Comments on: The FSC Took Down pwl….Wait WHAT? The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 29 Jul 2011 01:32:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: DWB Fri, 29 Jul 2011 01:32:43 +0000 @Michael – You are full of way too much negative energy for me. I concede.

I’m going to take the high road and logout. You can have the last word, I know you will take it anyway. But the truth of the matter is, I’m not interested in being pulled into your black hole of negativity and insults. That’s just not how I roll.

And please leave my server alone.


By: DWB Fri, 29 Jul 2011 01:24:09 +0000 @Michael – Amazing. You are simply unable to stop replying to me. But please keep the insults coming, even as expected as they are, it is entertaining to see someone associated with the FSC act like a schoolyard bully. It helps the cause. A few more good insults and you can start your very own Just don’t call me a kike, I’m very touchy about that.

Why would Mike violate my confidence and anonymity? My identity is not a secret. It was even plastered on PWL for a while before it was kindly removed per my request.

It is indeed one hell of a coincidence about the hack attempt. And while I am happy that I have not known of you longer than a day, the hack attempt came after I said I talk to someone at PWL, and then you busted a gasket over it demanding that I tell you what I know. Shortly after, it began. Amazing timing. Really. And I’m supposed to believe a guy who was part of Donny’s emails being accessed (legally of course) and his site repeatedly taken offline (also legal)? Your involvement with PWL doesn’t exactly sit you on the trustworthy bench. But hey, hacks happen. They’ve just never happened to me before, until I met you.

And yes, I am a cowardly piece of shit, but it wasn’t easy to get that way. It’s something I had to work hard at over the course of a decade, shooting porn in third world and often dangerous countries. You know, all the places most of the tough guys in porn valley won’t shoot in. But the downside is, it’s made me an anonymous cowardly jester who gets laughed at by a guy who dates a transsexual. It’s a hard knock life, what can I say?

By: Michael Whiteacre Thu, 28 Jul 2011 23:59:10 +0000 @DWB – How about this clarification, you illiterate jerkweed: I will waste no more time actually “debating” you, because you have have nothing of merit to contribute to the discussion, but I do find it entertaining to point out your idiocy for the amusement of Mike’s readers. You are rapidly becoming my favorite amusing oddity. I laugh at you ALL THE TIME.

So, let me get this straight: You post here anonymously, although MIKE knows your identity. I clearly didn’t know who the fuck you are as of yesterday, yet today you imply that I may have had something to do with an alleged hack of your “box.”

If I were Mike South I’d be insulted as a motherfucker at the implication that he violated your confidentiality to let me know who the fuck you are or what/where the fuck your sites and “box” is. WHY DON’T YOU COME RIGHT OUT AND ASK MIKE IF HE BETRAYED YOUR CONFIDENCE AND ANONYMITY, YOU COWARDLY PIECE OF SHIT?

Uh-oh, I guess that makes 7. In any case, here’s another for you:

8) Jester

I invite you to continue; I have more.

By: DWB Thu, 28 Jul 2011 23:36:24 +0000 @sean aka trpwl – Yes, I believe that no law was broken, nothing was hacked, and PWL simply fell offline multiple times moments after someone tweeted it was about to go offline. That sort of thing happens all the time. In fact, the same thing almost happened to my sites today.

I didn’t accuse him of hacking, I said it was a coincidence, and it is. However, if he says he didn’t do it, then it must be true. People don’t lie. What I do know is, 15 years of having sites without a single issue, then 1 day after being verbally attacked by a man who didn’t break any laws or have anything to do with hacking into PWL, because it wasn’t hacked, my box is attacked. But I’m sure it wasn’t an illegal attack and if they would have succeeded, no laws would have been broken and my sites would have simply just fallen offline.

@Michael – See, you can’t resist.

However, please make up your mind.

Is it:

“I have no more time to waste debating these matters with someone who’s not even on US soil”


“I reply only for the theater of it all — to show every reader what an asshole troll looks like”

Just pick one and stand by it.

By: Michael Whiteacre Thu, 28 Jul 2011 18:33:40 +0000 Thank you, Sean. You and Mike and I are not criminals, and we all resent the accusation.

Now who sounds like Donny Long and PWL?

@DWB – I reply only for the theater of it all — to show every reader what an asshole troll looks like. The best part is, you did all the work for me. Eat shit and LIVE, cocksucker.

By: sean aka trpwl Thu, 28 Jul 2011 17:44:54 +0000 @DWB, rest assured Michael had nothing to do with hacking any server or breaking any laws…Hes been very adamant that no laws be broken by me or anyone else involved with the fight against PWL..For you to accuse him of having someone try an hack you is out of line..

By: DWB Thu, 28 Jul 2011 17:05:30 +0000 @Michael – So then stop replying to me.

For someone who claims I have no effect on them and is “Inconsequential,” you sure do like to write a lot about me. That is odd.

I also find it odd that ONE DAY after you (one of the people who spearheaded the hacking of porn wiki leaks) started in on me with your abusive comments, for the first time EVER in almost 15 years, someone tried to compromise my server. Coincidence?

By: Michael Whiteacre Thu, 28 Jul 2011 14:21:31 +0000 DWB – Nothing you write has any effect on me, let alone a comment about Brittany Andrews of all people. What I took away fron the comment was you’ve been thinking about her wielding a strap-on in your direction so much because you crave a cock up your ass. It’s not my thing but, if it turns you on and gets you off, then have fun.

I don’t think mharris127, or anyone else here, needs your advice on interpreting my comments.

As for me being so angry that everyone, including you, is an enemy, you are once again dead wrong: you’re not relevant enough to hate that much, or to elevate to the level of “enemy.” Here’s another for your list:

6) Inconsequential

By: DWB Thu, 28 Jul 2011 09:01:58 +0000 @Michael – Oops. Looks like the Brittany Andrews / strap-on comment hit a nerve.

@mharris127 – Everyone is the enemy to angry people like Micheal. You can see it in his long winded comments.

By: mharris127 Thu, 28 Jul 2011 02:08:26 +0000 Holy shit! Can we get back to the subject at hand now, guys? The enemy is Donny and Co., not DWB. Also, the FSC is not the enemy no matter what Mike and I both personally think about its effectiveness. APHSS is the perfect opportunity to change what many of us think about the FSC, if it is implemented properly you will have the admiration of many in the industry.
