In an era of the MeToo movement and pandemic stress, more and more of the “Karens” are taking a firm stand in their rhetoric. Meet 51-year-old Patricia Cornwall AKA, stage name Patty Breton is the former Playboy model and actress involved. Patty has appeared on the television hit show, Bay Watch, former LA Raiders cheerleader, a regular on hit series Married With Children, Patty is a fine example of a Karen. The Unruly arrogant, MASK UP! hooligan-styled enforcer, takes to task issuing discipline upon an 81-year-old male passenger, having a mid-flight drink and snacks.
If only her Libios were raging as her temperament, could sPattye possibly make a comeback?

The video of a woman on the Delta flight, departing from Florida to Atlanta, seen punching an 81-year-old man in the face, then spat on him in might flight, is the former Playboy model and actress Patricia Cornwall. Stage name Patty Breton. Could she do well in the MILF or GILF catergories of porn?
Patricia Cornwell also known as Patty Breton Compares herself to Civil Rights activist Rosa Parks, while enraged
To add insult to many injuries on the Delta flight, Patricia takes on the role of her life, this time the deranged mask up crusader, did not take notice, that the elder passenger was just having a drink and a snack, He had to have had his mask down to facilitate that drink and food consumption, Nevertheless, the stereotypical Karen, took matters into her own hands, literally and figuratively. To further escalate the unfortunate incident, she Slapped, punched, and spat on the besieged elder gentlemen pinned into his isle eat. As passengers and flight attendants, showed discontentment with her behavior, She rambles on, comparing herself to Civil Rights icon Rosa Parks

No Stranger to Los Angeles Police Department and now the FBI
This is not the first run-ins with law enforcement with anger management issues for Patty. On or about November 10th She ran her car into a tree in Santa Rose Beach, she allegedly became combative with police officers and deemed unruly. She was arrested. She was involved in several domestic violence cases against her in Los Angeles over time.
Bombshell In her 20s loudmouth Gestapo maiden mask enforcer in her 50’s
Patricia was escorted from the flight, She was only allowed to continue with only able to fly back to Los Angeles. I Hope Patty calms down and takes a breather, there is always Porn Patty.