Comments on: CO and WA Set Up A Showdown The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 08 Jul 2023 09:39:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hunter Sun, 11 Nov 2012 19:09:31 +0000 You guys are totally missing the real question you should be asking. The Feds will fight this vigorously, yet quietly. They won’t want to bring any undue attention to the true motivation behinds the drug laws, as well as many other federal laws that simply duplicate or expound on laws already in existence by state and local bodies. I keep hearing about how the government wants to control this or that (choose any hot topic… street drugs, prescription drugs, treatments, guns, finance, etc). But the question I don’t see asked it “WHY do they want to control it?” It’s not entirely about power or control over that individual aspect. As in anything else, look for the most common motivation factor, MONEY.

Put yourself in the feds position for a moment. You have a manufacturing company that is completely funded by taxpayer money. Your buildings, equipment, property, and support personnel don’t add to your cost of doing business because somebody else (taxpayers) is paying for them. You have a huge variety of products with no specialties and only one thing in common, they’re are produced by low-skilled labor-intensive operations (read “sweat shops”). Now even at minimum wage, considering that all products are “proudly made in the good ol’ U.S.A”, that would be a sweet-ass deal, right? But wait, there’s MORE! Fuck minimum wage, you get your labor at a rate starting at about .50/hour and maxing out at $1.25/hour. Plus you don’t have to offer any benefits, retirement, insurance, or even fairness to that labor force. And while we’re at it, let’s monopolize selling products to those “employees” at greatly inflated prices to make a little extra cash. You can buy items at discounted, bulk prices, with no taxes, mark them up to as much as double convenience store prices, and require the workers to purchase those items only from you. Still not enough? Okay, we know those “employees like to keep in touch with their families, so let’s capitalize on that, too. You, as the benevolent employer, get to choose the phone carrier they use to call home, often charging up to 10 or 20 times more than average rates (note I said TIMES, not percent .. NOT a mistake).

Now be honest, wouldn’t you fight to keep that set-up going strong? If someone wanted to limit your labor pool by decriminalizing certain otherwise harmless acts, wouldn’t you object? And wouldn’t you want to do it quietly so people don’t realize your real motivation? Of course, you’d need to convince everyone, especially your benefactors (taxpayers), that what you’re doing is good for society. Like most politicians, be vague in your descriptions. “Invite comments” as a form of public awareness, but don’t really promise to answer any questions. The bottom line is MONEY and power (power to create more money, I think).

What you guys have done so successfully in porn is being done all over society in general. We demonize and criminalize sectors of society that we disagree with. We shun anyone who’s practices and beliefs aren’t in perfect line with ours. We fail to stand up and come to their aid when the spotlight is on them and their rights are being taken away under the guise of socially unacceptable behavior. We think, “well, they deserve it”, or “this doesn’t concern me”. But the truth is, it’s snowballing downhill fast. Each year passes and new laws are created to criminalize larger portions of our society. By the time it gets to the point that it really concerns you, it’ll be too late. You’ll be among those who others are now looking at saying, “well they deserved it, and it doesn’t concern me”.

Study history people. Understand why the founders of this country designed a coalition of sovereign STATES to protect us from outside threats, not a central government to control and repress us from within.

For anyone who cares to look further into that sweet employment opportunity I discussed, here’s a couple of pertinent links, straight from the source.
NOTE that FPI stands for Federal Prisons Inc. Yes, that’s INC, as in incorporated, a company designed to MAKE MONEY.

By: Nick East Sun, 11 Nov 2012 19:01:25 +0000 Was it Bill Hicks who said, “Making pot illegal is the same as saying God makes mistakes.”?

By: Third Axis11 Fri, 09 Nov 2012 18:44:32 +0000 In reply to Karmafan.

The weed KF, is better than the booze. So roll one and put on one of your pornos and jack off!!

By: rawalex Fri, 09 Nov 2012 02:29:24 +0000 Karmafan, the difference between booze and weed is one of control, of taxation, and of course of the ability for the state to monitor it’s use.

Basically, it follows my personal thoughts on porn: If you can get the state to regulate, tax, and have control over it, you have become legit and the rest is simple. Booze managed to do that (post prohibition) but weed has not. The legalization movement has a simple problem, which is that it didn’t come with meaningful regulation. IE: it’s legal, but you must by it through a state controlled monopoly that will set quality standards, do testings, license establishments, set rules for public consumption, etc.

The other problem is one of smoke in general. The public’s feeling towards any type of smoking is not good. Most states have enacted laws that make it illegal to smoke in public places. Booze doesn’t directly harm the health of others, but second hand smoke certainly can. That is an uphill battle, one that requires some sort of regulation to make it work out.

So “pot is legal” isn’t a good way to do, especially when everyone else around you is still illegal. It just turns those states into giant holding pens for everyone else’s pot, and creates a safe place for the traffickers to slide their merch through.

By: Third Axis11 Fri, 09 Nov 2012 01:19:17 +0000 In reply to Karmafan.

Yeah maan! Whats the big deal duuuude! Just smoke it and enjoy!

By: Karmafan Thu, 08 Nov 2012 23:07:48 +0000 Please explain to me the difference between alcohol and marijuana? Coke, PCP, Crack, and many other harder drugs I can see being off limits but pot and booze are basically the same thing. Every city and state in the country sells booze so whats the big deal with keeping pot out of the mix? That doesn’t even count the fact that Doctors all over the world feel that marijuana has been medically proven to help those with certain diseases and conditions. Some Washington beaurocrat makes the decision that pot is a crime instead of a medical doctor?

I’m a diabetic so I avoid alcohol. However I do like the occasional responsible use of marijuana. I just don’t see whats the big deal…

By: DWB Thu, 08 Nov 2012 19:25:29 +0000 It needs to be cut and dry. If it grows from the earth naturally, it’s legal. Doesn’t matter if it’s a plant or a mushroom growing on a pile of cow shit, both naturally occur without man so they should be legal to use, possess, and sell.

You can legally sell cow shit (manure), but you can’t sell or even possess the fungus that grows on it. Doesn’t make sense.

And to throw the religious twist on it, how could something natural from God’s earth be illegal?

By: Mike South Thu, 08 Nov 2012 15:24:03 +0000