As for intent, I believe that Donny intended to do a lot of damage to the industry and probably had an inkling that what he was doing is wrong but I doubt he realized all of the possible charges that could have been pressed against him and the physical danger to his life that he is really in if he returns anytime in the next few years (and is not arrested at the airport). I would worry more about the physical danger than the legal consequences at this point, if he goes to prison in the US that would be the safest place for him right now (he would more than likely be held in protective custody where he never sees another prisoner and would be locked in a cell 23 hours a day until the danger subsides for him). If he goes to a Thai prison however, there isn’t the option of solitary confinement in most of their facilities — he would have to learn the Thai language quickly and sleep in a very crowded cell (on a thin mat without blankets or pillow) with 60 other people every night. He probably would not survive a week in that environment with his attitude and shitty behavior even though most of the inmates there know nothing of PWL and Donny’s history (inmates in Thailand have almost no contact with the outside world)! I would say that Donny better pray he gets arrested on one of his trips to the US and not in Thailand. I sincerely hope Donny learns his lesson and never pulls another stunt like PWL and ceases his vendetta against Mark Spiegler (who definitely never did anything to Donny other than tell the truth about him, especially never having did bad enough to call for the child rapist rumors).
I do have to say that I relished in making up all the nasty things I suggested to do to Donny — however a truce is a truce and if he accepts Mike and Sean’s offer to trade the PWL site and his Mark Spiegler site for an immediate stop to the release of info about PWL members I will stop the insults regarding Donny until he fucks up again. Once he does fuck up again, the war is back on.
A couple more things — if you are reading this Donny, stay away from the porn industry. Go be a marine mechanic, a janitor or something far away from Chatsworth. Even though there is a possibility of a truce you are not welcome here!
To Tara Akinlose: get the hell out of my country! You are even worse than Donny, you need to go fuck yourself up the ass with a pitchfork tine, douche with gasoline, take in a gasoline enema and light your ass and cunt on fire! Barring that, leave Mike, Sean and Cindi alone with your false charges of stalking — how do you stalk from 1500 miles away anyway? The false police agency charges and references to Sean not paying child support (it can’t be much and I doubt it is true, he is not in Federal prison for that accusation) make you worse than Donny and Coke Stevenson combined!!! Tara, I think a heartfelt apology is in order from you to Mike South especially and I do not feel that Donny surrendering is enough cause for me personally to even consider forgiveness for what you have done. Tara, I hope you lose your porn industry job, get AIDS, Herpes and Syphilis, never fuck voluntarily ever again, do serious time in prison (and become someone’s bitch) and are permanently blackballed from the industry. The only person in the recent news that has done worse than you Tara is Casey Anthony (you get that pass because no one has been killed due to PWL as of yet that I know of)!
]]>As for Donny not realizing “how much danger he would be in if he returned to the US”, all I can say is it wouldn’t require much sense to grasp that reality. Even a dog knows the difference between being stepped on and being kicked, and even Donny knows the shit he’s in. His correspondence makes it crystal clear (pun intended) that he is both conscious of the questionable legality of his enterprise, and that he makes every effort to skirt the law. We have a word for that: INTENT.
]]>BTW is directing to the Donny Long is a Convicted Felon site at this time. I did see Donny’s wife’s Facebook but didn’t think messaging all of her friends was wise as I would have had to “like” her to do so and that would possibly put my own Facebook account in jeopardy (I attempt to keep all porn references off of my account because my whole family sees it, if I were in the industry I would keep two Facebook accounts). Also, good luck to Skin in her career, I hope she enjoys her scenes as much as Bobbi and Dia seem to.
]]>Donny IS broke. As I wrote earlier, we he have all of his e-mails and PMs for the last 9 months – up to (at least) last week. Not only does Donny not own a car, he wasn’t even able to get a Thai drivers license! lol
In the last couple of days, several people have accessed Donny’s wife’s facebook page (before Donny deleted it) and messaged her and all her friends links to Now “tough guy” Donny Long is soiling his shorts (more than usual) and FREAKING THE FUCK OUT!!! Donny is such an idiot that if his brains were dynamite – he wouldn’t enough to BLOW HIS NOSE!!!
Regarding, yes Bobbi & Dia are great but keep an eye out for’s newest up and coming favorite model: Skin Diamond ( ).
BTW, I guess you will also like another site I have:
]]>BTW, I have the Donny Long is a Convicted Felon site in my bookmarks, I think the Howdy Donkey bit at the bottom is priceless. I hope it does not cost you too much a month to keep that site up, it tells quite a story about Donny — wife beater, drunk and all around shitty performer (sorry Mike, I had to say it). I hope he grows up very soon and that his kid does not turn out like he did!
On a better note I hope business continues to thrive for you and that you can convince Bobbi and Dia to perform many more times at’s sites. I only wish I was the director of Hogtied, I could have lots of fun with either one of them!
]]>Thanks for the concern, but Donny hasn’t impacted my business one bit. As a matter of fact my business is up about 60% over last year at this time and I have a waiting list of girls wanting to get on my site. In fact, by Donny keeping the girls’ name in the public eye, he may have, in a perverse way, gotten them more work!
Be that as it may, Donny is what an attorney would call “sue proof.” What do I mean by that? I mean that he is BROKE! We have all his e-mails and his PMs and from what Donny has written (in private) he is living on around $1,000 a month and his income is falling! He went so far as to complain that he can’t afford to go out to clubs more than once every two months anymore.
]]>This cunt is seriously delusional. He hates everyone. Everyone hates him. But he cannot see that is just might possibly be HIS problem. Fucking insane crazy. Insanity to the point of comedy. I feel sorry for his spawn. The kids gonna be borderline retarded. Maybe the asian in him will kick in and at least get him slightly above gorked.
]]>posting porners real names had been done in the past not that big of a deal, but when they started bullying innocent people, thats when I stepped up, because nobody else was going to.
Sean Tompkins stepped up with me, then Michael Whiteacre, then others Donny doesn’t have the ability to accept responsibility for the evil shit he has done so he wants to cry its my fault if it all goes back up ie “The Devil Made Me Do it” it rings hollow
Donny demanded I take down all references to PWL and its posters and Donny….That will NEVER EVER happen, Donny doesn’t get to rewrite history.
I pledged as long as PWL stays down I will release nothing new on Donny, I have and will continue to abide by that, if it stays down long enough I may even start removing some info, specially about Donnys family. But I have absolutely no reason to trust Donny and he is in no position to make demands.
i won’t post any new info on Donny as long as that site stays down, should it return all bets are off.