Comments on: Credit Where It’s Due, President Obama Gets This One Right! The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 15 Apr 2009 00:50:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: backspace Wed, 15 Apr 2009 00:50:43 +0000 “Does that mean there may be hope after all???”

Well, he did run on hopey and changey so…

By: Hunter Tue, 14 Apr 2009 15:43:23 +0000 “…he let the military leaders on the scene make the decisions”

That nails something that’s boggled me for years, with many Presidents and congress. You’ve got highly trained and experienced soldiers (or in this case, Sailors) in a position to have far greater intel of the situation. What good are they if the decision is made by someone half a world away, with little or no combat experience, AND possibly with a totally different (political) agenda. Yeah, he got this one right. Does that mean there may be hope after all???

By: backspace Tue, 14 Apr 2009 04:33:26 +0000 good observation. what some people have failed to realize about the guy is despite his cool and easy-going demeanor the SOB is one ruthless calculating Motherf*cker. i decided if we’re in a fight against pirates and extremists i want *That One* to be the leader.

but his economic policies i’m still unsure of. though i’m gonna give him a pass until later this year. we’ll have a better picture by then.

give him time…then give him hell.
