Comments on: Some Answers My Interview With T J Cummings The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Thu, 06 Jul 2023 10:51:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: rawalex Wed, 11 Dec 2013 05:41:46 +0000 Part of the problem here appears to be how the industry / testers handle an inclusive test.

If we take TJ at his word, then they told him he had nothing to worry about. That would be a real shame if that is the message they are putting out there.

The real system should be “unless absolutely negative, your test is considered FAILED and you are unable to work” – and they should be using exactly those words. He should have been told straight out “you cannot work another scene as you may have an issue” – end of discussion.

If he took anything but “don’t work” from their comments, then their comments need reviewing.

I think there is enough blame to go around here, as while TJ seems like a nice enough guy, he may have selective hearing or selective memory on things, as not everything he is saying adds up. That should be enough to make anyone worry!

By: jilted Tue, 10 Dec 2013 21:03:07 +0000 In reply to jw.

THe legalities of informing a patient of an HIV result is much more strict than the reporting of a condition like chlamydia. One might ask why someone would wait 5 days to ask for their results. From what I know about TTS they ask you up front how you want your results delivered to you, and they give you the option of having them emailed directly to you, or mailed, or if the patient wants to pick them up themselves.

But what does any of this have to do with your accusation that they intentionally withheld a positive HIV result from a patient. Yours was a very specific ‘speculation’ one that actaully accuses TTS of committing a felony. I simply ask, what makes you think they intentionally, and feloniously withheld a postive HIV result?

By: jw Tue, 10 Dec 2013 20:46:18 +0000 In reply to jilted.

Sorry jilted but its like I said my girl NEVER got her test back for the positive chlamydia until she called TTS 5 days later. Why did it take so long you might be asking…because it was over a weekend. No thanks were sticking to the other testing facilities.

By: brian Tue, 10 Dec 2013 20:12:05 +0000 Most of the top white guys in the business are come from gay movies or just have a history of bisexuality. That’s why for the girls their safest bet is to do scenes only with Brothas. Think about it. The true hurts. For the most part the Black male talent doesn’t play that crossover shit like the White guys do.

By: jilted Tue, 10 Dec 2013 19:07:49 +0000 In reply to jilted.

JW,as far as picking things apart, you went so far as to suggest that TTS withheld a positve HIV result from a patient. I’ve heard alot of ridiculous speculation in the past, but that one takes the cake.

The clinics are merely the messanger. You go there, they take your blood, run the tests, and tell you the answer. Its not thier fault if a veteran sex worker is so uninformed about the medical issues that directly affect his life, and the life of everyone he works with.

By: jilted Tue, 10 Dec 2013 19:03:46 +0000 In reply to jw.

Tj said his result was INCONCLUSIVE, and said they needed another specimen. The didnt jerk him around or hide his results, they told him we need another specimen.

He says there wasnt an HIV test on it, and on that I call BULLSHIT. Just like the Marcus case, where he said they guy at TTS tried to remove the test, but as the owner of TTS repleid that is IMPOSSIBLE. The things you are suggesting, the withholding of medical results, just simply did NOT happen.

TY said to Mike that Sergio could back up what he says. I say great, give Sergio written permission to talk about it, and lets see the test results. If he claims TTS will back him up then lets see the results.

They gave him all of his results, and the result was INCONCLUSIVE. And also knowing that he had the tell tale symptoms of an infection, along with his lifelong risky behavior, I call bullshit on his claim that they didnt give him any results.

Of course hedoesnt have to release his results, but for the heck of it I will assume that if the results show what he claims he wouldnt have a problem releasing them, after all, he said TTS would back him up, so I say, take him up on that offer, have him give TTS written permission and then see what they say. Some of the things he has said just do not make sense, and appear to be outright untrue.

By: jw Tue, 10 Dec 2013 18:51:58 +0000 I think its horrible how everyone is picking apart everything TJ has said. He’s probably not really thinking right, he just got horrific news. News that changes your whole life, to be honest I don’t know what I would do in the same situation. You wanted a statement, so he gave you one. He went to Mike South because that’s where everyone goes for information. From what it sounds like, he went to TTS and didn’t get his results, so he went to CET and got them the next morning, not trying to cover up anything. Hell if a medical clinic just sent me my results and there wasn’t any hiv test on it I’d want to know why, and if they do ho hum around about the result, I’d go somewhere else. Here’s something else, so what if he did a SOLO cam show, he has to pay bills doesn’t he??? Why is it that every time one of our fellow performer’s gets news such as this, the majority rips him apart rather then offers him support? As a community we should come together as news like this affects us all. We already get enough flack from the outside media why bash each other. Just saying.

By: artwilliams Tue, 10 Dec 2013 18:47:09 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

The FSC will lose the condom battle. They just don’t know it yet. The State will win because it’s an issue of health and safety for employees. What court is going to side against a safe environment for workers regardless of the industry?

By: jilted Tue, 10 Dec 2013 18:37:31 +0000 In reply to jw.

Your suggestion that TTS didnt want to tell him about his positive test is, well in a nutshell, ridiculous. The illegallity of what you are suggesting would have them closed down in a nanosecond. They got an INCONCLUSIVE result, and because of his testing history you know this is a very early detection, and an inconclusive result is NOTHING out of the ordinary in these situations.
TTS did give him an answer, and the answer was INCONCLUSIVE, and they asked him to provide another sample. a completely valid test result, and one that can be expected when dealing with very early detection.

TJ also taled about being sick in the end of November, the tell tale sign of an early infection. Ignorance is no excuse. A sex worker, especially a man who has sex with men, for money, should be aware of the signs of an infection, considering the activities that he routinely participates in. And then he get an inconclusive test, shortly after his “ilness” and he doesnt think something might be wrong? IGNORANCE is no excuse, and there is no excuse for the overall ignoragnce of perfomrers, directors and producers. Hell, Marcus worked for weeks with syphillis, and visible syphillies sores, but neither he or anyone he worked for recognized it for what it is. You would think that sex workers in this industry would be more informed, but as case after case shows, ignorance is the standard in porn.

By: LurkingReader Tue, 10 Dec 2013 18:16:36 +0000 In reply to artwilliams.


Did you read Dukes statement about how the last TWO other moratoriums called this year..stopped the HIV at the gate…UHHHH can someone please tell me WHY she never mentions the WINDOW or contact lists that happened in every situation?

If testing stopped disease at the gate…there would have been no need for contacting industry people who had been exposed during the window…come on…don’t spin this shit it’s serious….we all know those moratoriums including notifying and testing co-workers.

The reality that someone either misunderstood or denied the reality of begin sent for a second test…well that’s why you gotta assume ….fluids and skin carry disease.

Trying to blame their personal life is the stupidest thing I ever heard of…disease doesn’t care if it’s work or’s just trying to find its way.

I’m not saying this or any other performer isn’t making risky personal choices…the fact is…shouting from rooftops that disease happened in personal/private life …then ripping apart their personal life is a direct result of the industry refusing to create an adequate appropriate disease program…for over 20 years…days like this I want to feed Duke a mad cow burger…but we’d be hard pressed to find a mad cow …hmm how come beef can do it but adult industry can’t.
