Daniel Maurice Hatton Jr aka Dillon Jordan aka Dillon Josh Arrested on Prostitution Ring Charges

Operating for decades, Daniel Maurice Hatton Jr, who legally changed his name to Dillon Jordan, also went by the Dillion Josh, brutally exploited women for decades, is finally arrested and charged. US Attorney’s Office  Southern District of New York, has been investigating Daniel Maurice Hatton Jr and others for several years.

Fidel Castro released Dillon from prison early just to get rid of a kiddie porn producer out of the country 

See the Federal Complaint                        

US Federal Complaint US Central District New York 

It is expected to find in the criminal complaint once unsealed to its entirety,  Multiple women drugged and raped in the United Kingdom and his down town Los Angles Apartment, Located on Spring street. Many women, and allegedly a minor was cohered into being trafficked, with the help of a United Kingdom Middle Eastern Madam operating under the name “Bella” assisted Dillion Jordan over the spend of two decades.

Prior to Daniel Maurice Hatton Jr’s arrest, he was jailed in Cuba, where he served 7 years of 10. Jordan was charged with video recording males and female minors in a foreign country.  He was detained at a Cuban airport after his lap top was found to contain pornographic videos with minors, filmed  in hotel rooms in Cuba and rumored Costa Rica, Daniel Hatton Jr  legally changed his name to Dillon Jordan upon reentry back into  the United States after he served most of his ten year prison term, the native from Santa Monica California, was successfully able to scrub his name from the entire Internet, He then sued journalist Mark Ebner for exposing his conviction in Cuba and activities in the United States in Mark’s published Books and blogs.  Of all things, accused of stealing actor Charlie Sheen’s Philip Patak exotic watch valued at over $250,000.

Read more about this Law Suit


Yupe Dillion really pissed  off Charlie Sheen as he did with so many not so well heeled with an Ax to grind.

Constant Name Droppe

Whenever Josh or Dillon, whatever name he went by at the time, sees a celeb, he runs up and gets a picture or two taken with them.

The constant Name dropper used the most coveted substance in Hollywood as an additional tool, Cocaine. drugs of vast varieties and dropping names of tinsel town’s stars, to lure unsuspecting young girls to his down town LA den of horrors. Many were unsuspecting porn stars. Most victims seems “boyish” in nature, short hair and small boobs a constant favorite, Later many lives were forever changed and left in ruins, once he is done with them, then on to the next.

There is a lot more developing in this case to be updated in time.



690910cookie-checkDaniel Maurice Hatton Jr aka Dillon Jordan aka Dillon Josh Arrested on Prostitution Ring Charges

Daniel Maurice Hatton Jr aka Dillon Jordan aka Dillon Josh Arrested on Prostitution Ring Charges

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