Comments on: The Last Chapter The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:20:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Goddess Mon, 24 Aug 2009 23:20:34 +0000 Songbird!

But I cheated, I asked my great, great grandpappy.

Eh, he’s really not that great.

By: BT Sun, 23 Aug 2009 10:02:58 +0000 Mike: Your memories of Peggy reminded me of a story. I met my first serious girlfriend at a ski area when I was a freshman in high school, about the same time you were a freshman in high school. So, we’re going back about 38 years. We’ll call her Annie. Her father was a prominent doctor, an accomplished pianist, and a real athlete – a scratch golfer, great tennis player and a strong skier. A couple of years after this, he got interested in mountain climbing and became the expedition doc for a climb in the Himilayas. While he had three kids, all of his hopes in dreams were wrapped up in Annie. She was blonde, cute as hell, smart and as accomplished as her dad – a ski racer, champion gymnast and a phenomenal piano player. She also had a wild streak about a mile wide that was itching to come out. Whenever I think back about Annie, a song also comes to mind. “She had fun, fun, fun till her daddy took her T-bird away.” Whatever image that song conjures up for you, it was Annie.

She was the first love of my life, for a year or so we were inseparable, and then, it all fell apart. So it goes. But they say you never forget your first, and I still have photos of her in an album from my high school and college days.

Despite being incredibly smart and talented, Annie went her own way after high school. I grew up in a community of achievers. Most of our dads were professionals or business owners, and my high school friends followed similar paths – we all went to law school, med school or B school. Annie went off to college, and she dropped out. Before I got married and moved out of town, I’d now and then run into her in one of the local bars where anyone from high school would drop in to see who was around. She was still cute and vibrant, fun to talk to, and I always left those evenings with an ache. And, then, it all seemed to change for her. There were rumors she’d started doing cocaine; that her husband left her; that she’d lost custody of her kids; that she’d moved back home and her parents had put her in rehab over and over; and that her dad was heartbroken. Then, she fell off the grid. One of her closest friends told me the last her parents knew, Annie was living on the streets. They hadn’t seen her in two or three years.

Last December, my Dad called me from his car as he was driving home from his church. “I just ran into an old lady you used to know,” he said. He’d stopped by to drop off some items at the church pantry. As he was walking back to his car, what he thought was an old woman stopped him in the parking lot. She was wearing baggy sweat pants and a big dirty parka. Her hair and skin were grey, and her cheeks were sunken. An old bag lady, Dad thought. “You’re Mr. T,” she said. “You probably don’t remember me, but I used to date BT. I’m Annie.”

And then she hit him up for twenty bucks.

After I hung up from Dad, I called our friend. I asked her to get in touch with Annie’s parents just to let them know that indeed she was still in the area and where Dad had seen her. They might have been able to track her down. Then I dug out my old photo album. I wanted to get the image of the old bag lady out of my head, and remember her the way she used to be.

By: MikeSouth Sun, 23 Aug 2009 07:09:03 +0000 Glad ya hooked up with Tanner Julie and Im intrigued to see the results of your interviews. I like the idea that you are humanizing these girls and I expect that out of this is going to come something socially beneficial.

I gotta give BT a big thank you for steering me to you, you are truly an asset here

Thanks Julie cant wait to see some of what you are doing.

Lemme know who ya want next!

By: juliemeadows Sun, 23 Aug 2009 07:01:36 +0000 I think we forget that we play roles in life. We can, sometimes, play many roles. I have juggled many, myself, but in playing these parts it is too easy to forget that these “faces” we put on don’t define us. You are still a boy with ties to a house your Dad built. You wanted a girl you knew to survive poverty because she was beautiful and, somehow, special. These basic feelings don’t go away. They never go away.

I interviewed Tanner Mayes today, and no matter what she has been through in her life, no matter what she has done, she just wants to be accepted and cared for by someone. It’s really just that simple. But, she doesn’t know what that’s like, yet. We all want the same things we wanted when we began to experience the world. It is healthy to acknowledge that. We deserve it. How do we humanize ourselves except by being ourselves. We’re human. We can’t help it even if we want to be something else. I can’t wait to post this interview. Fucking broke my heart.
