Comments on: Remy LaCroix Leaves Porn The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 07 Jul 2023 17:18:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: BT Mon, 02 Jul 2012 15:01:23 +0000 What I wonder is: How long before Jenna begins shooting porn again, based on recent reports of financial problems and DUI etc.

By: JLproductions Sun, 01 Jul 2012 05:15:06 +0000 Many people have no shame living double lives it seems.

Some people vehemently denounce Donny and then you see him show up posting ads or promotions on the site and some of those same people cheering him on.
As you said, you can’t flunk out of porn.

Presently, on gfy, you may have seen AdultKing posting on shutting file lockers down, there’s a fair chance with some help this can happen. The two of us talked on skype
for nearly an hour, me from the midwest of the USA and him from Australia. I won’t go into details but he’s got a lot up his sleeve. I offered my help because I’ve seen
and know everything on filelockers and how crooks use them and tricks to avoid LE. Some of the stuff I write won’t be credited to me.

Doesn’t surprise me Mike, you worked hard at everything and at least your blog traffic spiked and you got some recognition, people tend to have short memories though. Many people have no shame in taking credit for others and in the long run (for those who remember their deeds) it never pays well in the end.
And to keep up with your other tasks in life after a while you realize the inevitability of dealing with fools is to just move on.
Though this industry has very bright people in it, it is also filled with idiots, criminals, and sex offenders who can’t get a job anywhere else. It’s a place where any identity can be forged with commitment.

Threads that are for a good cause inevitably always turn into a civil war hijacked by idiots starting piss matches. Nice to see you speak reason.

Keep churning good pieces.

By: MikeSouth Sat, 30 Jun 2012 19:55:36 +0000 Donny was never really gone, he just wasn’t getting any attention, his site, which is far from new has been out there for a while.

I have had several people asking me about it and the truth is I’m disinclined to fight that battle again. I got very little industry support last time, I spent a lot of my own money and it consumed a lot of my time.

Diane Duke then tells the L.A. Times that the FSC was the one who took Donny out, fine let Diane Duke and the FSC do it this time, see how well that works.

I have way too much to do to bother with his nonsense again,

By: richard373 Sat, 30 Jun 2012 17:28:20 +0000 Look who find way back in porn indusrty.

6/30/2012 04:01 AM PST

Donny Long is Back?

–on the web

Reported on – “One of the most hated men in porn, Donny Long who you may remember from this lovely website, has recently surfaced and from what I am being told is working on another adult related website.

“I know nothing about what the website contains or any other specific details but maybe his good buddy Monica Foster, who was one of the largest contributors to his last website will be helping him sling mud yet again at the performers in the adult industry.

“Former porn star and resident nut job, Monica Foster you may remember initially denied having anything to do with Donny Long’s last website dedicated to bullying and harming those in the industry and claimed she too was a victim and even tried to take credit for getting the site down, however logs later released about the site would reveal she was one of the biggest contributes to the site. Despite her best efforts to deny her contributions to Donny Long’s website the sites server logs told a very different story.

“Hey with friends like this in the industry, who needs enemies, right?

“So be warned my friends, Donny Long is back. We don’t know specifically what he’s up to but he is in the process of making another adult site so consider yourself warned.”
