Comments on: Sometimes I Am Clueless Though Not Necessarily Wrong The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 06 May 2017 06:35:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: laura Tue, 04 Mar 2014 09:23:22 +0000 @Erik…. oh my gosh dude you’ve worn me out!!! … first I couldn’t believe you thought the regulars here are anti-porn and then this whole needing to always state fact thing is a down right bore! …this is a blog with commenters stating various opinions and sometimes mentioning facts…. it is not required to state a fact when stating an opinion…..that’s why it’s an opinion….A fact is considered something proven to be true and an opinion is a personal belief that is not founded on proof or certainty….. enough said!!!

By: erik2690 Fri, 28 Feb 2014 10:34:54 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

No, actually I commented that she could obviously rationalizing. Or she could be genuine. You don’t know. You seem to attach clarity to your opinion of reading an interview of someone you don’t know. I’m not claiming that she isn’t rationalizing at all. Sounds like she could be. I just don’t claim to know that she is lying to herself after reading some printed words. Didn’t call anyone dumb, only you and a couple others call names and talk about how other commenters would die.

By: erik2690 Fri, 28 Feb 2014 10:29:52 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

No you said this, “Someday yer bark bite”. I guess you meant something different.

“You aren’t questioning my opinion”? That is what you yourself have said I was doing and it is what I am doing. I’m not presenting facts or proof because I’m purely stating opinion not trying to sway. I just said, opinions don’t require evidence if you don’t care about swaying people. So if I ask for evidence or question opinions, it’s silly or childish. Yet, when I state an opinion it gets smacked down and people throw names around. Where is the difference. No one has come back at my opinions with evidence, just calling it stupid. It seems my way of asking for evidence is just a more polite less angry version of what you do when you disagree with me. Your words don’t indicate bite anymore than mine. Kinda a silly sentiment, how can anonymous blog commenting indicate real life action? To sum up evidence is only needed if you want to sway people. I don’t mean present evidence or you don’t get to speak or something like that. I mean present evidence if you want your opinion to be taken as fact.

By: LurkingReader Fri, 28 Feb 2014 10:24:34 +0000 In reply to Lacey Blake.


“It makes NO fucking sense… Actually, most of her rationalizations don’t make sense.”

Ah now I get it…Erik sees the “sense” in her rationalizations and we must be dumb shlubs who are anti-porn because were too unsophisticated to see what they know and we couldn’t have a clue about.

By: LurkingReader Fri, 28 Feb 2014 10:15:27 +0000 In reply to erik2690.

You aren’t questioning my opinion or seeking clarity for why I stand where I do…nor are you presenting facts or evidence to dispute the opinions you demand facts and evidence to back up.

It’s quite obvious you aren’t a 50+ hence the term pup. Someday your bark might indicate you have a bite too…means simply you may not always be a tea cup Yorkshire terrier yipping at the big dogs.

By: erik2690 Fri, 28 Feb 2014 09:30:43 +0000 In reply to Lacey Blake.

“But, the simple fact is that she doesn’t WANT to shoot porn, if she had the choice.”

I guess. If you are told the thing you are making the money for is paid for, then this sentiment would probably apply to any job for an 18 year old. There is no evidence that the response had to with porn, other than that’s what was asked. So yes, if she doesn’t need the money she would just focus on school. I still think it’s a narrow definition because she “wants” to do porn over other jobs. She just wouldn’t continue leaving to shoot if money wasn’t a concern. It’s a made up scenario with an easy answer. Not real life. Her choices are porn or other jobs. She wanted to do porn over the other jobs.

By: erik2690 Fri, 28 Feb 2014 09:24:16 +0000 In reply to Lacey Blake.

UHH…. this is from you- “If she found it so fun and wonderful then the money wouldn’t matter and she would continue to shoot porn, but that’s not the case.”

You mention money and that “wanting” would mean doing it for free. You mention most of what you say you didn’t.

By: erik2690 Fri, 28 Feb 2014 09:21:13 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

Ok, you may not think I deserve a favor, but I really want to try to gauge something. Please help me. This is for mainly Lurking and Jilted. I have a question that is off topic, but will help me gauge who I am speaking to. I will not respond to your replies as it will drag this completely away from porn. Just this question: What do you think of the Snowden leaks?

By: Lacey Blake Fri, 28 Feb 2014 09:20:53 +0000 In reply to erik2690.

What are you talking about?
I never once said anything about money, free, pay or anything like that…
The points:
I love doing porn. It feels like home and I’m surrounded by an extended family. It makes me feel completely liberated and empowered plus I don’t have to be degraded working as a waitress for minimum wage. I make good money doing porn and it helps with tuition costs.
Well, if someone offered to pay for your tuition would you continue doing porn?

It was never stated anywhere that she would then continue doing porn for free… The issue here is that she claims porn is great, wonderful, she feels at home and makes good money SO why in the world would she stop? She is only shooting scenes during school breaks so she can’t claim that it interferes with school.

The answer is: If her tuition was paid for then she wouldn’t continue doing porn because she doesn’t WANT to…..
She could very easily shoot a few scenes on school breaks and make a few thousand bucks to cover other costs or save up for a car, etc.

But, the simple fact is that she doesn’t WANT to shoot porn, if she had the choice. There’s NOTHING wrong with that, but don’t release statements preaching about how wonderfully liberating it is and now she feels empowered because someone outted her…

It makes NO fucking sense… Actually, most of her rationalizations don’t make sense.

By: erik2690 Fri, 28 Feb 2014 09:13:08 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

So much wrong here. Me saying “show evidence” is just as valid as your opinion. My statement isn’t overruled by your opinion. You don’t have to show evidence, of course. You only have to show proof/evidence if you want to sway people. If you don’t mind not swaying me that is fine (although why do you keep responding if not?).

“Tearing apart peoples opinions and demanding proof from folks in a better position to know what they’re saying is a good way to end up dead where I come from.”?
Don’t know where to start. Is claiming to know that people die for saying the wrong thing supposed to make yo seem cool or tough. It makes you seem silly. Questioning people’s opinions is widely seen as fairly legitimate. That’s why they call it an “opinion”, because one person’s can differ from anothers. I don’t know where the peer reviewed study line came from, I never said that. For an opinion to be persuasive it needs evidence. You know how you don’t agree with my opinions and call names? I feel the same about your opinions. You see how that works?

“You’re a punk…plain and simple.” It’s not that simple. You know nothing about me. You disagree with me. I certainly don’t anonymously talk about how if someone did this or that they would die. That seems like a punk to me. Just because I’m not an over 50 spending my days on porn comments doesn’t mean I’m a punk. Maybe get off your own lawn.

“Someday yer bark bite”. No idea what this means.
