An Introduction…

First and foremost, I want to thank Mike South for letting me borrow the keys to the car here.  I promise not to leave any pecker tracks on your rich corinthian leather interior.  The gear shift may smell like someone was dyeing easter eggs in the front seat, but that’s the price we pay for loving porn chicks.

For the past nine years, I’ve written and produced production for some of the most popular and shittiest mainstream television shows ever created in the history of the medium.  Much of it uncredited because reality television is supposed to be “real life spur of the moment entertainment”.  Bullshit.  I’ve seen more realistic action watching a 19 year old have an “orgasm” as Ed Powers tells vaudeville jokes and heaves on top of her.  

Being that it takes anywhere from eight months to a year to see big money per project once production wraps, my life consisted of a lot of free time and boredom.  It got to the point where I was so burnt out that I threatened to slit my wrist with my girlfriend’s Ped Egg foot scraper If I had to set foot on a Real World set one more time.

After accomplishing everything I set out to do in that industry, from feature film to video games to music, I decided to leave it all behind and make the trek over the hill to my new frontier.  No remorse.  No looking back.  It was time to make some cutting edge pornography.  My first two minutes of real porn industry experience consisted of a makeup chick breathing meth breath in my face, and the male “superstar” actor/director of the moment pulling a gun on me in the parking lot.  Welcome to my love affair with adult entertainment.

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An Introduction…

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3 Responses

  1. Hey freefallin, I’m not quite ready to publicly come out of the “mainstream closet” yet, but keep reading cuz I may get a wild hair across my ass sooner or later. Thanks.

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Mike South

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