Comments on: About APAC’s Idendity – Reader Mail The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Thu, 13 Jul 2023 12:24:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: common sense Sun, 09 Nov 2014 09:37:43 +0000 I just found out that APAC’S BOD for the 2nd year is chairperson James Deen. Lol I am guessing they picked him because he is someone people may have actually heard of. The president is Chanel Preston. VP is Connor Habib. Treas. Veruca James. and the sec is Ela Darling. Hmm and of course Nina Hartley is part of the APAC group. Hmmmm…

I also found out that APAC’S welcome email just features a login and no other information. Ya have to contact james deen or one of the other members for info… Say what?!? Ok. Sounds legit. 😉 I for one would love to eavesdrop on that conversation. Lol

So, what has APAC accomplished in the past year other then collecting money for AIDS? How have they helped the performers?

I also discovered that APAC retweeted Michael Whiteacre. Retweeting a criminal woman beater fanboi. Ok…. Sounds like a great idea.

So what do all of these APAC board members and Nina Hartley have in common?
They are all puppets of the FSC!!!
So I have come to the conclusion that the FSC is behind this organization. I could be wrong but my spidey senses are telling me I’m right.

But please! Any performers who actually attend any of these APAC meetings PLEASE let us know what it is you talk about and what it is YOU ACTUALLY DO! .. Enquiring minds want to know… Thank you. 🙂

By: common sense Sat, 08 Nov 2014 00:22:32 +0000 In reply to SabrinaDeep.

@Sabrina: I didn’t mean to imply that you think APAC is a scam. I think it’s a scam. I also think a lot of the performers in the industry are extremely naive and they just believe what ever the authority figures/leaders of the industry spew without question…

I do believe you and jilted when you guys say that some of the performers care and want to change things, but I think the reason they don’t come forward and speak out is because they fear not only for their jobs but they also fear scumbags like whiteacre and Tompkins stalking and harassing them .. I can’t say I blame them for being afraid But because of this .them not speaking up etc…in my opinion, that means nothing in the industry will change unless someone from outside the industry comes in and forces change.

By: SabrinaDeep Fri, 07 Nov 2014 23:36:00 +0000 It never crossed my mind that this is a scam. I genuinely posted those questions and suggestions constructively. If i thought it was a scam i wouldn’t lose my time about it: i’d just pass.
What i think is that a good idea has been made public way too quickly and superficially thinking that using a bunch of very well known faces in a spot about safety during a very delicate moment could constitute APAC and put it on auto-pilot. Then when it comes to day to day operations even the smallest thing needs someone putting the effort to do it and the guts to take decisions which might collide with your own interests; then it becomes easier to have a quick talk among the well known faces, when needed, and shoot a more or less ambiguous press release or release a quote to keep the APAC name out there.

I know Jilted is right about the majority of performers willing to change things, down their heart; i know it directly for having spoken to some of those performers. But willing does not help, if it’s not followed by actions. If those people they haven’t come forward yet, if they are not coming forward now, i have little hope and belief that they will ever come forward, especially people who are well over their 40’s and have a couple of decades of career behind them. My feeling is that the problem is in the mentality, a cultural problem mainly caused by the small area which has been the theater of porn for decades. I’m pretty sure that if productions where spread out all over the country there would have been less silence, more open-mindedness and more chances to see someone igniting the changes for real.

By: mharris127 Fri, 07 Nov 2014 23:00:57 +0000 In reply to common sense.

For the record Vivid was condom optional at least until Paul Thomas and Co. left. Now that Phil Varone (who does not have a good reputation, he sort of got into porn on performer Siri’s coat tails) is directing their movies I don’t know if that policy is still enforced. Yes, this is the same Phil Varone that had the rock band for years. Of course now that Dr. Flip Flop has gone off the deep end maybe we should call Phil and ask hom to give commentary here — he is Whiteacre’s worst enemy. 🙂

By: LurkingReader Fri, 07 Nov 2014 21:51:59 +0000 In reply to jilted.


Given APAC activities and lack of activities in their short tenure it would take something extremely impressive to change my mind. I have no doubt there are performers attending APAC with a serious desire and willingness to make real changes just can’t overlook APAC taking an 80% vote against PASS then essentially saying fuck you 80% we stand for FSC protocols AFTER another shutdown….not to mention APAC considers a series using a panel of sexologists to help performer integrate their family and relationships into their job as a higher priority than any of the pressing issues facing performers each day.

Using a panel to attract membership is absolutely useless if they neglect their online forum and want performers to put up their info before they offer the first thing any legitimate non-profit would have on their site. IG Why aren’t vaccinations listed front and center on their web page as something performers can do to minimize their risks?

There is a huge conflict between what performers want APAC to be and what APAC really is. It doesn’t matter what the majority wants when they are treated like mushrooms… kept in the dark and fed shit.

By: common sense Fri, 07 Nov 2014 21:47:14 +0000 In reply to jilted.

@jilted: although I believe this organization is a scam I will play Devils advocate. let’s say they’re not. Ok. from what I can tell the members of APAC all still perform in the industry, right? So wouldn’t this be a conflict of interest? If these APAC members want to keep working in the industry they would have to take their marching orders from the company owners, producers, directors, FSC etc. not the other way around.

If a performer were to complain to APAC because they want to use a condom but the director won’t let them. … What could these people at APAC possibly do without fearing they will piss the director /producer off….therefore biting the hand that feeds them?

Don’t you think it would make more sense if APAC had ex performers as members or just people outside the industry? How can a performer actually think that Jessica drake, Nina Hartley, James deen etc would actually care enough about their Heath and safety…to risk being blacklisted for pissing off some company owner? This just comes across as a way to try and make michael Weinstein actually think they care when they don’t.

By: jilted Fri, 07 Nov 2014 21:25:24 +0000 People,
There are people in that organization that do want meaningful change, and they outnumber those who want to keep the status quo.

One quick thing to APAC members,,,If you have recieved the Hep B vaccingation there is NO NEED for you to pay for a Hep test any longer. There is a simple form that the employer is supposed to have, but YOU can also provide it,.and it does not require you to give any test results or anything it simply says,

1. I have been previously vaccinted
2. I do not want to be vaccinted
3. Please provide me the vaccination.

APAC policy should ‘recomment’ every perfrormer be vaccintated,,,and it something EVERYONE should do anyway. DO NOT continue to pay every two weeks for a test you do not need. And if AVN wants you at their awards show they should make a donation to your organization.

By: common sense Fri, 07 Nov 2014 20:31:22 +0000 other then the porn 101 video there is no real info on the site. BUT.. APAC posted this statement describing what they’re about…. lol

The Adult Performer Advocacy Committee advocates to maintain and improve safety and working conditions in the adult film industry by giving adult performers organized representation in matters that affect our health, safety, and community. The mission of APAC is to provide representation for performers in the adult film industry and to protect performers’ rights to a safer and more professional work environment. We do this through education of each other and the greater community, development of ethical best practices, and fostering of solidarity. We review existing health and safety protocols, and will initiate new ones as needed. We are committed to working cohesively with all aspects of the adult entertainment industry and the public, strengthening unity between all performers, and maintaining a work environment where workers are valued, respected, and educated –

so they’re saying that if a performer is working for say, VIVID and they want to use a condom but Steve Hirsch won’t let them… Then what? The performer calls up Jessica Drake or James Deen and they rush over to VIVID to tell Steve that he better allow this performer to use a condom or else? LMFAO!!! This is Hilarious!! #bullshit #scam

By: common sense Fri, 07 Nov 2014 19:39:27 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

@lurkingreader.. there is no info on that site whether it loads or not… SCAM.

By: common sense Fri, 07 Nov 2014 19:37:08 +0000 In reply to common sense.

another thing? if you subscribe then they will send you educational material, legal articles, exclusive videos and more. – so they want YOUR information first before they send you THEIR information, articles etc? LOL This has SCAM written all over it!

on a side note.. when it comes to condoms there is NO choice. The producers make the choice. all condom company.. you HAVE to wear a condom or don’t let the door hit ya on the way out! Non condom company.. NO CONDOM! if you demand one You will be labeled “difficult” and they won’t hire you again. FACTS… not sure what this APAC would do for ya. It just seems like a scam!
