Anti-Porn Banking Discrimination for 2022?

Anti Porn Banking Discrimination: 2021 in a Nutshell

Anti-porn banking discrimination groups had some big wins just over a year ago. When Mindgeek lost their payment processing due to the distortions of Nicholas Kristof and Exodus Cry’s lies, it left the porn industry in fear of when the next shoe would drop.

Onlyfans then dropped a bomb by saying they would be removing adult content. The reversal of this decision came only after a fever pitch of articles and porn stars alike cried out. Next, we watched as the anti-porn banking discrimination lobby caused many platforms to begin reviewing the entirety of all the content on their sites. Platforms like I Want Clips decided to review all of the content on their site, and as of this posting, many creators still have entire stores down. Approvals are also running slow.

This was followed by Manyvids deciding to change their front page, too. Well, no one really knows what is going on there. It sure does feel like they are going for more safe for work content, distancing themselves from the adult industry.

That Was Then, This is? Still, Happening?

The real question, though? When will the next shoe drop, and how will the next round of anti-porn banking discrimination hit us? According to porn attorney Corey Silverstein during his Internext talk, it could be the banks themselves. With porn titans like Pornhub and Onlyfans on the ropes, few other companies would make as big of a splash in the mainstream news cycles. Anti-porn collectives have learned that they can get their way by claiming their efforts are ‘for the children and now by going after the credit card processors, and so the very next step is naturally the banks.

Banks have the type of money and power in their name to get lots of coverage and affect larger swaths of the population. “Walmart processes more credit cards in a day than the adult industry does in a year,” Silverstein said during his latest talk. That really puts into perspective how little Visa and Mastercard needs us nor the fallout that lobbyists could cause. Contextually, what has transpired with Mastercard could be just the tip of the iceberg.

Within the adult industry, we have already seen many banks over the years shut down accounts with little to no explanation. From performers, platforms, and even customers; if your bank finds you are buying or selling porn, you could be at risk. So, where do we turn?

What If The Banks Fail Us?

Thinking about this is a scary subject. But we need to stare the beast in the eye to ensure that we are prepared for the future. What would happen if banks decided to have nothing to do with our industry?

Crypto is often cited as the way to go, but many wallets are anti-porn. Yes, anti-porn banking discrimination does extend to the crypto world as well. The other pressing issue of the ‘turn to crypto’ push is the crypto buyers. Most crypto buyers do so as investments. They aren’t looking to spend that money. This would change if all debit and credit cards stopped working for porn.

Most platforms are also not equipped to handle this reality either, though cam sites like Chaturbate accept crypto options. Most have not integrated the use of cryptocurrencies. The simple truth is, porn buyers won’t just stop because banks wag a finger at them. Companies like Paypal, Cashapp, and other services do not allow for the purchasing of porn. Porn consumers will use what sites allow them to (even if it violates terms of service). Having a backup plan in place now is crucial.

Give Me A Solution!

It isn’t all doom and gloom, though. Silverstein gave a bit of light at the end of his talk. He cited that the adult industry has always been at the forefront of technology and innovation. Banks know this. Many industries look at what we are doing to make pivots and adaptations to theirs. We have pioneered tactics for finding pirated content, cyber security, and communications. NOTHING, and we do mean NOTHING, motivates innovation like the sex industry.

The truth is, the adult industry has always bounced back faster and better whenever extremists have tangled with us. We will innovate new ways around what is thrown at us and prosper. Crypto may or may not be the solution that we turn to. If Silverstein is correct and a bank that takes the next hit, we need to start thinking of backup plans: banks in more lenient countries, crypto, or old fashion PO BOXES with money orders and checks.

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Anti-Porn Banking Discrimination for 2022?

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