Comments on: Time To Treat Rod Daily As a Positive Test The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Thu, 13 Jul 2023 15:30:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sean Adamz Fri, 30 Aug 2013 13:59:57 +0000 Two words for the Adult Industry Protocol on the ending of the Production Moratorium. Non sequitur
(Latin for “it does not follow”), in formal logic, is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises.

By: BT Fri, 30 Aug 2013 10:45:54 +0000 If he is positive, its still important to establish who infected whom and where and how it originated. To some degree, whether it happened inside or outside the industry is irrelevant. Once someone has an STD, everyone is potentially exposed. But know whether it was a private or not; knowing whether it was the result of specific sexual behavior; those are all things that I think the much alluded to three-member medical panel would want to know to help the industry.

By: RiccoMarin Fri, 30 Aug 2013 02:18:47 +0000 FSC need to run out of town…and put Diane Duke, Mark Kernes and the whole fucking board on a freight train and ship em out like they
did the Nazi’s and the Jews. Japanese and the Mexicans WW2.

Gotsa Go! Mofo!!

By: RiccoMarin Fri, 30 Aug 2013 02:16:19 +0000 Boycott the porn sets and strike people.
This is a time to stick together and hang tight!
That Industry is getting worse and they shouldn’t be fucking playing
with YOUR Lives. 2 test a month? 240 a month @ TTS. and what
$ 280 a month a the Agent boycotted Cutting Edge.

Your ladies rates need to go up and Male talent too!
Don’t Fuck Yourselves! Oraganize. Stoya would be a good Vice chairwoman.

By: CPanzram Fri, 30 Aug 2013 01:21:25 +0000 I went out shopping today to places I frequent quite often and 3 people, two at one store, approached me and were telling me about what is going on with the HIV thing. However, they had it all wrong. I’m not sure where they are getting their news from, but it seems the mainstream media that they read are taking 3 different stories and putting it together. It was entertaining to hear each person tell me something different. None of them mentioned Rod Daily to me. Thanks to social media I am hearing much more today than I did during the 2004 fiasco.

If Rod does test positive I see Kink saying that he caught it off set and transmitted it to her because they are dating. For all we know Acworth tested his male talent, found positives, paid them off to keep their mouths shut and leave quietly, and we’ll never know where it came from.

By: DWB Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:56:25 +0000 It’s a good thing the FSC and their medical “experts” cleared everyone for work.

By: Lacey Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:19:53 +0000 A-fucking-men.
How is it that Xander Corvus tested the same time as Rod Daily and he released his results DAYS ago….

This isn’t some kind of fucking game. People’s lives and health are on the line here… fucking morons. How do you lift a moratorium with even ONE person in the industry out there who’s HIV+ status is unknown at this time?
I guess Daily will just “disappear” to the same place Alex Gonz went after his Hep. C test? Great game plan. I’m sure the feds. will enjoy this one, along with the mainstream press… This whole “twisted” game just keeps getting better and better… unfortunately, there are real people who are getting hurt in the process.

But, as the industry loves to point out “She didn’t even get HIV on a set.” Oh yeah, because that makes fucking sense? Who gives a flying fuck where she got it and how exactly do you know whether she got it on a set or not? If you answer “because we having testing,” then you’re seriously delusional. I’m serious. You may be clinically delusional and in need of help…
“Oh no, but you don’t understand… we haven’t had a set to set HIV exposure since 2004.”
I’m sure Cameron Bay is happy to hear that!!

I swear, if I was in the industry and my test came back positive for HIV, my last thought would be “But, “she” brought it into the industry… It’s not my fault she was stupid enough to shoot up or do privates all the time! Wahhhhhh…” Oh, please. Your body doesn’t really give a shit whether you were on the “honor system” or not….

Well, at least we know birds don’t shit HIV out of their asses…
(I would fight that comment in a court of law, btw… If mosquitos can spread the deadly west nile virus then you never know about bird shit… just saying….. I guess we could then just sit around blaming everyone else on earth for making us go outside without protection… at least we wouldn’t have to take responsibility for our own decisions even though that doesn’t really change the fact that we now have a potentially deadly disease… too sad.

By: RiccoMarin Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:04:31 +0000 Strike!!! You stupid mofos!
Boycott the industry!
Its your life and your health.

By: SheenaRyder1 Thu, 29 Aug 2013 23:43:26 +0000 RT @MikeSouth1226: Time To Treat Rod Daily As a Positive Test

By: SexyJessicaXXX Thu, 29 Aug 2013 23:16:49 +0000 RT @MikeSouth1226: Time To Treat Rod Daily As a Positive Test
