Comments on: Road Trip The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 18 Jun 2010 23:24:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Goddess Fri, 18 Jun 2010 23:24:04 +0000 Dude, get a HOVEROUND. Those things go EVERYWHERE at about 5 mph! Hell, when I’m sitting at work every day, I can see fat Hoveround dude riding his to the Dollar General to pick up snacks, and back up the street and he doesn’t have to use his feet OR his ankles! Hoveround….you can’t beat ’em with a stick!

By: mharris127 Fri, 18 Jun 2010 11:12:26 +0000 Sounds like you have a really nice bike, Mike. Hopefully your current bike also gets 100K miles or more before it starts giving you trouble. It is a lot cheaper to run than a car, too bad it isn’t big enough for Lindsey Lovehands to ride on the back with you! That would make for some nice pictures (and once the ride is done she can give you a blow job).

By: MikeSouth Thu, 17 Jun 2010 20:00:51 +0000 well I dont take it on the freeway and in reality it approaches 80 mpg sometimes more…I was rounding a bit gas is right at 3 bucks a gallon here for premium which it needs because of the high compression so it was really under 5 gallons.

as for the burgman its a REALLY sweet ride, very well engineered, lifespan is well over 100K miles. and specially designed for a very low center of gravity, very smooth even at very high speeds.

its on my wish list 😉

By: mharris127 Thu, 17 Jun 2010 18:26:24 +0000 Interesting. I will have to remember that next time I see a scooter on the highway. I bet that 400 or 650 cc Suzuki would be fun to ride at about 100 mph! I am also impressed with the fuel economy — your figures show you are approaching 70 miles per gallon! Most smaller (400cc or less) motorcycles get 55-60mpg on the highway, but I hadn’t heard of a freeway-legal bike getting 70mpg! Heck, most 49cc scooters only get 70-75mpg from what people that have them have said. It must be nice to fill up for $5 or so! The last time I filled up my truck it cost me almost $100.

By: MikeSouth Thu, 17 Jun 2010 16:01:28 +0000 Its a 150, it came that way. They also make 250s and the Suzuki Burgman is 400 or 650.

anything over 50cc here is treated as a motorcycle you have to have a motorcycle endorsement on your license, it has to be tagged and insured.

The 150cc engine is a Chinese knock off of the Honda GY6 engine….It’s well known for its dependability.

By: mharris127 Thu, 17 Jun 2010 12:12:37 +0000 Wow! 150cc on a scooter. Most scooters are only 49cc so that they are not treated the same as a motorcycle legally. In Michigan 150cc is freeway-legal even (the minimum is 125cc for freeways here). Most scooters are limited to 35mph, yours cruising along at 50mph (it should be able to even go faster in a pinch) proves that you have the bigger motor in yours! Of course many traditional motorcycles have motors that are bigger, but they are likely harder to handle even without partial paralysis.

Did you have that 150cc motor retrofitted to your bike or did it come that way from the dealer?

By: MikeSouth1226 Thu, 17 Jun 2010 03:46:27 +0000 [New Post] Road Trip – via #twitoaster
