Comments on: About That NPR Thing – Reader Mail The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 13 Jan 2015 05:07:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: LurkingReader Tue, 13 Jan 2015 05:07:09 +0000 In reply to mharris127.


“Unfortunately we are just going to have to accept that VD is the price performers and their partners pay for being in the industry”

OTH Salmonella is a risk of eating poultry …listeria is a risk of eating cold cuts and mercury is a risk of eating certain fish…none is a price! Which is why I take policy so seriously and spend time on this blog.

Recently the Labor Board approved SEIU effort to unionize fast Food franchises without consideration for what this will do to brand standards and quality control to every restaurant chain…even Morton’s, Ruth Chris and PF Chang type establishments or the food safety issues they will create ‘protecting jobs’ of food workers who spit in food like they protect jobs of rogue violent cops.

Porn (rightfully so) rejects the BBP policies created for medical applications. A set need not be sterile but it does need EFFECTIVE standards as a GUIDELINE so STI aren’t the price of earning a living. This is the same as my kitchen need not meet commercial safety and sanitizing standards to effectively handle risky foods in a safe manner reducing the risk of known hazards so they aren’t a price of ingesting food.

PS I doubt TIM was involved in September events…they don’t require testing as they adhere to the FSC protocol exempting gay production.

By: LurkingReader Tue, 13 Jan 2015 03:42:33 +0000 In reply to common sense.

@common sense

Thank you in advance for the wine I’ll be earning as my gaybors salivate over the OSU-OSU game….

“@ Lurking spin…LOL!” at the risk of making an ass out of you I’ll assume you mean me and remind you that we already had the discussion where you wanted me to not speak till spoken till…obviously I don’t take orders from you.

” yet again you show that you are either dumb or can’t read.”

Actually the opposite as I’m very proficient at reading, comprehension and speaking …ENT also said my hearing is fine 😉

“as I stated numerous times I AM NOT IN THE INDUSTRY.”
What does that have to do with the price of tea in china or the fact that you choose to troll even citing several industry blogs….So what’s your agenda beyond trolling and showing yourself to be a total asshole?

“people NOT associated with the industry SHOULD post anonymously for obvious reasons… you understand that right??? never mind.”

Lol…if not for folks like you and uncle peg I’d add a last name to my first “Dot” and have no fear of meeting industry folks face to face to discuss policy…there are even some who have argued with me on this blog who’d be interested in my opinion about approaching OSHA, decriminalizing sex-work and HIV …can you say the same?

“BUT, ALL the people associated with this industry, except Jennifer, SHOULD NOT be posting anonymously… ”

Who made you judge of what other people SHOULD be doing? Since when does revealing their body on film remove the right of anonymously posting on big sites…your overinflated sense of self is showing again.

Are you hearing strange voices again…meh maybe it’s your guardian angel.

“obviously the ONLY reason they do is because they are cowards and/or they know they are full of shit / and or/ they want to harass someone who doesn’t spew their bullshit agenda and don’t want to be identified! K?”

Wow….thanks for this glimpse inside your motives…keep your neat and tidy, coward blah blah blah in mind as you read forward.

“Oh god not the I am a troll” yes you are an here’s a definition ‘one who posts a deliberately provocative message with the intention of causing the maximum disruption and argument’ in my book that makes you an ASSHOLE…so fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

“AGAIN! LOL!!” Still laughing cuz I done it again too.

“you are laughable” glad to amuse generally I’m a dry facts kinda girl.

“and you have been attacking me from day 1”

Lmao…our first interactions concerned your desire to shut down as a solution to rescue women who may not want to be rescued…pointing out that I have years of experience proving that’s a bass-ackwards idea and less effective as a pound of cure vs an ounce of prevention.

“.. but if you had any brains” oh please….between the coward and brains I’m thinking you need a dose of Wizard of Oz …if you’re lucky he might even give you a heart someone could love.

“you would have figured out by now that you can call me whatever the hell you want,.. It doesn’t bother me/ I could care less. your schtick is getting soooooo old.”

Thank you for your less than enlightened opinion.

“Every time I disagree with you or anything mike posts or I just say something you don’t like you attack me and my character..”

Oh you mean like calling you out for your trolling comments intended to hijack the thread…or pointing out the fact that prevention is more effective than cure?

” like I said before…attack away!!!”
NOT interested in your permission to call out your trolling or my opinion that this makes you an ASSHOLE in my book…thanks anyway 🙂

“LOL! my feelings aren’t hurt! I AM TOUGH. I dish it out and I CAN TAKE IT..”

ROFLMAO….so says you.

“oh,and the only reason I even responded is to point out to the maybe 3 readers who haven’t figured out your act yet how laughably, obvious you are.. lol!”

Why thank you great and powerful OZ…don’t care.

“ps..who the hell are you to tell me how to think or what I can say..”
And…..we’ve come full circle to your initial trolling comments…put up or shut up…show me where I tell you how to think or what to say? BTW pointing you out as a trolling ASSHOLE does neither.

” I can’t have my own opinion? Seriously?”

If you’re asking me an anonymous internet commenter for permission…opine away! Perhaps it would be helpful to know this doesn’t exclude other people from having an opinion about what you say…nor does it stop them or you from making that opinion known.

“You say you are not associated with this industry. in any way.”
Since 1979 I’ve had no direct or familial association with the industry.

“you are some house wife or grand mom or whatever” I have been a SAHW/M since 1989 which has given me many hours to study, analyze, critique and effectively create policy for Non-profits and government application….what’s your claim beyond not being associated with the industry?

“and yet you know it all you are some kind of expert. on it.. ”
Never claimed to be an expert, but I’m smart enough to not ignore those with expertise and experience beyond my own on any matter.

” LOL! Hilarious!” Glad to see you’re amused

” I couldn’t make this shit up!” Then why do you persist in trying to do so?

“so according to your own delusional mind you are never wrong”

Not when it comes to my experience…which includes many instances where I’ve learned the errors of my ways.

“and the world’s number 1 expert on all issues!”

Never claimed expert status on any issues though I do have a wall of framed stuff…even has a framed T-shirt …and lots of tchotchkes and baubles from people who appreciate what escapes you…meh never tried and never hope to be all things to all people.

“LOL #onlyinporn”
How would you know? Your not int the industry right?

“Lady you take this blog WAY to seriously!”

Not half as seriously as the Policy that brings me here or the nachos everyone will be eating at halftime.

By: Hop Sing Tue, 13 Jan 2015 02:25:39 +0000 @harris:
Hi Matt. Who’s “we?”

By: common sense Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:26:53 +0000 In reply to common sense.

@ spin…pps.. you are talking about respecting people? LOL! does the hilarity never end with you!?!?!

By: common sense Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:19:00 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

@ Lurking spin…LOL! yet again you show that you are either dumb or can’t read. as I stated numerous times I AM NOT IN THE INDUSTRY. people NOT associated with the industry SHOULD post anonymously for obvious reasons… you understand that right??? never mind.

BUT, ALL the people associated with this industry, except Jennifer, SHOULD NOT be posting anonymously… it’s WEIRD AND SPEAKS VOLUMES! . obviously the ONLY reason they do is because they are cowards and/or they know they are full of shit / and or/ they want to harass someone who doesn’t spew their bullshit agenda and don’t want to be identified! K?

Oh god not the I am a troll AGAIN! LOL!! you are laughable and you have been attacking me from day 1 .. but if you had any brains you would have figured out by now that you can call me whatever the hell you want,.. It doesn’t bother me/ I could care less. 😉 your schtick is getting soooooo old.

Every time I disagree with you or anything mike posts or I just say something you don’t like you attack me and my character.. like I said before…attack away!!! LOL! my feelings aren’t hurt! I AM TOUGH. I dish it out and I CAN TAKE IT..

oh,and the only reason I even responded is to point out to the maybe 3 readers who haven’t figured out your act yet how laughably, obvious you are.. lol!

ps..who the hell are you to tell me how to think or what I can say.. I can’t have my own opinion? Seriously? You say you are not associated with this industry. in any way. you are some house wife or grand mom or whatever and yet you know it all you are some kind of expert. on it.. LOL! Hilarious! I couldn’t make this shit up! so according to your own delusional mind you are never wrong and the world’s number 1 expert on all issues! LOL #onlyinporn

Lady you take this blog WAY to seriously!

By: tilmans Mon, 12 Jan 2015 04:21:33 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

wow… well thumb up to lurkingreader…these comments really show how women are constantly asked to prove their competence in this industry, it’s really sad how even within it men act like these women can’t accomplish anything on their own or the industry they work in…sheesh..good luck jennifer

By: LurkingReader Mon, 12 Jan 2015 04:18:43 +0000 In reply to common sense.

@common sense

Yet again you ANONYMOUSLY troll vs respect someone in a position to do more than you can. As a former performer she can relate to current performers with a united goal of performer safety…she can be much more effective than you’d ever hope to be. Unfortunately you’re the least of hostile disrespect she can expect to encounter in an endeavor like this.

For the record…you’re an ANONYMOUS TROLLING asshole so fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

By: LurkingReader Mon, 12 Jan 2015 04:00:58 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

This is way past the all or nothing bullshit arguments mharris is regurgitating.

In a few weeks OSHA is going to open public comment for their latest draft changes to the current 5193 BBP policies. Over the past 18 months I’ve listened to both sides of the argument and find both leave much to be desired when it comes to performer safety….that is why for over a year now I’ve been encouraging independent producers and performer stakeholders to step up and open their mouths to work towards a flexible solution.

FSC represents stakeholders who want testing but refuse to pay for it…AHF limited their narrative to HIV. From day one I came into this respecting the right to produce and perform in adult films without regard to the content and heard many easily solved valid issues being tossed aside as ancillary to the movers and shakers agendas.

Secondly I came into this believing HIV needs to be de-stigmatized as ‘THE sexual activity risk’ I don’t want untrained police officers and probation officers testing sex workers with ora-quick as they tack on felony charges ignoring that persons plea for the meds that have kept their HIV undetectable …while they give a desk ticket to the unknown acutely infected sexworker who now needs to work overtime or feels compelled to take an extra fifty to ditch a condom to meet their daily cash needs.

Time to face it….working out effective on-set prevention protocols is the way to decriminalize all sex work yet the majority of sex-work stakeholders remain stuck in toddler tantrum mode saying it ain’t so.

By: LurkingReader Mon, 12 Jan 2015 03:34:13 +0000 In reply to rawalex.


How is honesty going to make a difference? You have people so desperate for a meal, roof, new pair of shoes not to mention those who claim to be so horny they have to get off…they’re all willing to fuck the person bragging about the 40+ people fuck party they went to last night or three days ago.

How about the people who show up Friday with Thursdays results from Wednesday morning test taken just hours after a no holds barred fuck party…a man might know about the CT his test didn’t catch but a woman more likely won’t …none know about Syphillis and none know about HIV either…so how does honesty help here? They aren’t hiding it half the set is bragging about it and choreographing activities to bring back the thrill of the recent party.

How many performers feel obligated to attend these parties aka impromptu casting calls and how many bring friends they are trying to help?

So let’s be honest…who’s footing the bill for these parties…who’s taking a cut of the ‘off-set’ sex we won’t call escorting they book for the performer?

How about the agent or producer with a casting couch who films one of ten he auditions sending the other nine on their merry way to the next casting couch till they get a break aka call to agent for a roof in a model house and test to make sure other performers will work with new talent…yep..let’s talk about honest…cuz it’s the next test that picks up all the ppl performer didn’t knowing fuck on the casting couch.

I’m all for honesty but it doesn’t do jack shit if you’re not facing reality too.

By: jilted Mon, 12 Jan 2015 01:07:41 +0000 In reply to rawalex.

“then goes escorting for cash, or fucks some random person,,,,OR PERFORMS IN A SCENE WITH AN ALREADY INFECTED PERFORMER, and then goes to work tomorrow and spreads that infection to another performer, who then works the next day and spreads it to another performer, who works the next day and spreads it to another performer, who works the next day and spreads it to another performer,,,,ALL without ever having sex with a civilian.
