What is wrong with you Anastasia Rose? @anastasiarosexx

The one thing that infuriates me is when girls lie.  When you lie about being raped or attacked, you actually hurt the real victims.

For years I’ve heard stories and I want to fight for each and every girl that is abused. But sometimes, I’m sorry to say that not every person tells the truth.

And the problem I have with that is that when girls lie like that, it makes everyone have an instant distrust of the real victims that have the courage to come forward.

Anastasia Rose @anastasiarosexx tweeted yesterday that she too was a victim that she was booked for a scene and never told it was for Facial Abuse.

Only she was told. She flat out lied and we have the text messages between her and the guy from Facial Abuse.


Because of girls like this, people don’t believe girls who come forward when it really does happen to them.


222970cookie-checkWhat is wrong with you Anastasia Rose? @anastasiarosexx

What is wrong with you Anastasia Rose? @anastasiarosexx

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Mike South

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