Comments on: Then and Now The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Thu, 13 Jul 2023 12:15:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hop Sing Thu, 16 Oct 2014 01:05:19 +0000 Sana Fey. That’s a name from the past for sure. Strawberry blonde (I think) massive fake rack, built like a brick shithouse.

As much as girls enter the business for the money there’s also a surprising number that care more about fulfilling a fantasy with no real intention of being porn lifers. The mainstreaming of porn has made it more transient, I think.

Harris: Please stop using the term “porn chickies.” It’s beyond lame. You’re over 70, we get it. And great insight on escorts, btw. Lol.

By: schemehackers Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:30:47 +0000 As long as those girls stay away from Dubai and private yacht parties by middle east sheikhs and royalty. Look up and search for ‘portapotty’ to find out what those freaks are into. Girls have zero rights there and plenty of escorts end up with a 3mos prison bid. Stick to Nevada, Italy and Germany.

By: schlermy Wed, 15 Oct 2014 01:48:06 +0000 In reply to CrunkleSchwitz.

OK CS, as long as you realize the scumbags that created the tubesites you enjoy are the ones who destroyed the U.S. porn industry. They’re the reason there’s nothing but trash performers nowadays.

By: CrunkleSchwitz Wed, 15 Oct 2014 00:42:47 +0000 I watch all my porn on the tube sites for free. It is not worth paying for anymore and all you have are hookers/escorts and biker trash performing these days and it just ain’t worth no damn $39.00 dollars.

By: SeanSoreAnus Tue, 14 Oct 2014 19:55:32 +0000 RT @MikeSouth1226: Then and Now

By: crazyfrankie56 Tue, 14 Oct 2014 03:53:13 +0000 “Then and Now” well said post from Mike South. I think all should read this. #truth

By: rawalex Tue, 14 Oct 2014 01:32:34 +0000 The hardest thing for most people to understand is that porn is no longer a product that you really sell. Now it’s a marketing tool for selling something else: dating, cams, escorts, t-shirts, binary options, get rich quick books, and the like. The big companies have gutted porn as a business, literally stepping over the porn dollars to get at the pennies offered by other things.

The only reason it happened was simple: They were willing to rip off the porn producers, use their content for free, and use it to sell other stuff. Now porn is “free”, and few people are willing to pay. The overall business is much smaller, but these few big companies think they did it right because they make more money. Their millions don’t compare well to the hundreds of millions they killed off on the way by, but that doesn’t bother them.

By: mharris127 Tue, 14 Oct 2014 01:07:49 +0000 In reply to jilted.

There is more than one “escort” site made up of mainly porn chickies. I won’t say what their names are here as I don’t want to cause any prostitution and pandering busts but they are easily found online today. The “escort” sites may not all be “owned” by adult industry talent agents (one of them is rumored to be) but whomever the owners are they have a good business, of three randomly selected porn chickies that have filmed a scene in the last year I bet you find one (or more) on these sites. The sites cover their asses by claiming that sex is not part of the deal but if the “escort” and her “john” mutually decide to have sex that the company will not keep it from happening. However, I bet at least 50% of these “dates” have a “happy ending”. That is way above the rate of non “escort agency” arranged dates having a “happy ending”. Personally I think prostitution should be legal and taxed, unfortunately others disagree with me but let’s call it what it is — prostitution.

By: schlermy Mon, 13 Oct 2014 23:27:50 +0000 Charlie LeDuff reports: According to Ron Jeremy and Larry Flynt American porn is dead.

By: jilted Mon, 13 Oct 2014 20:33:08 +0000 In reply to Mr.Anonymouse.

It also helps when your “legit” porn agent is the same person booking your ‘porn shoots’ and your ‘private escort encounters.”

There is a famous escort site that adverises most of its models are porn stars. There is a page on this escort site for girls who want to be escorts; You fill out the page, include photos, and lo and behold who gets in contact with you, none other than a member of the agent trade group.

It used to be that escorting was a side job to doing porn. Today the exact opposite is true, escorting is the main job, with a little porn on the side.
