most likely to deny any wrong doing” How prophetic. Again, backed into a corner, then come up with something to cover their asses. And you beleive this. The industry can do no wrong, right Jaime. Just make something up after the fact and all is forgiven.

Jamie, what do you think could be any good reason not to MAKE SURE that the performers know of his HIV status? After all, for those around the industry it is common knowledge, but not to a newbie like Katie. They knew she was a newbie, why would you not “TRIPLE CHECK” and make sure she knew? Could it be that this very hot newbie might say NO, and run in the opposite direction as fast as she could, POSSIBLY, what other motive could they have for not making TRIPLE sure she knew, after all, Karen has such integrity, right Jaime?

By: Jamie Gardner Mon, 24 Jun 2013 19:47:14 +0000 In reply to RiccoMarin.

In reference to jilted saying that Karen Stagliano lied about Brian Pumper: Karen was making sure that Evil Angel had all it’s ducks in a row before she would make a public statement about what Pumper was doing. Saying that Pumper left because of “creative differences” was a way of saying something ambiguous that would not interfere with the investigation by Evil Angel. On 3 occasions, Pumper had sex with actresses without waiting for the STD test results to come back. On, Karen wrote about Mike South: “It was BECAUSE of your post that we had to cut short an internal investigation of what Brian had or hadn’t done and rush an incomplete press release before we were actually ready to give out details of what had happened. It was already apparent to us that Brian was most likely going to deny any wrongdoing, so we had to make sure that we triple-checked everything that we knew before we released that information to anyone. Yes, it was accidentally leaked ahead of time. That happened BECAUSE John told a couple people outside of the company, knowing that he never intended for himself or the company to cover this up.”

By: RiccoMarin Mon, 24 Jun 2013 18:56:51 +0000 Fagliano…that’s a good one!

By: BT Mon, 24 Jun 2013 11:49:03 +0000 Luke Is Back has published a post from Katie Summers. Hopefully, her lawyers will tell her that silence is the best policy, just like we presume the Stagliano’s laywers have told them to stop talking. Regardless of whether she’s right or wrong, going public can only hurt her.

By: richard373 Sun, 23 Jun 2013 23:50:24 +0000 Karen Stagliano: There’s a Problem with the Math

Now that I’m cutting through the John Stagliano bushwah by constructing my own time line, I have one question.

Sharon Mitchell reported on January 7, 1998 that Stagliano’s wife, then performer Tricia Devereaux, was HIV positive. Marc Wallice tested positive for HIV April 30th, 1998. My simple question is this- who gave it to whom?

Let’s argue that Wallice gave it to Devereaux, and that’s her contention as well, but the very latest he could have given it to her makes it sometime in December, 1997. If AIM protocols were so locked in place, wouldn’t have Wallice been detected a lot sooner than almost four months later?

But you will argue that Wallice faked his tests. Okay, so in four months, minimum, how many scenes do you think Wallice shot which means you’re telling me he fooled the system THAT long?

This industry is safe? Really? Does Karen Stagliano still want to hold to the story that Wallice infected her?

Now let’s add this little food for thought. Although Toby Dammit doesn’t give me an exact date of the Wallice-Mitchell scene let’s just argue that it was before December, 1997 which means that Wallice, if he was faking his test results, was doing it for month and monthss. Still want to argue how safe the business protocols are?

By: Jamie Gardner Sun, 23 Jun 2013 23:30:44 +0000 In reply to richard373.

Gene Ross has an article about the Marc Wallice Time Line. According to Ross, he was not able to figure out when Wallace had sex with Sharon Mitchell in his last sex scene with her. According to Ross, he used imdb as a reference. I was able to figure out the title by using iafd. The movie is Elegant’s Angels 2 (DOP: 09/18/1997) .

By: richard373 Sun, 23 Jun 2013 21:18:15 +0000 The Arrogance of The Staglianos Runs at An All Time High

breach of contract

If I were a performer, on general principle alone, I wouldn’t work for John Stagliano. This Kattie Summers case is revealing Stagliano for what he truly is – an officious, arrogant prick. First Karen Stagliano makes comments to the press that Summers’ lawsuit has no merit.

Karen Stagliano, if you’ll recall, had this to say to AVN: “I believe that there is not a substantial case. John did not do anything that endangered anyone whatsoever, especially not this girl [Katie Summers]. I’ve seen the scene. There was no sexual contact that would do anything to warrant him having to have informed her of his condition.”

I take that to mean the same rules applied when Stagliano thrust his manhood into Monica Santhiago’s ass. And I notice no one in the business is addressing that circumstance.

All of this is bad enough, but now we have the real Stagliano emerging on TMZ. I guess because Steve Hirsch is buddy-buddies with Harvey over there, Stagliano gets a pass to say what he wants no matter how outrageous. TMZ has a story where Stagliano describes his scene with Summers as “equivalent to shaking hands.” To make matters even more absurd, the photo put in evidence could have been taken in church.

Come to think of it, lawsuits are filed over contractural handshakes – when one party knowingly enters into an agreement under false pretenses and has full intention of deceiving the other party.

Stagliano did both. He took Summers into his confidence and betrayed her. Perhaps, and I’m just saying perhaps, the lawsuit Summers filed should have been looking at it from that angle. What this is, is a breach of contract, plain and simple.
