Comments on: Addie Juniper Tells Us Why She Got Into Porn The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 04 Jul 2023 10:01:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: jw Sat, 14 Mar 2015 21:08:38 +0000 In reply to jilted.

We’ll go Tuesday and get copies of our file’s to be on the safe side, it would be Monday but were filming. So Jilted stop beating around the bush, what are you not telling all of us? We have the right to know if its something that will help the performers then please tell us. Also can you please tell me how I came close to figuring out whats going on because believe it or not I’m not testing you and I have no idea whats going on. As for APAC we do go to the meetings mostly for the donuts and make contacts with old friends. So as for now I guess that’s about it, looking forward to your next post.

By: mharris127 Sat, 14 Mar 2015 19:10:37 +0000 In reply to jilted.

Jilted, if I am a tool I want to be a sledgehammer so I can beat the skull of whomever stole that money from AIM as well as Izzy Hall and Michael Weinstein. As for this blog being the only source of info for me regarding porn, that isn’t true but Mike South is probably the most trustworthy of them. If I am a fool than I want to be the Joker in the next Batman parody movie Axel Braun directs (I will even wear a condom for his movie when I am fucking Catwoman played by Casey Calvert or Aaliyah Love). As for the last line of your attempted insult I may be full of stool right now but I won’t be when I take a healthy shit tonight.

As for if I don’t know _____, that is important because others reading may not know me and may think I do know that person. I have actually had that happen more than once. You may not like me but really in the end we are both on the same side in this, we both want a vibrant adult film industry that doesn’t fuck over performers, allows them to be relatively safe and still make a decent living. We just disagree on how to do that with me more favoring the ability for performers and producers to both make a good living and you pushing absolute safety even if in the end it hurts performers and producers (although I don’t believe you wish to purposely hurt them), IMO at the detriment of the industry’s ability to function and be profitable. Both are actually fair arguments. For the sake of civility since I don’t call you a tool or a fool (as I actually think you do give a shit unlike Weinstein, Hall, Dines and Lubben and you don’t beat your wife in anger more than one night a month and present yourself as God’s gift to the industry the next day — we all know who I am referring to, I am sure), please show me the same courtesy. Save the namecalling for those that actually deserve it such as Weinstein, Hall, Lubben, Dr. Flip Flop, Clover, War Machine, Donkey and those like them.

By: jilted Sat, 14 Mar 2015 08:27:29 +0000 In reply to jilted.

jw,,,let me clarigy something, I wanted to edit the above post but ran out of time. After I started writing the above post and looked at the psts you sent me…I said you havent a clue of whats coming, but when I lookded at someting you wrote I thought,,,Holy shit, maybe he does know, or he was just looking for some confirmation on a certain suspicion he might have. Then I thought,,jw aint been around for a while and i thought maybe you were fishing for a little info from me. If you have the suspicion your post lead me to believe you have, then you have already got all your records, if not, get there Monday and request the COPIES,,,they are not obligated to give you the originals, get copies of you entire record. PUT YOUR REQUEST IN WRITING, and say you want a copy of EVERY SINGLE PEICE OF PAPER IN YOUR FILE,,including the PASS and APHSS release forms!!!!!!!!!!

DO you go to the APAC meetings,,,go to the next one and tell every single performer to do the same thing, that is IF THEY WILL LET YOU.

take care jw,,,its been a while, hope all is well for you.

By: jilted Sat, 14 Mar 2015 08:15:19 +0000 In reply to jw.

jw, good move going to TTS, for reasons that you havent a clue,,but I am not making fun of you, fact is no performers have a clue why TTS is the better choice,,,they will soon, but they dont now. The legal system, in this type of case moves slower than government.
Regarding Tony T,(thats NOT tony tedeshi,,i know you know this jw but others may not) you hurt my feelings (jk) Why did you say, “It this is true” and ‘I hope youre right’ Oh its true, its dam true(liitle old WWE reference there) JW, honestly, when it comes to these issues regaring the testing when have I ever been wrong? The Qtips,,lets just call them the Qtips of the iceburg.

‘Since they no longer have the same staff’ Dr, Miao does exist. JW, I wil say to you again, go to CET an get copies of every test you EVER had done there, and copies of everysingle release form, every document in your medical file, actually, ask for a copy of your entire medical file, sooon, like Monday morning at 8’00. And every APHSS/Pass release form. They might not be able to get it instantly but do not let them stonewall you. READ this link. There is alot of good informaion,,,you WILL want to have those records,guaranteed, have I ever lied to you? In as short at two months as long as 5 or 6 you , and many others will be getting VERY PISSED OFF. Tell your friends,,,conflict of inerest,,,that my friend is the least of my worries, and maybe, depends on a few factors. Certainly it is what is commonly called, the ‘appearnce’ of a conflict of interest, and doctors, like lawyers, are supposed to try to avoid that. Things that make ya go hmmmm. You came close here JW, leads me to think you know something that youre not telling telling and youre testing me. If thats so then you got your answer here, as you can see,,,if not, stay tuned,,,,but me thinks you know something jw.
[email protected]

By: jw Sat, 14 Mar 2015 03:42:38 +0000 In reply to jilted.

Well Jilted you asked me if I ever went to CET the answer is yes, but since they no longer have the same staff I’ve changed to TTS. CET seems to focus on Dr Maio but does he really exist? No one has ever seen him. My girl wanted to make a appointment with him for birth control and was told he doesn’t see patients. What kind of Dr doesn’t see patients? He must exist though, isn’t he the same Dr Maio who wants to give out Q tip swabs for us to collect our own throat and anal swabs for our g/c’s? Here’s something else call it strange but I have never heard of a Dr’s office giving out discount coupons to use them. No thanks I really don’t find it comforting to save a few cents on my health. Jilted you also brought up that Tony T is part owner of CET wouldn’t that be considered a conflict of interest? If this is true I would of never used them, why in the hell would anyone want to put money in his pocket! I really hope your right about Karma being a bitch Tony T deserves everything he’s ever dished out to anyone, and then some. No one ever deserves to be treated the way he treats people on his set, no one, little lone a medical clinic.

By: jilted Fri, 13 Mar 2015 23:20:57 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

keep shoveling mharris,,,,it gets funnier by the word.,,,without going into how virtually every single sentence in this post MUST have been pulled directly out of your ass,,,,Mitch was often a guest lecturer, and at times a full time,’substitute’ for several professors at UCLA an USC here in So. Cal, and at UC Santa Cruz, where my nephew use to just sit in on the classes she was doing at times. And its not a fortune, but her going price on the lecture circuit isnt the highest, but certainly not the lowest,

Regarding the repayment on the AIM(non profiit) When a business files a bankruptcy, every single payment made to anybody in the last ninety days is scrutinized,,,the final miniscule payments made in the final days of AIM were nothing more than last ditch efforts to stay open,,,as they were well aware that the axe was coming soon from the lab. WIthout those last ditch effort final payments the closing would have come about 2 months sooner, but it was comming/

EVERY SINGLE thing you have written here comes straight out of your ass,,,how on earth do you get your fat ass cheeks to hit the individual letters on the keybord,,,EVERY SINGLE WORD,,,you are a GREAT fiction writer.

NOT EVEN CLOSE on the std,,,,it does not matter which anatomical location the disease is from,,,,,the swab samples submitted do not even “Require” the source of the swab to be identified,,,,again you are 100% wrong,,,and the treatment, regardless of the anatomical site is exactly the same,,,,

Every single thing, even Mitch’s education level, again, pulled so far from out of your ass it probably was backed up all the way to your large intestine, is pure baloney with a ton of speculation spread on top, LOL,,,I only have high school diploma, worked in the lab industry with virtually no formal schooling, and was making pretty decent bank, over six figures a year. Ever see those cute pharmacuticl reps in your docs office,,,you dont even need a high scholl diploma to do that, just the proper in house training and read the brochures,,,there was always what we called ‘war time’ the battle between “Pharmer” reps and lab reps for facetime with the doctors. PS, I never sold meth.

And for the record,,,you have NO IDEA whatsoever how AIM was run because all you think you know is what you have read on porn sites. Great sources.

You always write these things as if you were there, as if you have these connections and inside information,,,,you write stuff like,,,”I dont know xxxxx in person, but,,,,,” as if there are people in the biz you do know,,,,,,,ALL of your info comes from porn blogs,,,,,give it the fuck up, you fool no one.,,,,,and MOST people in the US,,,education level or not, make dont 90 grand,,

and regarding the amount,,,my 650 figure is not all about the lab bill,,,as you can see, there were several lab entities listed,,,,YOU HAVE NO CLUE on earht which of those are ‘mine’ and where the other money that makes the 650 comes from,,,,why do I know for a fact that you have NO CLUE,,,because I have never written it here,,,your only source for this information,

You are a tool, a fool, and full of stool.

By: mharris127 Fri, 13 Mar 2015 22:47:22 +0000 In reply to jilted.

I hope for Sharon’s sake you are correct, Jilted. Even Mike South (whom we can likely both agree knows more than I or probably many people in the industry today ever will about porn and the people in it short of talking my way into a $300K plus a year job directing Sex and Submission for Peter Acworth) has said as far as legitimate education she only has a GED (and maybe a phlebotomy certificate). As smart as she is supposed to be I know as an accounting person familiar with how to run a business (which I know far more about than porn chickies or VD testing) I was much less than impressed at how she ran AIM, you can say all you want that there was a board of directors but unless they met every day or there was a hidden person that actually held the power there Sharon made most of the day to day decisions for AIM. I can also say with certainty that if I would have been the CEO at AIM your $650K would not have come up missing (let’s actually call it $671K, several sources reported that your employer was ordered to repay $21K of “preferential payments” it received from AIM in its last days). Back to Sharon’s current situation, I know that most people cannot make $90K a year with only a GED unless they are selling huge amounts of meth/heroin/cocaine, a hitman for the mafia/cartel or young enough/cute enough to fuck for a living. I hope that rich husband of hers enjoys supporting her and gets a lot of pussy and blow jobs for doing so.

As for my first paragraph about testing and why combining three different samples from three (very) different parts of the body to diagnose VD, how close am I?

By: jilted Fri, 13 Mar 2015 18:19:47 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

Again mharris speaks from the backside,,,,everything you just made up oout of thin air about Mitch is laughable. And sponge off her husband, she doesnt have to sponge, his sponge was so soaked with cash it just dripped off all ove the place. The last I actually heard she was chillin in their pad in hills above Santa Cruz on the deck buillt under the thousand year old redwoods on their property.

By: BT Fri, 13 Mar 2015 17:05:08 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

Van. Class B Motor home. Underneath a pickup truck camper. Whatever. It doesn’t really change my view about this notion by 20-year-old porn chicks who say, what I do is great because I’m an entrepreneur. There’s no difference between me spreading my legs for money or my college roommate who opened her own boutique. We’re working for ourselves rather than the man.

By: common sense Fri, 13 Mar 2015 16:43:03 +0000 Ya know what this woman who wrote this propaganda piece reminds me of? The little girl who grew up so now the child molester is tired of her/ doesn’t want her anymore so he sends her out to lure fresh new victims to the van.

This woman and most other women and men in this industry don’t give two shits about anyone or anything. they don’t care whose life they ruin with their bullshit and lies. They don’t care PERIOD.

The ONLY goal the performers etc. have in writing propaganda pieces like this is in the hopes of recruiting more mentally unstable girls who aren’t thinking clearly and have no clue what this industry is really like and how once entered it will ruin your life.. into it.

unfortunately for these propaganda makers, the age of the internet and instant communication has made propaganda more difficult to create. 🙂
