Comments on: ‘Pansexual’ Douche Jaxton Wheeler Sets Twitter Account to Private, Tries Spin in Wake of August Ames Bullying The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sun, 09 Jul 2023 11:02:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deadly Virtue: August Ames, Donald Trump and the Seduction of jessica drake - Mike South Thu, 21 Dec 2017 07:32:38 +0000 […] sleep just fine, I stood up for the Gay and Bisexual community,’ [‘pansexual’ performer Jaxton] Wheeler assured his […]

By: mharris127 Wed, 13 Dec 2017 15:24:12 +0000 Mike, I remember when that idiot claimed you didn’t require VD testing on your set. If I recall I gave her the lecture of a lifetime right here on Mike South (like she read it but it was still quite the lecture). I hope Jessica (the murderess, not Jessica Drake) likes five bubba guard gang bangs, she is certainly getting one every night and I bet all of the dicks involved are Coke can thick and ten inches long or more — I bet she needs Depends now to keep her shit from falling onto the floor with all that bubba dick she is getting. I am also glad the self-tests for HIV are available online now. Hopefully porn producers order them by the truckload and use them on their sets.

As for your first year of retirement, that should be an interesting read. Let’s excoriate Dirty Bob for claiming you sold all of your sites to cover a lawsuit (if he would take a look at your Twitter he would see you are still selling those scenes on Manyvids — not possible if you sold the scenes on your websites). Also, go catch your limit of Red Snapper and (Ari) Bass, bashing the latter over the head with a beer bottle and slapping him with a flip flop. You can serve those Red Snappers instead of ham or turkey at your Christmas dinner table (with that smashed beer bottle front and center on your mantle as a trophy of your scumbag hunting days).

By: Mike South Wed, 13 Dec 2017 14:40:42 +0000 The issue with Jessica Drake is that she has gone way out of her way to appoint herself as an industry spokesperson, an advocate for talent…In reality she is just a lackey for The FSC and an attention whore she single handedly sunk any hopes of President Trump being investigated for sexual misconduct when she just had to throw herself in the limelight by claiming SHE was offered 10K..true or not and honestly I doubt it HIGHLY (as apparently do most Americans) face it Trump can and has done WAY better than Jessica Drake and didn’t pay for it. Jessica is the only one claiming he solicited her for prostitution and America didn’t buy it…after all in their eyes she would do a midget gangbang for a thousand bucks and why would Trump offer her 10K when he can get way better for free? With porn chicks its always about making themselves feel like they have value which comes down to paying them for sex……and THIS is the person the FSC wants to hold forth as the spokesperson for talent? Please….

By: Kelli Wed, 13 Dec 2017 04:07:37 +0000 When I made my YouTube video and the associated post here on this website I didn’t realize that Adriana Chechik had tweeted as well or I promise you I 100% would have included her in my video. I promise I didn’t give anyone special treatment like some have implied. I just didn’t realize Adriana Chechik was one of the girls who was involved.

By: 33 fucks Wed, 13 Dec 2017 03:46:08 +0000 everybody calling out jessica drake for what she did but what about adriana chechik? why ain’t nobody saying shit about her tweets to august ames that day? she’s just a guilty. Why she get a free pass?

By: Mike South Wed, 13 Dec 2017 02:42:40 +0000 mharris you can get them on the internet…I have been using both for several years now…I got beat up for it when some bimbo claimed otherwise (she is in jail now fwiw…waiting to be tried for homicide, domestic abuse and other charges.)

And for the record I was in the biz for over 25 years and never had an STD as result…thats including ALL performers…. not even crabs a little common sense goes a long way, I would venture not one company in porn valley…not even condom only Wicked can match that record. Am I bragging…hell yes, I am proud of that safety record…one of my crew was even a GA OSHA compliance inspector…..that was by accident but he sure helped….Im thinking of writing a bit about my first year out of porn I have heard so many bullshit Dirty Bob claiming I had to sell all of my sites to satisfy a lawsuit….lord the bullshit that comes from morons in this biz….anyway hope you guys are all well, happy and enjoying life…I know I am….Love you long time….South

By: Justice Tue, 12 Dec 2017 22:53:15 +0000 Anyone who has eva spent more than 5 min on set with Jessica Drake knows what a bully she is. This newz isn’t new. It’s just a shame her behavior was left uncheck for so many years and it took August’s death for people to finally call Jessica out on her bullshit.

By: sam mfc Tue, 12 Dec 2017 22:23:11 +0000 They are taking her medical & mental history that has NOT been released by her husband or family & turning it into a weapon. Spinning it as a defense.

Which will come to bite them on the ass in the long run.
She apologized several times but it was not good enough for them. They just continued to pound her & call her all kinds of names.
Spinning it as a teaching moment & how they were educating her is a joke. Cause calling her a bitch several times is NOT a teaching tool.
Anyone who tried to defended her was instantly attacked as a homophobic. They were NOT wiling to listen. I saw their tweets all laughing at her pain including ChiChi and others.
NONE of them let up, ALL of them refused to accept her choice & apology.
They want to remove all the female performers right to say ‘no’ or refuse a scene. They want to remove our right to say no to scenes we determine for ourselves not to be worth the risk. They are taking consent away from us & that is rape.
How good can a scene be if you don’t like or trust the person you are having sex with in it?

By: mharris127 Tue, 12 Dec 2017 19:35:21 +0000 Mike, I am glad the Elisa/Western Blot series is more sensitive than it was 15 years ago. As it stands now I would rely on it if I started fucking again (not in the movies, though). Because of the few days difference in detection and the fact that the Elisa/WB series detects any infection whereas the PCR-RNA only detects if HIV levels are high enough I think we should use both, probably every 14 days. A blood on a card test should also be done by each performer on each day he/she performs (my understanding is that is an Elisa-based test) if they are legally available for such use in the state they are performing in, according to a couple of Mike’s past posts in Georgia they are sold at Walgreens, I can confirm they are a prescription only product in Michigan and almost never stocked even for that purpose — maybe someone reading can stop in to a Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS or some other large pharmacy in California, New Hampshire, Nevada and Florida to ask if they are stocked in their pharmacies.

By: Kelli Tue, 12 Dec 2017 16:44:00 +0000 It amazes me how Jessica Drake is still playing the victim card and still doesn’t see what she did wrong. She knows damn well the second the tweeted what you see below her fans would be on the attack against August.
