Comments on: Holy Smokes! Hunter Biden Foot Job & Crack Pipe Sex Tape Leaked #HunterBiden #footjob #Election2020 #sextape #NSFW The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 04 Jul 2023 09:35:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Thu, 12 Nov 2020 22:09:33 +0000 Fuckabee, “excellent” at handling the press?????????? Good one! Fuckabee was the one that refused to have press conferences for weeks at a time, removed reporters that asked questions she didn’t like and likely spent more time fucking Trump, Pence and the male Cabinet Gang than doing the job she was supposedly hired to do. IIRC Hope “Fuck” Hicks was the press secretary that didn’t have any press conferences whatsoever. Kayleigh McEnanyFuck was marginally better at the job but still lied her ass off every time she opened her cocklicker (unless there was a cock in it). What next, Betsy DeFuck or Gina Haspelfuck taking over for what is hopefully the last months of Trump’s term?????????? At least Joe Biden won’t use the federal payroll to pay what are evidently the Cabinet Hookers. I like hookers but don’t like my tax dollars paying them.

By: RealistMind Tue, 10 Nov 2020 19:03:25 +0000 This is a shocker lol

By: Karmafan Sun, 08 Nov 2020 21:42:14 +0000 Donald’s female White House spokeswomen were pretty highly skilled and for the most part excellent at deflecting questions and handling the press. Giving his unqualified kids jobs in the administration is a different story.

By: mharris127 Sun, 08 Nov 2020 18:58:53 +0000 I wonder what this is going to turn into now that Hunter’s father is the President-elect. Will this prevent Joe from putting his kid on the Cabinet or as a WH staffer. Oh well, at least Joe Biden won’t use his Cabinet and WH staffer positions to hire federally-paid hookers like Donnie did. What Donnie sees in Betsy DeFuck, Sarah Fuckabee and Kellyanne Fuckaway I don’t know — they are all almost as ugly as an overly tatted skank like Nikki “Skankledum” Hearts and Leigh “Skankledee” Raven. DeFuck, Fuckabee and Fuckaway don’t have visible tats but otherwise they are pretty ugly. Kayleigh McEnanyFuck, another White House Whore, is barely passable looking and Hope “Fuck” Hicks is actually cute (Pence probably fucks her). I am sure they won’t have another WH job in the Biden Administration but Fux Booz will hire them (they already have hired Fuckabee) along with the extra cute Ivanka, the extra high Kimberly Guilfoyle (who may go to prison for providing the Trumps with Kimberly Guilfoyle’s Peruvian Nose Candy (TM) and who knows what problem Lara Trump has (other than her husband likely moving to Russia to avoid the NY Attorney General). Hope “Fuck” Hicks will probably be passed around the Fux Booz studio like girls during Roger Ailes time running the joint and Bill O’Rapey forcing himself on his female staffers.

By: Chaotic-nipple Wed, 04 Nov 2020 23:44:30 +0000 “It is also used for established site reporters to use when it isn’t appropriate to submit under their own name.”

Translation: “… When they want to post something people will mock them for.”

By: mharris127 Tue, 03 Nov 2020 05:02:51 +0000 Dan, my understanding is that the “Porn Reporter” byline is a catch-all for guest reporters to post approved articles. It is also used for established site reporters to use when it isn’t appropriate to submit under their own name.

By: DanTanna Mon, 02 Nov 2020 19:33:27 +0000 Apparently “PornReporter” is your typical dumbass, inbred, mouthbreathing redhat who buys every idiot conspiracy theory that comes down the road.

By: Chaotic-nipple Sat, 31 Oct 2020 20:12:13 +0000 Oh no! I’m sure this will be just terrible for Hunter’s write-in campaign. NO-ONE will vote for the poor dear now. (/eyeroll)

But seriously, I thought this site was supposed to have a strict “no revenge porn” policy?

By: mharris127 Fri, 30 Oct 2020 23:08:49 +0000 This is interesting and all but what Hunter does doesn’t directly reflect on his father. Even if Hunter were busted for dealing pounds of Kimberly Guilfoyle’s Peruvian Nose Powder (TM) that doesn’t reflect on Joe because he is an adult in his own right. I bet Joe Biden hasn’t ever seen nose powder, certainly has never smoked or snorted the shit — unlike Kimberly, Donnie Jr. and possibly all of the White House Whores — Donnie Sr.’s women on the cabinet including Betsy DeVos, Gina Haspel and a few more as well as staffer Kayleigh McEnany, staffer Hope Hicks, the newest SCOTUS justice Amy Barrett and formerly Sarah Fuckabee and Kellyanne Fuckaway. I have read that Donnie Sr. prefers Adderall to nose powder.

By: chrisdelani Mon, 26 Oct 2020 02:42:47 +0000 Its amazing to see the Dotards reaching for straws! Someone forgot to tell them its JOE Biden on the ticket and not his son! Hunter likes callgirls and Donnie like pornstars, you think it matters in a few days?

Considering how Donnie paid $750 in taxes because of the MASSIVE business losses year after year what does that mean for his kids? You know, the losers that have only worked for Donnie their entire lives? It means they are utterly clueless and have no idea what they are doing.

The bible thumpers got their SCOTUS seat but Joe will become POTUS and its highly possible that the House and Senate will both turn blue……you dotards better stock up on Depends undergarments!
