Comments on: What If I Dared Everyone Who Reads This To Vote Accordingly The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Mon, 16 Jan 2012 00:24:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: artwilliams Mon, 16 Jan 2012 00:24:01 +0000 Either the American public has to get smarter or political contributions have to be limited and reigned in. After starting yet another war, Obama has showed the world that there is not much difference in the two major parties. Sadly, I think that America will learn the hard way. It’s influence in the world will wane as it gets buried under a pile of debt as a series of Republican and Democratic administrations dupe the public into thinking it has the answer.

By: bthompsen Sun, 15 Jan 2012 16:50:39 +0000 The reason all of these Presidents promise one thing on the campaign trail and then do the opposite when they take office is because none of these Presidents is a man of his own volition. Many in Congress and the Executive branch are nothing more than mere puppets that do the bidding and carry out the will of their backers…notice I did not say constituents. Some attribute this line of thought as a conspiracy theory or some “crazy” rumor about the Illuminati. Sadly, this is the very essence of modern government. Those who pull the strings share no desire to run for office or serve the people. Instead, they stay behind the scene and profit from the suffering that comes from the decisions they force Congress and the administration to make despite not being in the best interest of their people.

Those that buck the party-line are either attacked and smeared, assassinated, or have their dirty laundry exposed. Trust in any government is the first step to complacency and compliance. Hitler knew what he was doing. First you have to scare people and then drum up support for your crimes while telling them it is for their best and to question any different is unpatriotic.

Modern government fears Ron Paul because he is not part of their club. He speaks out against the secret meetings and backroom deals and to allow him to be elected would only educate the citizens, effectively threatening the rulers behind the curtains.

Mike, you said in any other time this article would have caused a revolution. I disagree. Because in any other time, those that came before us would have never allowed government to achieve the position and power it has. They were our country’s true Libertarians.

If you read this message, you ARE part of the resistance. Keep fighting!

By: Frank Sun, 15 Jan 2012 12:28:22 +0000 I WILL be voting for Ron Paul and/or anyone that truly believes in Individual Rights and understands the best government is not only limited in its power but also local.

By: zzatz Sat, 14 Jan 2012 03:48:57 +0000 While I agree with what Judge Napolitano says, be very careful before assuming that Ron Paul believes the same. You know all of those things that Ron Paul doesn’t think that government should do? That’s not quite right – he thinks that the federal government shouldn’t do them. He’s OK with states doing them.

This is too nuanced for the mainstream media, in those few occasions when they cover Ron Paul at all. His issue is state’s rights, not civil liberties. He’s OK with government interference in your personal life, as long as it’s local government.

Sure, he’d end the War on Drugs – at the federal level. He thinks that it’s OK for California to allow medical marijuana. But he also thinks it’s OK for Texas to ban it. He’s not seeing this as an issue of personal rights that no government, at any level, should stay away from. He sees it as the federal government infringing on state government’s right to enact laws. Your personal rights aren’t part of it at all.

Still, I’d like to see him win the nomination. He’s willing to talk about things that need to be talked about. He’s willing to point out that the emperor has no clothes.

By: stevehardeman Fri, 13 Jan 2012 17:54:31 +0000 The other day I was contemplating my vote for Ron Paul. Would it simply be a waste? Initially I thought yes. But then I began to think that perhaps, if more and more people vote for Ron Paul and others like him, perhaps one day more politicians will pay attention. Coincidentally, I read this article earlier today. *** ***** Pretty much what I was thinking but worded infinitely better than I could have ever written. And from Charles Krauthammer of all people who is NOT a fan of the libertarian agenda by any means. The article confirmed my belief that there might possibly be hope for the future. Good read. Check it out.

By: MikeSouth Fri, 13 Jan 2012 08:49:04 +0000 It certainly has “The ring of truth” doesn’t it?

It’s a great article. I’d bet in another time it would have inspired a revolution.

By: Ashley Wentworth Fri, 13 Jan 2012 08:43:36 +0000 Wow. Cool, Mike.
