Anastasia Knight Appears to be Alive

Reports of Anastasia Knight’s death appear to be #FakeNews. When I heard that Anastasia Knight had died, all the writers here all came together to find out what was going on. We have spoken with four of her closest friends in the industry, her former agent, and one of our writers WhatsApp’d her directly.

If she had died on August 12th as AVN and XBIZ had stated, she wouldn’t have been able to have read the WhatsApp message sent to her just yesterday (August 18th). While it’s true she didn’t respond to the message, she did read them. So that was the point we knew something was wrong and began digging more.

There were a few things that stood out wrong in the story. For example, the girl said that last she heard Anastasia Knight was in Thailand so they had no way to communicate with her or her husband. That isn’t true. Anastasia Knight is in another country but it isn’t Thailand. And she did have WhatsApp on her phone. So if this friend was really all that close to her, why didn’t she know that?

Anyway, I’ll just let you know that the girl in question has now recanted her story. She claims that Anastasia Knight’s husband logged onto her Snapchat account and claimed she was dead. The girl then called her brother, who confirmed the death.

No less than 24 hours later the brother said it was all a hoax, and that her husband made it up that his sister is alive and well.

the girl was understandably upset because she spent the previous day thinking her childhood friend had died.

AVN nor XBIZ had any confirmation of her death, other than a girl on Facebook who claims to have known her and said it was true that she heard it from someone who heard it from her husband.

Seriously? Great reporting XBIZ and AVN! You make our industry proud!

But that issue aside, we are happy to report that Anastasia Knight appears to be alive and well.

Well … alive. I can’t attest to her mental state at this time. I’ve heard some conflicting stories. So I’ll just say, we here at are happy that she is alive.


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Anastasia Knight Appears to be Alive

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Mike South

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