The Smoking gun. Chaturbate porn performer shoots herself right in her Virginia, while streaming

Thomaston Georgia: Imbecile Lauren Hunter Damon, a hopeful Chaturbate adult content creator, decided to up her antics as a porn content superstar, by filming herself masturbating with a Loaded 9mm semi-automatic gun. Then she shot herself in her vaginal introitus accidentally.

The Smoking Gun

The smoking gun
Woman shoots porn and shoots herself in her pussy
95 Manley Rd, Thomaston, GA 30286
95 Manley Rd, Thomaston, GA 30286 where the shooting occurred

Lauren borrowed the loaded gun from her, live-in friend Allen Jordan, claiming it was for work. In view of the fact she gave multiple conflicting stories to the local sheriff, One accounting was that she was filming content, another was that the accident happened while she was having consensual sex with Mr. Allen. Another occupant of the home substantiates Mrs. Damon actually did in fact shoot herself in the vagina.

Why a gun on loaded gun Chautebate

A subscriber of this blog from Thomaston Georgia, DM proof that Lauren had a fan requested the act of gun-play be filmed or streamed at his request. The subscriber wish to remain anonymous.


713210cookie-checkThe Smoking gun. Chaturbate porn performer shoots herself right in her Virginia, while streaming

The Smoking gun. Chaturbate porn performer shoots herself right in her Virginia, while streaming

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