Major Quebec women’s group continues to lose members over pro-sex worker resolution

Once again, feminist fanatics rush to throw other women under the bus in the name of ideology.

Quebec, Canada’s most prominent women’s group continues to lose members after it passed a resolution last month recognizing that women can freely choose to become sex workers.

The resolution approved by members of the Federation des femmes du Quebec has split the organization between prostitution prohibitionists and those who believe women can consent to sexual activity in exchange for money.

Diane Matte, founder of the group CLES, which works with current and former sex workers, said the federation’s position is “incompatible with the work we’ve done over the past 18 years to fight sexual exploitation.”

Whether there are women who believe they can enter freely into the sex industry is the wrong question to ask, said Matte, whose organization was among three groups that announced Wednesday they are leaving the federation.

This is what is known as dialectical speaking — more precisely, the use of a Marxian dialectic: steer the conversation away from real, actual matters and refocus on abstract theory.

“The question is rather, as a society that believes in equality of all women, do we support an industry that is sustained by poverty, social inequality and the violence that women face in it?”

No, you crazed fanatic, “the question:” is whether or not you support the choices of women who don’t agree with your authoritarian worldview.

MCVI, a group that advocates on behalf of sexual assault victims, as well as the Maison d’Haiti, a prominent organization in Montreal’s Haitian community, also quit the federation yesterday.

Matte said at least two branches of the Confederation of National Trade Unions previously announced they will no longer be part of the women’s federation.

Good, let them go. Fuck ’em.

Messages seeking comment from federation president Gabrielle Bouchard were not returned Wednesday afternoon.

Bouchard told The Canadian Press in late October the “large majority” of voters at the group’s general assembly supported the motion,”but some people were upset.”

It may be significant to note that Bouchard is transgender, and was elected to her position late last year.

It is extremely common for SWERFs (Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminists) to also be TERFS (Transgender Exclusionary radical Feminists), so there may be more here than meets the eye. If this feminist schism does play a role here (and I’m fairly confident it does after reviewing the history), then once again we see an authoritarian mindset driving women to betray and abandon the most marginalized of women in the name of an ideological dispute. Disgusting and completely unsurprising among modern feminists.

The fanatical Matte said she is “pessimistic” about the future of the federation, which was formed in 1966.

“We weren’t the first to leave and we won’t be the last,” she said in an interview. “I hope the members who stay apply pressure to the board of directors to return to its central purpose … to fight for the equality of all women.”

All women — except for those who don;t agree wth Marxian social theories.

Calgary Herald

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Major Quebec women’s group continues to lose members over pro-sex worker resolution

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