Comments on: Scoundrel Kelly Klass aka Kelly NO Klass performs scenes while 8 months pregnant The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 14 Jul 2021 07:58:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Sun, 04 Sep 2011 20:31:19 +0000 Kelly, I hope your leg heals quickly and without further incident. I also hope that Brazzers and Johnny come to their senses and pay for your medical treatment. Since Johnny placed you in that position, he has the moral responsibility to take care of the results of his actions. I also hope you tell anyone that thinks about working for either Brazzers or Johnny to think twice before doing so. If they won’t take responsibility for this, what will they do if their male talent breaks a female’s pelvis (during rough vaginal sex) or perforates her large intestine (it has happened during anal sex, believe it or not) during sex?

By: KellyKlass Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:33:59 +0000 It was brought to my attention that my case was discussed on this site. Yes, I suffered a severe, third degree burn on my leg that is requiring treatment for minimal scarring. Brazzers nor Johnny Thrust have assisted during my ailment, so I am moving forward with my options.

I was burnt on a tail pipe of a van, Johnny was positioning me for pretty girls and my leg rubbed against the tail pipe.

By: richard373 Fri, 02 Sep 2011 01:52:41 +0000 Brazzer shoots lots porn California in San Diego. They do not advertise that fact keep close company secret. So what ever happens Los Angeles in porn industry there might happen to them becuase there shoot porn there. Before all ask how know this go twitter look porn star work for Brazzer read how times on twitter those porn say well got go San Diego from La shoot porn for Brazzer. I bet city San Diego has no idea that porn being shot there becuase Brazzer keeps very low profile there. Brazzer kept low profile in California with all actions. One reason hide the fact shoot porn in Sand Deigo instead La.

By: JohnW Wed, 31 Aug 2011 19:17:20 +0000 Just wondering….exactly how was Kelly Klass injured/burned on the shoot?

Was it from some lighting equipment?..a heating unit or fireplace?..a car/motorcycle exhaust?
Were they possibly utilizing some sort of fire/flame related effect?
(..I’ll mention it..because it’s a possibility…was a meth pipe possibly in use?)

By: tdpnate Wed, 31 Aug 2011 17:05:53 +0000 All this kinda makes this:

..seem pretty funny eh?

By: richard373 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 06:37:49 +0000 She may not win any money but more this event take place there well be more people look in business ethics. Last thing Brazzers want any government agencies or out side people looking in there business ethics might be some questions they do not want them ask. Look how hard fighting stop rumor which they claim never happen. They got all there suports out on bog sites say no way rumor can be true but what there not doing explain why that so with any other people that where there but black. Old southern saying when some piss down back tell raining how smart do have be not beleave them???
