Comments on: The Elephant In The News The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 10 Jul 2018 02:01:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: LurkingReader Tue, 10 Jul 2018 02:01:00 +0000 Thanks Mike…From the outset when people were asking why various names weren’t getting out front with Stormy the political conflicts seemed obvious to me.

No one associated with FSC is going to get out front with her because it puts them in a bad place around too many conference table negotiations. As long as they stay away they can respond to questions ‘no idea …. lone performer ….not in line with industry ideals we’re looking for your help to get in place’ as a transition to whatever is on table be it OSHA, 2257 whatever issue du jour is.

Taking a page out of history consider if this were happening when AB1576 was making it’s way through the process. If FSC, Wicked, Vivid, Stagliano were standing with her would Gatto or any representative or senator welcome them for a chat?

By: Mike South Mon, 09 Jul 2018 15:48:08 +0000 Lurk…as always you give me a different perspective, I mean I know that Wicked has always tried to position themselves as mainstream and above the other companies in the biz but it just seems to me that they go about it all wrong, Steve Orenstein mandates condom use yet when the issue comes up he falls in line with the FSC when everyone knows they are lying (Im writing about this actually) that discredits him and further removes him from the mainstream identification he seems to long for. There was a time when porn was poised for mainstream acceptance but totally missed the boat and instead became associated with the Rob Blacks, The Max Hardcores and the like…..I recently saw where Stagliano was harping about Netflix accepting porn and I responded to him, which Evil Angel title did he think Netflix would touch in a million years? Wet Food? Come on this is ridiculous…Wicked might have had a chance at some point, specially with a soft version, ditto Digital Playground, particularly the Pirates franchise, but the fact that Samantha and Joone got out should have been a harbinger for others…add to them Fishbein selling AVN and Vivid getting out of the video biz…these companies made decent money on videos…what does that say for the little guys….more on that coming too… Vivid cant still make money off the branding…Wicked should be there too but who has heard of Wicked? They blew a chance to change that…IMNSHO

By: LurkingReader Mon, 09 Jul 2018 08:10:10 +0000 Karma it’s not just rich and famous. Neighbors cancelled annual guys trip to the Big Smoke this year opting for a week long fishing trip with less potential to bite them in the ass 10-20 or more years down the road. I know for a fact some of these guys hire porn star escorts and which ones brought home STD to their wives. Wives will forgive an STD but risking kids college fund to protect job when the now toddlers are heading off to college is a deal breaker.

By: Karmafan Mon, 09 Jul 2018 00:18:38 +0000 For sure any rich or famous person in the public eye will think 2x before hiring a porn star escort after Stormy.

By: LurkingReader Sun, 08 Jul 2018 20:48:37 +0000 I think players you’d expect to jump on the PR train are staying away because what is working in the short-term for Stormy would derail their long-term efforts to legitimize porn as a mainstream industry.

Due to the PR train Stormy is a household name and the impetus to cautionary joke ‘what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas unless there’s a potential payday’

Regardless of whether she got paid cash or exchanged sex for the experience spending time with Trump offered…that was the extent of the consent. THAT is the elephant in the room for the industry.

By: mharris127 Sun, 08 Jul 2018 15:55:09 +0000 Glad to see you, Mike. I got so pissed about Stormy Daniels that I forgot to say that earlier.

By: Mike South Sat, 07 Jul 2018 15:11:22 +0000 Im glad to see you guys missed me…seriously and I tried to write this bit objectively, I can see both sides but what I wanted to get through was to kind of put it all in context so that whatever you think Stormy should have done or should do you kind of have a broader understanding of some things you maybe hadnt considered, It also still amazes me that Wicked wasnt more interested in the PR value of this, maybe it speaks to thier feelings about Stormy overall, I dont know but it sure seems an opportunity wasted…Reckon how Steven Hirsch would have played it…

By: mharris127 Sat, 07 Jul 2018 11:03:06 +0000 I don’t want Stormy tortured. I think that is what will eventually happen to her but I don’t wish torture on her. She should have had the intelligence to keep her mouth shut — you don’t win a battle with someone like Trump when he will likely have dictator power over the US very soon. Hell, I am risking my own life making this very post. Go look at history featuring people with similar personalities as Trump — like Adolf Hitler, Francisco Franco, Augusto Pinochet, both past dictators and the current dictator of North Korea, the list goes on. Also consider that Trump is currently Commander in Chief of the US Military. I know soldiers are legally supposed to ignore unconstitutional and illegal orders but when his supporting generals start shooting those that follow the law in the head or worse for not accepting that Trump is now dictator and that soldiers either do his bidding or die they will do his bidding — especially the ones with wives and kids that could also be taken and tortured as penalty for what he refused to do! Theoretically generals could get together, order soldiers to depose Trump and take over themselves but even then our Constitutional republic is history and we will be in a permanent (or at least multi-century) military dictatorship if that happens. Trump is Nixon on steroids and he won’t give up the Presidency for the good of the country when things completely go to hell on him. My advice to Stormy is to get a cyanide pill, carry it in her shoe and at least when things finally go to hell she can kill herself (no, I don’t want her dead but I don’t want her tortured, either) and save herself the torture Trump’s henchmen almost certainly has planned for her. I wonder what is going on in Stormy’s pea-size brain that made her think she could actually win this one. Even if she isn’t knowledgeable about history she should know that you can’t win a fight against the leader of the “free” world!

By: joeschmoe Sat, 07 Jul 2018 00:55:19 +0000 Oh Harris

You have a repeated theme of making deeply descriptive posts about the physical suffering of women you don’t seem to like . Might want to figure that one out .

By: mharris127 Fri, 06 Jul 2018 22:47:45 +0000 I personally think Stormy should have kept her mouth shut about her fucking Trump up the ass with a broom handle or whatever the fuck she did with his quarter inch dick and microscopic balls. She took the $130K and you don’t fuck with the leader of the “free” world over something like this. What will happen to Stormy if Trump does what I think he will — uses his control over the military to effect a coup and become Dictator Trump instead of President Trump? I think we all know the answer — she will be tortured slowly by CIA operatives or a then newly expanded Secret Service (ironically they have the same SS abbreviation that Hitler’s SS in 1940’s Germany had and The Donald is just about a carbon copy of ol’ Adolf) until she dies in extreme pain. If Stormy would have told me she was considering welching on her contract with The Donald after he became President I would have told her that she would likely die over it if she did.
