Alexander DeVoe is Full of Sh!t and @urbanXawards is Racist by His Own Standard #BlackLivesMatter

So, the other day Alexander DeVoe came to to comment on a story about the new dictates regarding race over at the AVN Awards.

Alexander DeVoe is Full of Sh!t and @urbanXawards is Racist by His Own Standard #BlackLivesMatterAlexander DeVoe is one of the folks behind the Urban X Awards.


Here’s what he wrote, in pertinent part:



Its [sic] is absolutely absurd to think that the elimination of ETHNIC and INTERRACIAL distinctions of categories will have any effect upon whether or not people of color are recognized at AVN. especially since there are no different RACES of people its [sic] was always an insult to performers of color to be categorized specifically into those categories and NOT considered for categories across the board.

This article is yet another example of how non people of color are out of touch with realityBy the way The Urban X Awards set the Standard for the elimination of categorizations by ethnicity and dropped IR designations long long ago

And by the way “ETHNIC” does not mean “BLACK”

In its original form Urban X Awards was never a BLACK AWARDS SHOW

it was created to honor and celebrate those individuals who had historically been repeatedly overlooked at AVN and other shows

Well, we’re obliged to report that Alexander DeVoe is completely full of shit.

For one thing, the AVN Awards have NEVER segregated performer and sex scene awards by race or ethnicity. Never. They added EXTRA CATEGORIES to specifically honor ethnic productions in addition to the “across the board” categories. But DeVoe is applauding the removal of those categories, making it statistically less likely that performers of color will take home an award.

But there’s another problem with Devoe’s comment: if IR and Interracial categorization, and companies like Blacked are the problem — if they are reflective of a racist mindset — then Urban X Awards has promoted racism by DeVoe’s and the intersectionalist/woke community’s own definition.

Say what?

Let’s pick the 2017 Urban X Awards as an example:

In 2017 DeVoe’s organization gave an award called IR Star of the Year to  . . . Riley Reid.

Alexander DeVoe is Full of Sh!t and @urbanXawards is Racist by His Own Standard #BlackLivesMatter

That same year, Urban X handed the award for Studio of the Year to . . . BLACKED.

(This was, of course, after Greg Lansky‘s company — now the target of woke rage — came in as a paying sponsor for the show.)

And who was named Director of the Year by Urban X in 2017?

Greg Lansky.

Correction — not just Greg Lansky . . . Greg Lansky INTERRACIAL ICON!


DeVoe, you’re not only a dumbass, you’re a corrupt fraud, and a hypocrite, AND YOU AND YOUR AWARDS SHOW ARE RACIST BY YOUR OWN STANDARD!

Bonus pic:

Sexual predator, pusher and reputed porn pimp James Bartholet at the 2017 Urban X Awards, presented by Alexander DeVoe
James Bartholet at the 2017 Urban X Awards
576340cookie-checkAlexander DeVoe is Full of Sh!t and @urbanXawards is Racist by His Own Standard #BlackLivesMatter

Alexander DeVoe is Full of Sh!t and @urbanXawards is Racist by His Own Standard #BlackLivesMatter

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4 Responses

  1. Wish people would start using the #AllLivesMatter. Everyone should be treated with dignity, respect, and fairness. Doesn’t matter what color your skin is, where you come from, or what God you pray to.

  2. Sam Longhorne Absolutely hilarious. I could give two shits about your opinion. When you have walked in my shoes and have contributed to the betterment of the industry for all people then perhaps your will feel like you have added something to the history of the ADULT INDUSTRY that actually effected peoples lives in a positive way. I wont respond to you anymore after this. As an activist an agent for change in the biz my work I focus on how I can make a difference in the experience that all people have while a part of the industry. What have you done to elevate people?

    You fucked off an opportunity to add meaningful dialogue to the problems that exist within the industry, but instead you chose the destructive route which is problematic.

    I wont reply to you or respond to any other posts you make. I will continue creating path ways for people to realize their full potential and experience the joy in being honored for their achievements in an environment which celebrates DIVERSITY THROUGH UNITY. You represent the issues which harm this industry and not the solution.

    You will get no further response or reply from me

  3. DeVoe writes: “When you have walked in my shoes and have contributed to the betterment of the industry for all people then perhaps your will feel like you have added something to the history of the ADULT INDUSTRY that actually effected peoples lives in a positive way.”

    Dude, this makes absolutely no sense.

    Your personal experience is irrelevant. You said things that are false AND you have contradicted your own prior statements. You’re a liar and a hypocrite who now seeks to rebrand as a hero. GTFO dude.

    You further write: “You fucked off an opportunity to add meaningful dialogue to the problems that exist within the industry, but instead you chose the destructive route which is problematic.”

    The term ‘problematic’ is meaningless gobbledygook. It;s an entirely subjective term that translates as “I have a problem with it.” So fucking what?

    Furthermore, I’d maintain that, by being HONEST with readers, and taking a thoughtful and CONSISTENT stand, we are contributing far more than a liar and fraud who partnered up with a sexual predator and sells awards in exchange for sponsorships.

    Eat shit, dude.

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