Comments on: Did Anastasia Knight Pass Away? The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 19 Aug 2020 05:16:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kelli Wed, 19 Aug 2020 05:16:55 +0000 Maybe next time XBIZ shouldn’t take messages posted on Facebook by someone who heard it from a 3rd source, as you know … a legitimate source. ? All I had to do to find out this wasn’t true was WhatsApp her. Whatsapp gives read notifications like Telegram does. So if she was dead well, she is still reading her WhatsApp messages from Heaven then.

By: Karmafan Tue, 18 Aug 2020 04:05:46 +0000 XBIZ is reporting that its some kind of hoax and she is still alive.

By: Kelli Mon, 17 Aug 2020 21:42:42 +0000 I knew her. She was a sweet girl. I hope this turns out to be a hoax. I have been looking into this and can say that the only real source of information comes from her childhood friend who did say this —

“if you want to donate to her funeral I have no idea when or where the funeral will take place she was out of the country living with her husband. Last I heard she was in Thailand. And the only person that I heard the news from was her husband from her old Snapchat account. So there is no way to even get ahold of her husband to get that kind of info I hope this helps.”

This isn’t accurate. She wasn’t/isn’t in Thailand. I won’t say where she is, but it’s not Thailand. So if this is everyone’s source of her death, I’m sorry but I find it suspect at best.
