Comments on: Marketing Your Store The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 05 Jul 2023 11:53:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sam38g Sat, 22 Oct 2016 23:05:03 +0000 Finding the correct affiliate with the type of traffic for your particular niche is NOT easy for most in the fetish market.

Marketing & knowing your base is NOT a step one can skip. People who want success & to make money need to put in the work & creativity.
You need GIFs, a great GIF can go viral & bring lots of traffic & sales. You can post GIFs on social media as long as you keep it clean. Why keep it clean? There are several reasons, PG can be retweet & posted in more places by lots of people. Plus, make people pay to see the good stuff. Create the demand for them want to see more. If it is good PG imagine what buying the clip would have in it. Keeping it pg also helps keep it from being flagged & removed.
Short but movie quality trailers. Why skip on production value? Especially in a word where we all can do Adobe Cloud & such. Yes, some will have to up their editing skills. But shouldn’t that be a must for everyone in general?

When you rely heavily upon affiliates you are removing yourself from the customers. A store owner needs to be in direct contact with customers. Only in adult do we totally ignore customer base, feedback & mine them for data of improving products for better sales.
——–Now the one who writes the most usually isn’t a buyer & always have to keep in mind of cost to profits. If someone keeps insisting on a wacked scene, send them a high cost for custom to run them off. Some of them are just not practical, but by the same time you never know who has a brilliant idea or simple twist that will net you more money.
Camming gives me direct contact with my purchasing customer base, they are always giving me inspiring ideas & twist that cost me nothing. They are a constant wonderful source of ideas & feedback on my content.
There are NO short cuts.
