Porn Star Turned Pastor LIED. There is much more to this story than she wants you to know.

All over the news for the last few days was the feel good story about the dirty porn star who was saved by God and is now a Pastor at a church in Fulton, New York.

Crystal Bassette, the former porn star, who at the time went by the name of Nadia Hilton, claims that she $300,000 a year in porn, before finding God.

Only there is a problem with the math.

She was in porn for roughly 10 years, starting in 2005. During which time she claims she made about 100 movies.

During the time she was in porn she said she made $300,000 a year or about $30,000 a month.

The problem is, the math just doesn’t add up. If you are making $300,000 a year for 10 years, shooting porn alone, you just made $3 million bucks and that was more than Jenna Jameson herself made off of films.

This means, if her story is to be believed Nadia Hilton was paid $30,000 per movie.

Jenna Jameson wasn’t making $30k a movie during the highest point in her career, yet somehow Nadia Hilton was? Not in her wildest dreams. Nadia Hilton wasn’t a top star. Sure,she’s a pretty girl but she wasn’t the biggest name in the business back then. She wasn’t even in the top 20.

I remember Nadia Hilton. She was good friends with Taylor Rain. Those girls weren’t making that kind of money per movie. They were making low budget gonzo shit.

This I know for a fact because I know the guys funding their movies.

She didn’t make $30,000 a movie. No fucking porn star was making that kind of money even back in 2005, let alone 10 years later.

In the end, she made that money as an escort. So why lie about that?

She didn’t make that much money from porn. She probably didn’t make more than $100,000 combined over the 10 years she was in porn.

So where did the rest of the money come from?

She has spent a lot of time and money to scrub her history from the internet but she forgets, many of us where around back then and we know the truth.

Nadia Hilton didn’t make all that money she claims from just starring in movies.


Just do the math yourself … 100 movies * her typical rate of about $1,500 per scene means in the 10 years she was in porn.

The numbers don’t lie.

So where did the rest of that money come from?


As far as how things are going well for Nadia Hilton in her new life, at least that is what she’ll have you believe if you read one of the many articles out there about her right now.

But I think this comment from one of her former parishioners says it all.

LandonDee:  “I could never take her seriously nor go to her for any advice. I used to attend there before she was in the picture and they not only lost their church but any respect and most of the congregation left. They are fake Christians out for fame and fortune. Smh What a joke! They give Christians a bad name.
See also:  


156691cookie-checkPorn Star Turned Pastor LIED. There is much more to this story than she wants you to know.

Porn Star Turned Pastor LIED. There is much more to this story than she wants you to know.

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