Comments on: A reader Has Some Great Advice For The Union The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sun, 15 May 2016 16:30:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: LurkingReader Sun, 15 May 2016 16:30:49 +0000 In reply to joeschmoe.


Informed choice is consent.

Who pays for your surgical repair solution?

Wage earners often have their pay spent in their head or on paper before its earned. As you point out most workers immediate goal is their next paycheck. That is one of the reasons the employer is responsible for providing a safe workplace.

Producing porn is a choice. Name one occupation where the stakeholders force the workers to provide their own safety measures. Testing is required to keep porn sets safe… so why aren’t producers paying for it?

Smoking is a personal choice, unless it’s affecting their job it has no relevance to workplace issues. When it comes to smoking pitchforks are still out. Workplace safety is why smokers can’t smoke at their desks or within x feet of building entrances. Smoke rooms went away with WC claims and astronomical group medical insurance premiums. Employers who didn’t enforce no smoking regulations got hit with hefty fines, and costly lawsuits. It’s legal and acceptable to discriminate against smokers individual rights & liberties to provide those liberties to non-smokers.

Perdue chose to produce and market chicken. It’s a dangerous job so they pay workers to attend employer provided step by step training on how to avoid injury and pay WC claims when workers ignore training. Now they’re on the hot seat for not allowing toilet breaks because workers were wearing diapers on the during an unrelated OSHA inspection. Workers chose to wear diapers but the employer is responsible for creating the working environment that necessitated the diapers. My crystal ball says purchasing diapers for workers won’t be an option and USA porn producers will still be avoiding paying costs they have no trouble passing on to workers.

By: mharris127 Sun, 15 May 2016 03:51:33 +0000 In reply to Sean Tompkins.

Fake Sean, where can I get some of that “Grade A” female ass in Houston, Dallas or Austin next week (it’s just as addictive as crack)? I need to fuck a cute chick up the ass with my admittedly not so large dick and have heard those hot Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders won’t break into little pieces when a quarter ton of Michigan’s finest fucks them (unlike many of the Ohio chickies I fuck now — unfortunately fornication is a felony in MI so I go to Toledo twice a month to get my dick drained). I have to draw the line at rubbing dicks with other men, though — very little makes my dick shrivel up into its attached ball sack quicker than the thought of gay sex and IMO double anal is just an excuse for two men to fuck each other using the woman as a cover — sorry Fake Sean. Maybe some crack addicted gigolo will shove his dick and a dildo into your ass (at the same time) and then cumming down your throat with his shit covered dick for $50. He might also know where you can buy some more of that “Grade A” crack you like so much.

By: mharris127 Sun, 15 May 2016 03:26:53 +0000 In reply to Moore Porn.

Yes, Katie was arrested at about age 20 smuggling (IIRC) marijuana and spent two years in the clink for it. At least it was the US clink, I don’t think the poor girl would have survived Mexican prison.

For the record I think it is wrong to imprison and torture people for drug “crimes”. Just legalize drugs, regulate the purity of the drugs, sell drugs in licensed liquor stores and tax drugs at 20% to cover the government expenses caused by drugs. I would legalize everything except maybe PCP (that particular drug sends people into a severe psychosis and makes them violent).

CPan, unfortunately what happens in an US prison is kept quiet with some prison systems being more torturous than others. I can unfortunately almost guarantee that a cute woman will be sexually assaulted multiple times a year by guards in most US prison systems with the judicial system considering it part of their punishment. Having known one of the attorneys that attempted to end repeated forced rape as part of the punishment for crimes in MI felonies and discussed the cases with her unfortunately it gets a lot worse than I have wrote on this site. Michigan has the harshest prison system in the country by far but don’t fool yourself into thinking rape isn’t part of the federal prison system or the other 49 state prison systems. It might not be quite as systematic in some other states but it is there.

Also, I have admitted that I am fucked up. However, I am not as fucked up as some people. I am not a rapist, a murderer, a fascist or a communist. I also actually give a damn about people even if my sometimes libertarian views on porn seem too permissive and less paternalistic than many would like.

By: Moore Porn Sun, 15 May 2016 00:21:04 +0000 Very good point CPanzram. poor Katie Morgan we didn’t know all that she was a drug smuggler. WILD.

By: CPanzram Sat, 14 May 2016 23:44:57 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

“(that happens all the time even outside of porn, ask Katie Morgan about smuggling drugs, getting arrested at the border and spending two years sentenced to being forcibly ass fucked by every male guard nightly in the federal prison where she served her time next time you see her — and she hadn’t ever even talked to anyone in porn at the time she was a drug smuggler). ”

I think something is wrong with you. I don’t think I’m the only one who thinks that either.

At least it wasn’t a plug for Kink or some talk of BDSM. I guess that’s an improvement. Keep working at it.

By: mharris127 Sat, 14 May 2016 21:22:56 +0000 In reply to joeschmoe.

I don’t think I am “pull(ing) out (my) pitchforks” by suggesting that performers be given the information required to make a fully informed choice. I am not suggesting a ban on risky acts any more than I would suggest a ban on those cigars I used to smoke from time to time (if you think those Parliments the chickies in porn smoke nowadays put poison into their lungs try having them switch to Olivas for a few years). We are dealing with adults here, they are capable of making adult decisions. If they make a bad decision based on purely financial reasoning, that is on them (that happens all the time even outside of porn, ask Katie Morgan about smuggling drugs, getting arrested at the border and spending two years sentenced to being forcibly ass fucked by every male guard nightly in the federal prison where she served her time next time you see her — and she hadn’t ever even talked to anyone in porn at the time she was a drug smuggler).

However, I think people should have the opportunity to have what information they need to make the right decision for them. That isn’t possible if the chickie attended HS in Mississippi where the only sex ed is scare tactics intended to teach people to only fuck for procreation (the law there actually states that school districts/teachers can lie to students for sex ed) and doesn’t know that triple anal can tear asses and fucking three dudes a day for three weeks straight can cause (although indirectly) a painful bartholin cyst on her pussy lips and send her to the ER in an unfamiliar town 2000 miles from her physician where she is doing her scenes in the middle of the night to have it drained (costing her $10K in the process — which is most of what she would make fucking three dudes a day for three weeks straight in porno scenes).

By: mharris127 Sat, 14 May 2016 21:00:55 +0000 In reply to Hop Sing.

Yes, I am still the biggest person in town — I can just about guarantee that after I ascend to that BDSM porn palace in the sky (where I will get my wish of hogtying and caning Marilyn Monroe and Mary Pickford) my corpse-overfilled casket will be hauled to the cemetery with a forklift instead of pallbearers (fortunately we have family friends that actually own forklifts so getting one for the day isn’t an issue). Seriously, I have been told by my pain doc that with the back injury I have losing weight would only have a modest effect as the damage has already been done (although it would be beneficial in other ways). My losing weight also entails starving myself and turning into the meanest person in the county as I have a metabolic issue that keeps weight on me. Thanks for the concern, though.

By: CPanzram Sat, 14 May 2016 15:49:27 +0000 In reply to joeschmoe.

” Great, answer my questions then. What do you propose to protect them from anal injury or spread of STI’s not covered by condom’s on the penis. Are you picking and choosing what is workplace safety and what is informed choice? I am a bit foggy on your points because keep going on about workplace safety without suggesting what should be done on a porn set (other than Condoms which only covers a part of the risks, and which hurts the earning potential of everyone in porn at the same time).”

Earning potential is irrelevant. Asbestos may be cheaper than other insulation. Fiberglass insulation is still dangerous if inhaled or rubbed on the skin. What about the earning potential of home builders?

As for anal injury, OSHA hasn’t come after that directly, have they? There is no penis width to asshole circumference measurement standard yet. It may fall under normal workplace injury regulations which could be vague and if a violation occurs negligence could be decided on a case-by-case basis. Having a b-hole tear and claiming you were following workplace safety may be tough when there were two giant wangs going into a hole that was obviously too small. Even if the director’s lawyer demonstrates incompetence on behalf of the defendant by showing his inability to insert the wooden cylinder into the correctly-sized hole on a children’s toy, there was still an unsafe working environment.

When it comes to the spread of STD’s that are spread with a condom porn is getting a pass. They should count their stars and wrap up because it could be worse. OSHA could just claim that it isn’t safe. People still have the first amendment right to make porn. It just can’t be a job where money is exchanged.

Porn gets a pass on most things. Being defiant of OSHA regulations will only bring the hammer down harder and faster. They’re being watched. They should use their heads.

By: BT Sat, 14 May 2016 14:53:04 +0000 In reply to joeschmoe.

You’re confusing me with someone else. Yes, I go back to workplace safety because that is the issue. Someone else is talking about adult diapers; that ain’t me.

Joe, for over a year, I argued with people on this site and Luke Is Back about the condom regulation. For a year, people attacked me and said I didn’t know what I was talking about because I simply didn’t understand the First Amendment (even though a.) in my profession I’ve been involved in four First Amendment lawsuits including one that went to trial and b.) separately, I’ve worked as a consultant on media lawsuits involving the First Amendment). And then, low and behold, the courts ruled exactly the way I said they would rule because I took this out of the realm of a dorm room argument fueled by too much beer, pizza and weed and into the real world of the courts and the law.

Now, we’re in an argument over workplace safety – I’ve run a business for over 30 years where I’ve had to comply with OSHA regulations. That business isn’t in California, but it involves OSHA all the same. But, what the heck do I know.

What I am trying to explain, unsuccessfully, is that personal responsibility applies to actions in your personal life. Personal responsibility and choice is not a legal argument in a court of law or when OSHA brings a case over a workplace action. Personal responsibility does not get around workplace safety.

But, hey, let’s not you and I argue about this because you’re dug in on believing that personal choices rules the day and I’m dug in on the fact that no OSHA case in the history of the workplace has been won on personal responsibility.

So, let’s agree to disagree and watch what happens in three pending actions – all of which to one degree or another involve porn and workplace safety. The first is Cameron Bay’s lawsuit against Kink, where Kink is arguing, hey, she knew what she was getting into, and she is arguing that she was injured on the job because Kink didn’t have workplace safety processes in place.

There are several pending OSHA actions against Kink, some of which specifically involve workplace safety – and, Kink is not arguing personal responsibility in those.

And, the OSHA actions against James Deen, where you could’ve writing part of Deen’s defense, because he is specifically arguing that he shouldn’t be fined because, hey, this is America and he gave talent the option of performing with or without condoms and WTF, they made a personal choice.

If you’re right, all that stuff is going to go away, and I’ll buy you a monthly subscription to the double anal porn site of your choice.

By: joeschmoe Sat, 14 May 2016 01:30:19 +0000 In reply to mharris127.


Well, sir, you tell me i am on a soapbox, and you go back about workplace safety. Great, answer my questions then. What do you propose to protect them from anal injury or spread of STI’s not covered by condom’s on the penis. Are you picking and choosing what is workplace safety and what is informed choice? I am a bit foggy on your points because keep going on about workplace safety without suggesting what should be done on a porn set (other than Condoms which only covers a part of the risks, and which hurts the earning potential of everyone in porn at the same time).


I get the whole anal injury thing. Your example is an extreme case, but yes, it can happen. There are surgical procedures that can be done so there is not a “lifetime of diapers” when one of the prolapsers decides to retire from porn. Not so much with serious back issues from other physical jobs.

And let’s be frank here. Most porn girls have “spent the money in their head” before they show up on the porn shoot that day. If you explain to them “hey, if you do a bunch of double anal scenes in the next 2 years you may have leakage when you have to shit and may need a procedure to fix it”…… most are still going to do the scene. We put “Smoking can kill you” on a pack of smokes and the girls are still buying them by the carton.

I believe so strongly that people have to be responsible for their choices. Yes, workplaces need to provide safety measures. However, all the safety measures possible still leave us with people in physical jobs retiring with injuries (sports, NFL, construction, porn, you name it).

You have to be safe, mitigate the risks.. however, each and every person entering a physical career needs to understand they will likely leave that career in a different physical condition than when they entered it.

And really, is the pack of smokes a girl consumes every day that basically guarantees a shortened lifespan somehow ok, but we pull out our pitchforks that she might get herpes or an anal injury? IF people are willing to poison themselves, there has to be personal responsibility accross the board.
