Comments on: Michael Tierney Is Joe Blow The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 19 Jul 2011 15:51:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Tue, 19 Jul 2011 15:51:43 +0000 Anyone, Donny was fucked gang-bang style by 14K porn performers, a former NASA engineer, several computer geeks and a talent agent. This was the biggest gang-bang ever! 14,100 people fucking ten or so perpetrators. I hope the movie comes out very soon! Now let’s gang-bang Michael Tierney, Chet Stevenhorse (or whatever his last name is), Dr. F and Tara Akinlose. Strap some pitchfork tines to a stick and start fucking them up the ass. In Tara’s case fuck her up the cunt with a pitchfork tine as well!

By: AnyoneButMe Fri, 15 Jul 2011 13:25:30 +0000 You need to make your site into a forum so we can have signatures. Mine will say: “ The only place where a retard can get fucked by 14,000 pornwhores.”

By: AnyoneButMe Fri, 15 Jul 2011 13:18:09 +0000 The only reason Donny is offering a truce is because he knows he’s been defeated. I vote: “NO FUCKING WAY.” He’s fucked so let’s keep him fucked. What he did is the single most fucked up thing I’ve ever personally witnessed someone do. It is fucked up beyond comprehension and he must pay. I say bring XXXFilmJobs down and bring Donny down to his knees until he begs for foregiveness.

In the meantime, post his current address. Someone HAS to know where he lives. I WILL send informative packages to his local police force and all of his neighbors. I am NOT good at that kind of research but if someone will post the information I WILL send these informative packages.

Awaiting info…..

By: socks Fri, 15 Jul 2011 12:19:34 +0000 K_S wrote:
«Actually, the post from Donkey that you linked to says he does NOT admit owning PWL.»

Right… that’s why PWL now redirects to Donkey’s xxx filmjobs site. He’s simply too delusional to recognize his own stupidity.

By: K_S Fri, 15 Jul 2011 09:08:20 +0000 Socks wrote: “The Donkey just threw in the towel, butt-hurt, begging for mercy and finally admitting that he owns PWL. Priceless.”

Actually, the post from Donkey that you linked to says he does NOT admit owning PWL. The third paragraph from the bottom starts off with the words “Dont (sic) twist my words because I am not saying I am the owner of PWL”.

One can’t get much clearer than that. Even in Donny Longlish.

And as far as “begging for mercy” goes, what of the final line Donkey wrote?:

“PS. If the site reapears (sic) you can blame whoever didnt (sic) remove all the bullshit, libel and or personal info about me or others.”

He’s been defeated, yes…but he’s still as delusional and fucked in the head as ever. If PWL comes back online, whether intact or in some bastardized form, I would not be surprised.

After all, “they” are WINNING, right? LOL

By: ryceric Fri, 15 Jul 2011 06:29:03 +0000 Wonder when the FSC will take credit for this.

By: kriznak8 Fri, 15 Jul 2011 05:37:18 +0000 Oh. 🙁

By: MikeSouth Fri, 15 Jul 2011 04:20:29 +0000 no there’s not Donny has redirected it there before while he worked on it.

By: kriznak8 Fri, 15 Jul 2011 04:14:04 +0000 I don’t know if you all know this yet, but when you go to the PWL website, it now redirects you to!!! It seems that there is more to PWL going down than we thought!!!

By: Michael Whiteacre Fri, 15 Jul 2011 03:08:59 +0000 @AnyoneButMe- Here’s some more background on Michael Tierney / Joe Blow (from Donny’s own site):

I provided some family info in the other post “Meet Donny’s Sugar Daddy Michael Tierney” (see the imdb links).
