OnlyFans model opens up about what it’s like to have two vaginas

A OnlyFans model born with two vaginas has shared the wildest and weirdest requests she has ever received from fans.

Annie Charlotte went viral due to her extremely rare condition, uterus didelphys, which means she has two vaginas. She also has two cervixes and two uteruses. Annie remains open about her condition to show her anatomy up close to fans.

Since being diagnosed, Annie has struggled with the medical system, and claims it has failed her in terms of learning about her condition. Annie, from Surrey, has concerns about how women are treated when it comes to their health, and she’s spent a decade trying to learn what her condition means for her.

When she was first told she had two vaginas, she admitted she was “really upset”, as she really wanted to be “normal”. Now she actually thinks it’s pretty cool, because she makes money from it via OnlyFans, and it’s helped to her become really successful.

Bath photos, used bathwater, and underwear were among some of the stranger requests from fans, and her sales are making Annie a small fortune. For two pairs of underwear, Annie made $400 – and in just one month makes $18,500 from selling her undergarments.

She has further revealed that a bulk of her income comes from subscribers tuning into her livestreams, where Annie plays video games like League of Legends and Call of Duty: Black Ops.

Speaking to, she said: “One guy bought my bathwater for $2500. I sent him a photo of me in the bath, scooped some of the water into a jar, and shipped it off to the United States.”

two vaginas

Annie said: “I have been told that my second vagina is tighter because it’s like half the size of a normal vagina. I don’t think it’s actually very different having sex with me than it is having sex with any other girl.

“I’ve had issues where people have come in and hit the wall and, if someone’s on top, I do have to angle myself a certain way because otherwise it can be uncomfortable.

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OnlyFans model opens up about what it’s like to have two vaginas

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