Pornhub reveals most popular searches for 2024

Pornhub is pulling back the curtain on the world’s X-rated viewing habits by sharing a breakdown of mankind’s kinks.

The adult entertainment mega-site dished the dirty data on its 2024 Year In Review page, unveiling each country and U.S. state’s top relative search — that is, the term trawled for most often in comparison to other country or states.

“Ebony” was the most-watched category in the U.S., while “lesbian” was listed tops in Canada and Australia.

Pornhub also shared a slew of other insights with The Post earlier this month, revealing that searches for “demure” and “tradwife” exploded in popularity in 2024.

Meanwhile, searches for “modesty” increased 77%, while the term “modest milf” was up 45%.

Dr. Laurie Betito, who serves as the director of Pornhub’s Sexual Wellness Center, said of the trend: “It seems people may be pining for a simpler time — looking for things that are less complicated and maybe seeking out more meaningful experiences.”

In terms of which categories reigned supreme this year, it wasn’t just the realm of video games that people were looking to get their rocks off to, but also movie characters. 

Top of the list was Harley Quinn, and while the naïve hope may remain that it was confused poor souls were looking for the new Joker film, in all likelihood that is probably not quite correct – or though if it was, then I’m not sure Pornhub would be the place to find it.

Second up was Star Wars, as people clearly are looking far far away from their own galaxy to fantasise about the likes of Jar-Jar Binks and Jabba the Hutt when pleasuring themselves.

Rounding out the top three was Game of Thrones, which might come as a surprise to some given the amount of sex already present in GOT.

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Pornhub reveals most popular searches for 2024

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