Captain Jack from ADT gets butt-hurt

Captain Jack from Adult DVD Talk goes on Twitter all day, every day begging porn stars to interview them. Some agree, thinking it will get them lots of promotion. It doesn’t, not really.

Even worse, he has a tendency to get pissy when he isn’t given attention in return.

This kind of behavior is exactly why some porn stars don’t reply on twitter. If they don’t reply enough, they get harassed like this.

Why? Because they did him a favor and let him interview them?

Do yourself a favor ladies and next time you get hit up by this guy, remember it comes with a lifetime of entitlement.

And if you don’t give in and give him the attention he desires, he’ll shit talk you.


501071cookie-checkCaptain Jack from ADT gets butt-hurt

Captain Jack from ADT gets butt-hurt

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8 Responses

  1. he loves the “
    awww your sweet” comments when he praises them and the hug he gets if the interview is at the show . and the “ thanks “ he gets from the boys at ADT.

    a needy man

  2. ADT is full of fanbois. Anything said about their crush will cause a riot. A porn girl could go out and start stabbing motherfuckers left and right in a crowded mall and the fanboi’s would defend them saying “well maybe those people deserved it?”

    They probably hope their favorite porn girl will someday love them back or something.

  3. Porn girls only like the fans if they are buying them stuff off their Amazon wish lists or somehow getting $$$ out of the fans. Otherwise they could give a rats ass unless they busting out their wallet.

  4. and that’s how it should be. they are selling something. anyone looking for love from a sex provider is just harming themselves .

  5. Glad to see this asshole get called out. Jack thinks he’s the shit because he works for that lameass fanboi forum. Fuck him, that pompous prick “flash,” and their lazy owners Steph and Drew.

    The only mod there that isn’t on a delusional power trip is bono-ONE. He may be a pathetic loser virgin at age 50 but at least he’s not a dick.

  6. They want porn stars to post and comment there so if anyone calls a girl out on wacky behavior they wave the ban stick. Over the years this has turned ADT into a fanboi forum where there is no discussion except how wonderful and beautiful XXX potn star is.

  7. They give a lot of rope to the IR/anal hounds which drives most of the pornstars away. Whenever girls stop by to post it’s usually a quick hit and run to promote their shit rather than actively engaging with the losers.

    Steph and Drew put no effort into modernizing the forum they should just sell it.

    And how about their Adriano thread? LOL

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