Comments on: Mixed Emotions The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sun, 30 Nov 2008 23:39:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: sodom1981 Sun, 30 Nov 2008 23:39:43 +0000 Max certainly doesn’t belong in prison. Having said that, he pretty well taunted the feds as you say to come after him. Both Max and Rob Black think drawing heat on the industry with their bullshit makes them some kind of crusaders — I think it makes them idiots.

By: turtleturtle Sat, 29 Nov 2008 08:20:07 +0000 Mike,

You don’t like Max because he reminds you of your essence. His irrational behavior towards a relatively simple thing like unnecessarily provoking(?) ire causes you to see the fundamental irrationality of not only yourself, but of your entire industry; at whatever level. You want money and your customers want fantasy. You desire the products of rationality, while offering the means towards irrational indulgence in return. Your customers want irrationality, while offering the products of their rationality to you. You trade in – and you exist because of – the unreal.

But you evade all of this. It’s easy to do; it’s relatively a complicated issue.

But Max Hardcore? Well, he’s hard core. He doesn’t evade as much as you. He senses this more than you do. He is more consistent about it. He takes his irrationality to another level. To a level that forces the issue. To a level that forces all pornographers to justify pornography, not just on terms of freedom of speech, but on terms which say to the censors: “Look, yes, we know what we do is fundamentally unproductive and irrational, but you should let us do it. Not because it is equal to what you allow, but only because to censor it, and to establish the precedent of censorship, would be *more* irrational.”

Psychologically, it is not possible to be aware of that for too long and remain even relatively sane. To know that what you do is fundamentally useless. Hence, all of your rationalizations about non-essentials like tactical stupidity on the part of Max. You know he’s right. You know that what Max does is essentially no different than what you do, but you cannot live with knowing that every day. You absolutely have to convince yourself – and others – otherwise. It’s a matter of survival.

Hence your “mixed emotions.” They are, at root, no different that Hardcore’s handcuffs. You are both after the same object of evasion; you just take different routes. You do it through denunciations, petty rationalizations, non-essential distinctions, monetary reinforcements, and social confirmations. He does it through out of the way attempts to get in legal trouble – and thus be taken care of by someone else. But underneath, we all know it is all the same.

By: Goddess Sat, 29 Nov 2008 00:10:02 +0000 I can tell you’re a writer, Tim:)

By: TimCase Fri, 28 Nov 2008 13:17:34 +0000 I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a poorly written press release. Good lord. I’m sorry, but for someone carrying the title “Director of Public Relations” to send out a piece of shit like that and expect people to not only read it, but understand what he’s trying to say is beyond the pale. His tortured syntax makes my brain hurt. Craig Valentine or Evan Seinfeld could do better.

For god’s sake, Paul, ask Santa for a copy of Strunk & White’s “The Elements of Style”.
