Comments on: A Reader Takes James Deen To Task The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Thu, 13 Jul 2023 12:09:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nick East Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:11:45 +0000 In reply to jilted.

My favorite lie of his is that he has NEVER caught an STD!!!
I challenge him to a lie detector test for that one!!!
Or maybe I could peek in Dr. Riggs medical records, eh?
The things he says are down-right farcical.

By: jilted Fri, 15 Mar 2013 18:45:54 +0000 In reply to richard373.

Another interview where James Deen lies about the industry testing system, claiming there is a cross referencing system. Again, a clueless interviewer who asks no follow-up questions. James, how many other interviews have you done where you lie about this? Will you continue to tell this lie in the future? And this issue he is lying about it at the very heart of the so called testing system, and how the industry would handle any outbreaks. I wonder if his publicist knows he is lying about this stuff.\?

By: richard373 Wed, 13 Mar 2013 17:59:18 +0000 I find silly you can not explain Alex why counrterpoints made in this argument are irrelevant. Alex find like most people who judge these thing irrelevant is becuase they do want admit that person point out these short coming in James Deen argument had made some very good comments why that so. Like alot people do industry you attack dodge issue buy lable this irrelevant . Buy way your opion on James Deen legal issue wrong he is new poster boy that FSC useing fight condom issues. Buy way been one main criticise on condom laws there try pass in Ca so does make irrelevant on this use. Becuas he neck deep in it. When Tom Cruise’s gives opinions on acting most people listen him very susseful at it. So when James Deen talking about what he does for living very susseful at people tend listen to him even if being stupid. Special on subject porn becuase that what jobs is irrelevant issue you claim that are irrelevant him effect him directly.

By: Alex Bettinger Wed, 13 Mar 2013 13:07:47 +0000 In reply to richard373.

You have badly misunderstood.

James Deen’s opinions are irrelevant to the legal issues at stake. Those are settled in court, not in an interview with one (albeit well known) performer.

I didn’t come here to post about it, I happen to read Mike South’s site, and saw the article.

Regarding the “response” itself, there are PLENTY of things that the person says that are irrelevant to the legal issues at stake, and also lots of things that are simply false. I’m not going to go through them all here, because honestly it doesn’t bear that much examination. Like I said, it’s an irrelevant response to an irrelevant interview.

But you seemed to be very juiced up by it–please don’t let me get in your way. Go revel.

By: richard373 Wed, 13 Mar 2013 06:21:35 +0000 Yet James Deen opion is beeing post on ever one lesser porn sites as sage advice on porn condom matter. One lesser web site has such man crush on him they post ever thing they can about James Deen. Alex are welling answers counterpoint question that where brought up buy counrter pointer??? After all argument was so irrelevant you had come here say so. Please explain at any point what part counrter point has been irrelevant what happen in porn industry today?? If James Deen so irrelevant why is ever one indusrty get hardon for this guy if he so irrelevant Alex??? If guy argument so irrelevant Alex you can explain away questions with much common cents straight talk as guy did posting his counterpoints. Remind Alex FSC hire professional republican politician stop condom law from happen in Los Angeles that prove very irrelevant in out come that happen there.

By: Alex Bettinger Wed, 13 Mar 2013 00:29:43 +0000 Of course, James Deen’s opinions carry about as much weight with respect to the strictly legal issues at stake here as would Tom Cruise’s opinions on the constitutional status of mainstream acting.

In other words, not a whole lot. This “response” is a vehement attack on the opinions of an obvious non-expert, and ultimately is just as irrelevant.

By: richard373 Tue, 12 Mar 2013 03:08:15 +0000 This read like some one know issue well. Useing facts common cent attack James Deen argument wrath well. When break down what he say make alot cents. He does great job break down why condom issue not frist amendment issue. He does amzasing job explain away James Deen issue of porn star have same right as man and his wife try make babe which I thought was stupid comparison. He took any credible away from James Deen being good spokes person for porn when he point out that James Deen thought ok for young teens watch porn. Best part argument was when guy explain how unsecure STD testing is in porn industry how unpaired indusrty is when has STD event. I thought man asked good hard questions that porn indusrty need good answers to. Becuase indusrty keep say ever thing it does cover under first amendment gone lose war with those fighting put condoms on it.

By: Karmafan Mon, 11 Mar 2013 23:01:18 +0000 This article sounds like it was written by a paid stooge for AHF.

By: jilted Mon, 11 Mar 2013 21:47:33 +0000 In reply to Viniko Richmond.

Hey James, there’s a good question in this article, “How well did that tracking system work with Mr. Marcus?” Oh yes, your system works “really really well.” Why would he lie like that?

And as far as calling yourself James Deen, you just arent that cool.

By: Viniko Richmond Mon, 11 Mar 2013 20:55:42 +0000 he will probably join Mr.Marcus in the unemployment line
