One would be hard-pressed to find another in the adult industry who does not know who Shy Love the author and Legendary performer is, and most have heard of her other talent agency of infamy, The Vip connect. The Site has been down now for over a week or more.

No person could honestly say, Shy is not one hell of a hot woman with an insane body and Incredible performer. When Shy Love ran ATMLA it was indeed an agency to be reckoned with. Arguably within one of the top two or three then.
The easily irritable, testy and irascible personality of Shy Love placed her at odds with far too many. It’s just such a shame really. Love her or hate her, arguably she is and remains one hell of a performer and a very attractive one. I personally marveled at just how she could stand among any 19-year-old fellow performer and out-perform and charm any.
Unfortunately Shy sustained a long history of irking a vast multitude, Oh yes almost forgot to mention, She proved to be a fantastic businesswoman as well.
Why on this earth would Shy just run The Vip Connect into the ground is beyond compression.
She has launched many successful careers as she has road blocked those who crossed her path. Some rightfully so, however not in all instances.
Whatever Shy Love’s undertakings are now We wish her the best and all is forgiven.
Best of Luck Shy Love.
8 Responses
I’m pretty sure you can go through the archives of this site and find stories of how the Horse Faced, Buck Toothed, Shy Love Trafficked women from Europe and kept them in subhuman conditions in a trailer.
It’s not really surprising she is out of business
My advice on anyone who wants a better picture of Shy Love’ than this ridiculous puff piece,just type “Shy Love ” i n the search box here.
We were being kind. She would be an easy topic for a whipping post and pin cushion topic
I’m of the opinion that Human Traffickers and exploiters don’t deserve a whole lot of kindness. YMMV.
Maybe we are finally rid of Shy Hate. She lied to Mike South about someone, Mike trusted her and went with the now known to be false information. She got him sued and was probably the straw that caused Mike to decide to retire. I think Shy needs to go back to Israel (she has an Israeli passport so she is a citizen of the country) and preferably move to Gaza or the West Bank where she would learn the real meaning of Hell. I don’t wish her on the wonderful Israeli people but think she would fit right in with the Palestinians. If she stays here in the States I hope the IRS makes her life a living Hell and that she is broke very soon. I hope she does NOT take up prostitution, though — who knows what she would do to unsuspecting johns.
@ MHarris127
You are very Correct
Was not going to touch this but however is posting this, seems to have a lot of info
The idiot who wrote this article seems to have a soft spot in the deep recesses of his or her anus for Sheelaugh Albino/Blumberg/Hunter, whatever she’s gone by over the years. Hell the picture of her beaver teeth he put up here is older than Donald Trump’s first blowjob from Stormy Daniels.
So the author is an idiot in addition to being one of the worst writers of English since Peter Warren.
Her whole fucking life has been a lie. From graduating high school 2 years early , to being the Controller of, to having an MBA, to being fired from a job because she got bolt-ons. There was the whole ATMLA debacle with Eric Hunter which resulted in the foreclosure on her house, not to mention the $400k civil judgement for defrauding film investors.
Her porn scenes were mostly shit, the were the most fake in a time when faking was less and less subtle. She has the personality of Eddie Haskell–you just want to punch her beaver teeth into the back of her head. Don’t read the shit here, go find the Gene Ross archives. He told the truth about her was before she starting leading Mike South down the path.
Anybody who has a scintilla of respect for this toilet bag should hold their heads in shame. But then again, this is porno, where shame is a desirable scale in the universe of doleful emotions rampant around this biz.
@Willie D, You need a NEW fucking Name, Willie Dick! Seriously?
A Freudian Slip? You must have more than Mommie Issues, Dick Issues ?.. So the next time you hug your mother, Block out the memories of how you got your first STD.
You are the fuking Idiot, fucktard. Shy Love has more haters racked up throughout the industry than anyone in the history of porn. The Buck Tooth scammer left and Finally. So I was just being kind. Don’t have to be. OBVIOUSLY
@ Willie “D”
You are a butt head, so stop breathing so we don’t have to smell your shit breath.
And I am being very kind here.