Is Nick Hogan @nickhogan4real dating porn star Tana Lea @tanaleaxxx?

Nick Hogan, yes as in Hulk Hogan’s son, appears to be in a relationship with porn star Tana Lea and according to Tana Lea, Hulk Hogan approves!

The rumor is they’ve been dating for a while however only made it social media official last February. The couple continues to be hot and heavy and was recently spotted together at a club where Nick was working as a DJ.

Are they a real couple or is it just a pr stunt?

According to our inside sources, they are in fact a real couple and he’s even taken her home to meet his famous dad quite a few times.

Hulk Hogan

One of Tana Lea’s friends who asked us not to name her, said they are really serious and it wouldn’t surprise her if they got married.

Last June the couple even hosted an event together at 31Ten Lounge in Santa Monica.

Last June the couple even hosted an event together at 31Ten Lounge in Santa Monica.

So there you have it – Hulk Hogan’s son Nick really is dating porn star Tana Lea.



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Is Nick Hogan @nickhogan4real dating porn star Tana Lea @tanaleaxxx?

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