Comments on: Dressing Like A Whore The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Thu, 30 Jul 2009 13:35:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Goddess Thu, 30 Jul 2009 13:35:06 +0000 Good for you, Hunter:) You have the whole package and it’s not a horrible fate. That’s all I’m saying.

By: Hunter Thu, 30 Jul 2009 03:17:46 +0000 OMG !!!… Goddess, I think I’m in love. And not only does Lady H know how to dress herself, more importantly, she knows how to UNdress. Hell, half the time she has to dress ME. And then there’s those occasions where I might have jumped off the deep end of the whiskey pool (when Lady H hides my phone to keep me from calling Mike), when she has to UNDRESS me.

By: Goddess Wed, 29 Jul 2009 21:17:49 +0000 Truth be told I guess I like to hang out with people who know how to dress themselves….

By: MikeSouth Wed, 29 Jul 2009 00:14:12 +0000 Goddess you kill me

truth is I have had far more bad experiences with older women than good ones, most revolve around things steve and I pointed out.

Are there fun and datable older women…Im sure there are but the young ones seem to outnumber them many times over.

so look at it this way…I dont want a serious relationship but I want seriously good sex

she doesnt want a serious relationship but she wants seriously good sex.

why is it the only ones that seem to have a problem with the fact that there is a 28 year age difference are the middle aged bored (presumeably)housewives…maybe they should consider their own behavior.

If you have ever asked the question why do you want me to dress like a hooker? You aren’t going to want to date me….

If on the other hand you have asked the question, what do you want me to wear (in reference to something sexy) and you really planned to wear whatever the answer was…yer my kinda girl.

By: Goddess Tue, 28 Jul 2009 23:55:27 +0000 I’m not calling any of you guys ‘womanizers’ or ‘cads’ or anything like that. Steve, the fact of the matter is that I don’t care who you or South date. To each his own.

What I’m objecting to is the fact that in some of these posts older women become the scapegoat. If you want to date younger women, do it, but OWN IT. Don’t keep giving us this “I date younger women because older women don’t want to do blah” line of b.s. that South has been spewing ever since I’ve known him, when the fact of the matter is you don’t WANT to date older women. So why put them at fault?

When people ask me why I married an older man, I said, “Because I wanted to.” PERIOD. I didn’t feel I had to justify my choices and I didn’t say “because a lot of the younger guys I know are assholes, who wouldn’t know how to be responsible if it slapped them in the face,” and I very well could have. Why blame the younger guys for not being what I wanted when I didn’t want them in the first place?

And who doesn’t like to do the fun things? But it’s MUCH easier for a kid fresh out of high school to pick up and go when the whim strikes. They don’t have responsibilities to anyone else, probably don’t have mortgages to worry about and unless you’re dating someone like Miley Cyrus, they don’t have careers they’ve worked their whole lives for. It’s going to be much easier for the young kids to do whatever they feel like doing, but older women shouldn’t be negatively labeled because they have more things on their plate and more responsibilities.
It’s like Hunter said there ARE older women who enjoy having a good time and love sex, so LAY OFF, South, before I come down there and beat your ass with my vibrating cane!!

By: stevelick Tue, 28 Jul 2009 21:16:11 +0000 I think you make very accurate points Goddess regarding a majority of so-called womanizers. However, I tend to navigate my personal relationships in a much different way.

Unlike a lot of guys, I do not live my life trying to have sex with as many women as possible. When a man operates his life constantly allowing women the power to control him through the ability to either grant him or deny him sex, he is a diminutive person in my opinion. A walking doormat with perpetually bloated testicles. In my experience, there are a lot of women who tend to look past the drooling lines of guys waiting to hit on them to see who is in the back of the room NOT hitting on them. These are the kinds of guys who usually have a lot more to offer instead of the biggest woofers in the backseat of a Honda Civic or a backwards baseball hat.

If I was still living in LA full time Goddess, maybe I would concede your point that occupation and money may have been a contributing factor to certain relationships. But since I’ve been here in Northern California taking a long break and gearing up for some new adult projects, the quality of my relationships hasn’t changed really. All the while living in virtual anonymity and gaining a shit load of weight.

Yes, I still like to do fun things, but you would be surprised how many women actually want to contribute in some way financially to those weekend excursions and maybe even buy something nice for me with their own money along the way. Another facet of dating younger women: They are savvy enough to not want to feel like they are “owned” or feel like they have gotten themselves into a position where they have to pay someone back for something.

Ever since I shed the burden of unrealistic expectations known as monogamy, my life has been a complete open book to anyone who wants to know me or get close to me. A relationship with me is pretty much like any other friendship in life. People come and go and some stay longer than others depending upon careers, going to school, and whatever else. I don’t have dramatic angry breakups because the relationship never gets to point where both people feel deceived about the direction things are going.

You would think that this kind of easy going non-dramatic relationship philosophy would be appealing to most women over the age of 35, but it isn’t. It is not good “pr” while you’re out to dinner with a bunch of girlfriends to admit that you’re having a great time with a guy just for the fun of it without a plan for property consolidation already set in place. I’m not saying EVERY woman over the age of 35 is like this, but the hair pie chart is a lot fatter in that category. A divorced woman with a child is not looking for carefree fun for the most part. They are seeking security and someone to adapt to their already preset lifestyle.

By: Goddess Tue, 28 Jul 2009 13:31:31 +0000 But this is what gets me about your logic, Guys, you act as if WOMEN are the only one with baggage. There are a hell of a lot of whiney fuck GUYS out there, too. Anyone who has been in a relationship has baggage. Some simply choose not to dwell on it, but it’s there. The mere fact that you go on and on about older women tells me that is YOUR baggage.

As far as younger women NOT trying to trap guys into supporting them, I think you need to refresh your memory and re-read the piece Mike wrote on the girl in the strip club who was able to manipulate guys into spending their money on her without them knowing it. They’re excellent at making you feel good, so you want to spend your money on them, and face it, it has nothing to do with how great YOU are. It has everything to do with the money you are willing to spend on them. Apparently some older women aren’t as skilled in this art of manipulation.

I think the truth of the matter is you’re more willing to spend you money on younger women and you don’t see it as ‘support’, but it’s the same package, different wrapping.

And perhaps you guys are fucked like rockstars because you have the MONEY to take these women on trips and spending sprees?
Because I’ve seen some of the butt ugliest rich, fat actors with some of the sexiest young women. But I’m sure it’s all about “valuing” the women, right?

And I’m not saying any of you are “collectors”. Far from it. Because in order to collect something, you have to actually hang on to it:)

Basically, I’m just tired of you guys painting all middle aged women the with the same brush.

By: stevelick Tue, 28 Jul 2009 03:46:02 +0000 Thank you Mike. I appreciate it, but I’m just following your lead brother.

By: MikeSouth Tue, 28 Jul 2009 01:16:49 +0000 YOU GO STEVE!

Damn man if I could write like that I wouldn’t be…well….me.

Damn well put man…..I’m with ya!

By: stevelick Tue, 28 Jul 2009 00:52:54 +0000 With all due respect Goddess, you are a bit off the mark here.

I am not a “collector” of women and do not consider any woman to be expendable. Let me put it to you in cop terms here as to better illustrate my point. Just like some cops may perform the technique of racially profiling potential suspects when pulling over automobiles on the highway, I perform a similar technique when it comes to meeting women that I call “bi-polar divorcee with child” profiling.

I have absolutely no patience for drama in my life. You know why? Because I respect myself too much to experience other people’s bullshit. Unfortunately, a large majority of women in my mid to late 30’s age range have a lot of bitter baggage. Why would I want to take on someone else’s baggage when I have absolutely no baggage of my own? Fortunately, my dick has built in divorcee detecting sonar which has thankfully spared me from situations involving angry run-in’s with tire slashing stalker ex-husbands, restaurants with crayons, and having to put on my pants when I get out of bed in the morning to go to the bathroom.

It has been my experience that women in their late teens to mid 20’s miraculously have flexible enough schedules to take spontaneous weekend road trips to Palm Springs, they enjoy surprise shopping sprees and have enough confidence in themselves to not hate the size 0 sales girl behind the counter, they appreciate the fact that you value them as being more than trophies and don’t constantly compare your good behavior to their asshole ex’s, and last but not least………..they will fuck you like you are a rock star. Not because they are trying to trap you into taking care of them. It’s because you are the funnest, most original, confident man they have ever known. They want to please you for being you. Not some asshole “manboy” who wears sports jerseys and clothes with logos all over them. Because you are a real fucking man. That’s how it works.
