Did Ramon Nomar get banned from TTS?!?!?!?!! @RamonxxxnomaR

Since our article came out last week performers have been sharing their stories about Ramon Nomar, none of them all that great.

One day he called a performer a bitch because she had to cancel a shoot with him because she was in a car accident.

Another said that she too called him out for coming to work knowing he had an STD and he threatened her.

But the most interesting story came from a female performer who was in line one day at TTS. She witnessed him cursing out another female performer, being very verbally abusive because he had to wait in line. He felt he was special and shouldn’t have to wait because he was a director.

As the story goes, when the staff approached him about his confrontational behavior, he because berating them, including one female staff member who was worried he was about to get violent with her.

As this wasn’t his first incident at TTS, from what I am told, they have now banned him. He can now only get his industry-approved tests from CET.

One performer who asked us not to use her name on record told us this …

He’s a good-looking guy. You would think that after all these years he would have his shit together. He doesn’t. He treats women badly. He has no respect for his co-workers and thinks he’s above it all. He’s got a lot of problems, a lot of demons. He needs help and I hope he gets it soon.

683083cookie-checkDid Ramon Nomar get banned from TTS?!?!?!?!! @RamonxxxnomaR

Did Ramon Nomar get banned from TTS?!?!?!?!! @RamonxxxnomaR

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7 Responses

  1. Lmfao at people on Twitter demanding he be “kicked out” of the industry. Did you notice how so few performers tweeted support to Maddie May? He’ll be shooting again within a month – I guarantee it. Because, porn.

  2. Yeah, He been banned from TTS for quite some time now.
    BTW he has two scenes canceled on him , fact

  3. These stories don’t surprise me any more. I don’t know what they’re like in real life, but a third to half of male pornstars come across as assholes with egos bigger than their dicks, who have issues with women.

    For all the image of porn being an industry in which women are paid more than men, and therefore supposedly have more power, porn is an old boys network, dominated by 10-20 mopes who keep getting work (despite being twice the age of the women) because they’re buddies with the directors and agents (who are often former mopes themselves).

  4. Lenderis, the industry is “dominated” by the same 10-20 “mopes” because it is difficult to get an erection and keep it for 1-3 hours straight — which is required to film a scene. I know I couldn’t keep an erection that long even with the cutest performers tied up and begging me to shove my dick in their asses and taking a truckload of Viagra! Go try it yourself sometime — you will then know how hard a male performer’s job actually is!

  5. mopes are more important because videos of women sticking dildos in their vagina doesn’t sell as well as mope cock in her vagina. Mopes should get same pay. Show me an active woman who worked as long as ron jeremy, nina hartley?

  6. Smoke, I personally agree that a male performer should receive the same pay as a woman assuming the scene isn’t a bukkake scene where 70 men are involved and the actual “work” requires less than ten minutes of his time. For the record people like Ramon are paid more than what less experienced men receive for his work. It is possible that people like Ramon Nomar and Steve Holmes make more than the female talent in a scene.

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