Comments on: Lets Talk About DeeRob The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 04 Jul 2023 09:10:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: LurkingReader Sat, 01 Jul 2017 12:11:08 +0000 Mike admit it you judged this book by its cover.

By: thetruth Tue, 27 Jun 2017 19:19:41 +0000 First off, I don’t know if he was really a sex predator yet never had another encounter in his life. Second off, who gives a fuck about these dam licenses, some Derek Gay shit right there. Next off i read the article there’s no proof this guy really did anything except have an affair, having touch dna or any dna, in your girlfriends husbands car doesn’t mean anything they clearly where in the car at some point, i would probablly assume the husbands dna was in the car, as was the wifes(girl friend) of robs. Sorry to say, touch dna, can also be transfered from the (wife/girlfriend) and rob, to the husband or from rob to the girlfriend to the car, touch dna is not reliable.

By: mharris127 Mon, 26 Jun 2017 22:50:15 +0000 Schlermy, I think this is a situation where Mike didn’t know his friend was a “dog”. There are times where you just can’t tell. A person’s read on someone’s moral compass being wrong has happened to him, it has happened to me and it has probably happened to everyone over age 50.

Also, porn is not a “sleazy” business anymore and most people in porn aren’t bad people. The Mafia days are long gone. Just because a person either fucks on camera or directs/produces/distributes porn doesn’t make that person a bad person. Yes, porn has its fuck-ups but at least 75% of porn people are normal and won’t hurt anyone except in self-defense or defense of others.

A guy isn’t a bad person just because he makes porn where an 18-25 year old woman fucks a 50-80 year old man or fucks a woman (consensually) in the same scenario — at least it better not be, if Melissa Moore (or Riley Reid, Kasey Warner, Lena Paul or a few other cute, nubile, legal, young porn chickies) flashes a recent, clean VD test, grabs my crotch and leads me to a bedroom at a party then starts ripping my clothes off of me, you bet your ass I would let her fuck me.

I might get crabs (and make lots of crab seafood dishes as a result — free crabs, yuuuuuuuummmmmmmm 🙂 ) but a valid (within the past 13 days or less) Talent Testing VD panel coming up negative reduces the chance of VD greatly and reduces HIV/AIDS transmission chances to infinitesimal so I would probably take the chance. Hell, now that I have made this comment Talent Testing may start examining all pussies and dicks for crab lice as part of their once a fortnight/every two weeks testing, they test for everything else except Herpes.

By: schlermy Mon, 26 Jun 2017 17:05:32 +0000 I’m sure there were some nice guys in the porn industry but the old saying prolly applies: “If you lay down with dogs you’re gonna get fleas”

By: mharris127 Sat, 24 Jun 2017 16:19:24 +0000 I had a friend that turned out to be a pedophile (he became a friend after I became an adult so I was not one of his victims). They guy was the nicest person you could ever meet (at least to adults). I was flabbergasted when he was arrested for possessing child porn. It turned out he had a prior conviction for child molestation, too (I even knew the victim, neither one mentioned it to me — and this was well before Megan’s Law and internet listings of convicted pedophiles). My parents even allowed my then minor brother to stay overnight at his house to play with his kids (yes, I have siblings about half my age — to my knowledge he didn’t molest any of my relatives). The guy has been in prison for over 30 years now, he comes up for parole (he was sentenced to life with the possibility of parole) but with his prior record and him not being willing to admit he had child porn (he calls it “art”) they keep denying him parole (as they should).

I was also friends with a guy who is now a convicted murderer. Again, the nicest guy you could ever meet — until he got tanked one night. That one shocked the shit out of me as well. He is serving life in prison.

With my prior life experience I can see why Mike would have thought that Rob was a nice guy. Sometimes you just don’t get that feeling in your gut telling you someone is a scumbag or worse. That doesn’t change my opinion that people that molest children or murder their wives without provocation should get the “five bubba” treatment nightly for life but I can understand Mike’s opinion on this one considering I have had a similar experience regarding being a friend with people that turned out to be the worst of the worst in society more than once.

By: schlermy Sat, 24 Jun 2017 03:26:50 +0000 I know what you mean Mike, how could a likable man who exploits barely legal teenagers(who are half his age) for profit be anything but a nice, law abiding human being?

It’s not like he’s a bad guy in a sleazy business or anything like that!

By: lukas411 Fri, 23 Jun 2017 07:52:05 +0000 Times have changed. They didn’t have porn bloggers back then except maybe Luke Ford who were outing POS like this Rob

By: Tyranny Jackson Fri, 23 Jun 2017 04:28:19 +0000 Ya Mike he was a great guy. A pedophile. A suitcase pimp. Now murderer.
