Comments on: A Reader Schools us On Alexa The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 05 Jul 2023 13:21:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Craig Amabello Tue, 21 May 2013 08:47:07 +0000 Craig Amabello liked this on Facebook.

By: RiccoMarin Mon, 20 May 2013 19:14:42 +0000 This is a good site.

By: TonyBatman Mon, 20 May 2013 18:48:07 +0000 I do love you guys, and I love this site as well… You missed the point that on the Alexa ranking there is a stat for page views per visit. would that not help the estimation? I am loving this discussion, if only for the fact that is it so hard to explain to a non webmaster how this all works. Why my site is better to throw a banner on than the next one… In time businesses with catch up with the future

By: MikeSouth Mon, 20 May 2013 16:57:10 +0000 That would be incorrect actually. If kylie had anywhere near half a million views a month of any kind her alexa would be substantially better.there is no way on earth she gets that as the reader pointed out…unique or otherwise, alexa does take that into account.

By: Removed Account Mon, 20 May 2013 16:22:33 +0000 The reader seems to understand Alexa but clearly missed the boat on pageviews. I can completely buy the claim of Kylie Ireland who said she has “half million views a month.” Page views and unique visitors are not the same thing. Any real webmaster will tell you, they aren’t even close and Kylie Ireland didn’t claim to have half a million UNIQUE VISITORS, she claimed page views and inflation of page views is all the rage in mainstream.

Ever notice how when you visit a mainstream site they have these stories that get broken into 10 sections that force you to click through and look at every one? LIke the top 10 best looking porn stars. #10 – a page, then you click next and the next page loads to reveal #9. They could just freaking tell us in the one single page but no every damn time they have to have their countdown on 10 totally different pages. And they are doing that to artificially inflate their pageviews because that is what people sell ad rates based on – not actual unique visitors.
A unique visitor is one single person – and then a page view is how many pages a person may look at while at that site. So a single person could view 27 pages, while the next guy views 12 and the next 109. In the end that site now has 148 page views but still just 3 unique visitors. So there is absolutely no way in the world you could even guess what a sites page views may be based on their alexa rating – you could guesstimate unique visitors, sure but not page views because you just don’t have any way of knowing how many pages a single visitor to any given website may view and in the case like so many of those mainstream sites – a single visitor is tricked into viewing 10 at a time. So yeah, this person who helped you understand alexa really missed it big time on understanding traffic.

By: J.r. Wolfe Mon, 20 May 2013 15:47:26 +0000 J.r. Wolfe liked this on Facebook.

By: MikeSouth1226 Mon, 20 May 2013 15:32:02 +0000 A Reader Schools us On Alexa
